Chapter Thirty-One| New Roommate

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Mary Kate

Preseason comes around quickly and the Blackhawks were looking really good. I was impressed that after the short summer the guys' legs were so fresh. They go 4-0-2 in the preseason and will take on the Capitals in the home opener for the banner raising. That would be the last we reminisce on last year and it's going to be hard to let it go, but a new journey awaits us. Before all of that was the first woman's USA practice at the UC and I was nervous, I'm not going to lie. "You ready" Jonny asks picking up the keys. "You sure you wanna watch practice, being all Canadian and shit" I joke. "My love for Canada is no match for my love for you" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "I like the sound of that" I say as I sit perfectly still in his embrace. "If we don't leave now we're never going to leave" he says setting his chin on my head. I wiggle my way out and grab his keys before he chases me out the door. "That's one way to do it" he laughs getting in the car. "Gotta do what ya gotta do" I defend.

Practice starts and I get a good feeling about this group of girls. This team has size on defense and speed throughout four the lines. "Hey Ice Queen, long time no see" Vanessa says skating up to me. "Hey girl, how have you been" I ask while I stretched in the ice. "Been good... Been doing pretty good. And yourself" I wonder. "I've been well. I'm staying around here until the Olympics so just getting used to the city" she shrugs and I grow a smile. I don't have many lady friends out here besides the wives and girlfriends but they're on the same schedule I am. "Wanna go to lunch with me, Jonny, and Pat after practice" I ask. "Sure, but which Patrick are you referring to" she laughs. "Blonde hair, blue eyes, serious obsession with himself" I respond and I see a blush grow on her cheeks. "Ohhhhh does someone have a crush" I tease and she nudges me. "Shut up" she jokes while rolling her eyes. I think they would be really cute together.

Practice starts and we get a feeling for our lines. I stick to the same line from try outs with Hillary and Meghan and continue making chemistry together. "Good shift girls" I call out as we sit on the bench and watch the others. "What do you think about this winger" Meghan asks. She was captain of most all teams she's been on because people will follow her blindly. I know I would, she's great to be around. "She's skilled but is a liability in the nuteral zone. Her offensive skills are great but looks too often to pass in the neutral zone and it turns into a turnover causing odd man rushes back into our zone. Instead she should send the puck into the offensive zone and chase it down there then use her skill set to create plays" I say watching her play. "Good eye Fletcher. Still got it" Vanessa says nudging me. Practice ends and I stay after to condition like always and Vanessa stays back to wait for me. "We just had a really intense practice and you want to skate suicides" she asks as I head to the blue line. "The only person I want to better than is the girl I was yesterday" I call out and see Jonny and Pat make their way down. "You never changed" she laughs and I nod. She's not wrong.

We take a shower and change then meet the boys out at the car. "Hey guys" I greet cheerfully hopping in the back as Vanessa follows me. "Hey Mary Kate, Vanessa" Pat says from the passenger seat. I watch as they intently stare at each other and Jon sends me a wink. They were complete opposites, she was quiet and kind while he was loud and outgoing, but that's why they would be so great together. We were both secretly hoping they would get together. We decide to go to Giordanos for lunch because it's great for people who like the family atmosphere and order the largest pizza. "So how was practice" Jon asks and I give him a glare. "I know you were watching Jon, I'm not stupid" I laugh. "Hey, I had to try" he shrugs as he wraps his arm around me. Vanessa sat across from me and Pat sat across from Jonny as we all sipped on our water waiting for the food. "So, where are you staying" I ask Vanessa. "I'm not really sure. A hotel not too far from the UC" she laughs. "Why don't you stay with us, it's not like Mary Kate here uses the spare since she's always screwing Jonathan in his room" Patrick says and I kick his leg under the table. He lets out a grunt and Jonny starts laughing before I shoot a glare at him and he stops. "I would hate to intrude" she says and I shake my head. "You're not intruding. You're here for the same reason all of us are and we want to help you achieve your dreams too" I say and Jonny nods his head in agreement. "Alright I'll stay with you. But only because I know Mary Kate is a great cook" she says giving me a wink. I watch as Vanessa and Pat flirt throughout the whole lunch and I found it both adorable and disgusting at the same time. They both liked each other but it was obvious neither of them was going to make a move.

After helping Vanessa get settled I decide it was time for bed and curl up under the blankets. Jon comes in a little while later and pulls me close as I let out a small grunt. "Does your back hurt" he whispers in my ear sending a chill down my spine. "A little" I admit. He lifts up my shirt and starts softly digging his thumbs into my back. "Better" he asks and I let out a soft moan. I feel my bra pop and my eyes shoot open. "What are your intentions here Jonathan" I ask almost half asleep. "To make your back feel better. Now relax" he says softly and I comply. I will admit that it felt really good, I relaxed so much that I ended up falling asleep like that.

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