Chapter Forty-Two| Hockey-less Summer

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Mary Kate

Jonathan and I spend the summer traveling the world. We've been to Italy and Japan, meeting so many great people along the way. Near the end of this summer I started getting this weird feeling, one I couldn't shake off. "What's wrong" Jon asks as we get on the plane to go home. "Its weird but I actually really miss Chicago. I miss cooking for you and Pat and the boys always coming over at random times and the view from the apartment" I admit. "You're homesick" he says and I raise my eyebrow. "Homesick" I ask. "Yeah. You know, when you've been away for a long time and miss what awaits you back home. I used to be homesick all the time when we traveled" he says. I guess I haven't had a home for so long I didn't know what I was missing out on. But I really did miss Patrick complaining about why morning skates were so early and day games. I miss sitting in the hot tub and watching Chicago life pass me by. "Are you excited to get back" I ask as the plane for Chicago takes off. "Yeah, I'm excited to get on the ice again, it feels like forever since I've skated" he sighs. I get that. He grabs my left hand and starts to play with my ring. It was a simple diamond ring but I loved what was etched inside of it the most. It said "dreams don't work unless you do". That was my mindset when we were training together for the Olympics. I've always been a dreamer, my parents told me nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Of course when you get older you become realistic and it becomes harder to be imaginative in what you want your future to be. But I wasn't like most kids. I had this unrealistic mindset that if I worked hard enough it was going to happen. If I wanted to play hockey with the boys I would. If I wanted to play a age group up I would add two hours to my practice to eventually get it. And when I decided to chase my dreams of being in the Olympics again I did everything in my power to make sure I would be able to help my team when they needed me. I'm a firm believer that dreams don't work unless I do, and now I can move on to new dreams like one day playing in the NHL or being a good mother. Whatever happens I know I'll be ready.

We walk through the door of the place we call home and it looked just like when we left... so Patrick must've been gone a lot. "Is anyone home" I yell out trying to see if Pat or Vanessa was here. I hear the sound of feet hitting the floor hard and Patrick appears in the hallway. "MARY KATE" he screams while jumping into my arms. I spin him around before placing him back on his feeer. "Let me see it" he yells grabbing for my left hand. "Damnnnn Jon, nice rock" he says looking to his friend. "Thanks, but I'm more interested in the girl under the rock" he says putting his arm around me and kissing my cheek. "You know I actually missed your nauseatingly cute couple crap" he tells us. "Wow, you have such a way with words" I say rolling my eyes. Jonny and I get our stuff into our room and unpack. "So... tell me about your travels" he says sitting on the bed. "Well bora bora was amazing, I got to swim with the sharks and that was so freaking cool. Italy was great, even got to ride on a gondola in Venice. But Japan's culture is by far my favorite. The individuality there is second to none" I boast. I loved traveling and was glad to do some out of country. "Sounds like fun. What about you Jonny, what was your favorite part" Patrick asks. "I loved spending so much time in new places with my future wife" he says and I feel my cheeks heat up. I will never get used to the way he makes me feel. "Awwww that's disgusting" he says and Jon nails him with a pillow. "What about you Pat, how was your summer" I ask. "Amazing. Vanessa and I spent a lot of time back at home in Buffalo. I got to show her around when my sisters weren't hogging her. We had a great time" he says smiling. "And where is she now" I wonder. "Back at her home. She wants to go to school one more year then live down here and get a job" he explains and I nod. She loved school and should be working on a doctorates in Vet Med now. "Whats going to happen when she moves down here" I ask wiggling my eyebrows. "You're so weird. But I don't know, I really like her and I can see us together in the future. She's great" he says playing with his thumbs. "She loves you, you know that right" I ask. "Yeah, yeah I do. But I'm scared to hurt her. She's so sweet and kind, it's crazy how people just attach to her. I don't want to mess this up" he says. "Hey man, I know how you feel. It's going to be scary, but I promise when you look into those eyes and you see all the best things in life, it makes it all worth it" Jon says sitting next to him. "Thanks Jon. Good to have you back" Pat says patting his knee. "Good to be back. Now tell me... how was your training over the summer" he asks and Patrick groans hoping off the bed and out the door. "I knew that would get him out" Jon smirks. "Why did he have to leave" I laugh. "Because I wanted to do this" he says pulling me onto the bed and kissing me passionately. "I like this" I say breathless. "I like you" he counters and I smile. "I like you too".

The burn of the 2013-2014 season was still fresh in the mind of the Hawks. By no means was it a bad season, they played really good and with the Olympics and the outdoor game, they handled the pressure pretty well. But everyone knows it doesn't mean much without a cup. Jonny had two rings at home already, many people would be pretty satisfied with that. It's a accomplishment in itself. But Jonny isn't like most people, he always finds a way to go harder and train better. "Do you think the boys are ready for training camp" Jonny asks me the night before camp when we arrive at Notre Dame. "I think they're be determined. It's not like you guys weren't close to repeating last year. You were one goal away from it. And you still have veteran people like Kaner, Sharp, Hoss, Crow, Duncs, Seabs... you. You all know what it means to win, you know what it takes and I know you will do it. Winning is in your blood Jonny, you're meant for greatness. You guys are going to be alright" I say patting his chest. "Being with you, it feels like I've already won" he replies causing me to smile. "Why are you so good to me" I ask. "Because you're so good for me".

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