Chapter Four| Hockey Is Back

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Mary Kate

A few days pass after the New Year and we are so close to getting a deal done. The players are working hard to come to a agreement and it should end the lock out any day now. We sent the documents to the commissioner and just hope he puts it through. In the mean time there wasn't much to do besides hang out in each other's hotel rooms or in the meeting rooms to pass time. Everyone was getting restless and it's really hard to sit still around here. Especially surrounded by hyper active hockey players who haven't played in over half a year.

"So what are you doing after this is all over" Jonathan asks me while we sat on a couch together. I was chilling in his hotel room until Rachel got back from the grocery store and really enjoyed his company. Plus Jonathan had food so naturally I came here when he offered. "I'm not sure yet. Gotta find the right place for me I guess. I don't like staying in one place too long but I think I can see myself settling down" I admit shrugging my shoulders. I was tired of running, but old habits die hard. "Have you thought about Chicago" he asks shyly and I raise my eyebrow. "I have. I need a place that can keep me busy and satisfy my need for adventure. Chicago is a great city with great people in it and I would love to plan my future there" I tell him, I was from a small town in Wisconsin. Nothing really special or cool, but I do miss the wide open skies sometimes. It was so simple and quiet, just the way I like it. "I think that you should come back to Chicago with me" he says sheepishly as the heat rises to my cheeks. "What's there for me" I ask. It was sweet he wanted me to go home with him but I wasn't quite sure what I was trying to do here. Or what he was trying to do for that matter. "Well I know there's always an opening in our front office, you can do anything your little heart desires" he claims. "Okay, and if I do go to Chicago with you where would I stay" I wonder. "I would have to make sure it's okay with my roommate but you're more than welcome to stay with us in the spare room" he offered. "Let me think about it and I'll get back to you" I say and he nods. I feel as if I can trust him, people adore him and I can see why. He was quite charming, but I don't know his motives to this.

"So, what position did you play" Jon asks as we share popcorn. I sit with my legs across his lap as he absent mindedly rubs them. Rachel had been home hours ago but I was enjoying my time with Jon so he let me stay a little while longer. "Mostly right wing, some center when I was older" I say popping another piece of popcorn in my mouth. "Do you miss hockey" he asks and I shrug. "I had a really bad injury... it sucks that it's not that I don't want to play anymore, rather that I can't play. But I manage. Since there hasn't been any hockey around lately I've been going insane but you guys will be back on the ice in no time" I say patting his arm. We continue to talk and I notice myself gravitating closer to him. I can't lie to myself, I was falling for him. But I knew better. "Well, I should be going. See you soon hopefully" I say getting up to grab my things. I didn't want to leave but things were getting more than friendly so I knew if I didn't leave now I never would. "It was nice hanging out with you, I hope we can do this more often" he says walking me to the door. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before looking up. I see him lean closer to me as a sense of panic rushes over to me. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to date him, even if I was I'm not sure I'm hockey girlfriend material. He must have sensed my confusion and pulled back quickly. "I'll uh... see you around" I say removing myself and letting out a huge sigh once the door closes. What is happening?

I sit in a room with some of the greatest hockey players to ever play the game. Pretty surreal looking around at all the huge guys discussing who knows what. We've been in this room for 14 hours, if something doesn't get done I will lose my mind. We were waiting eagerly to hear back from the commissioner on the latest deal. It's been hours so far and we were still waiting to hear back after we sent in the latest proposal. If this one didn't get through the chances of having a NHL season this year were slim to none. "This is absolutely ridiculous" Zach Parise calls out ending the silence. "I second that" Sid says and we all agree with them. "Guys, I don't know what to do if this doesn't work" Jonny says and I give him a weird look. "You guys are some of the most skilled players in the world in all of sports, I think the real question is what can't you do? Look at it this way, from this really shitty situation you all will finally get the respect you deserve. And when it's all said and done and you can be with your team again, all this pent up anger and need to play hockey will be released. The possibilities are endless" I remind them from one end of the table. "You're right" Zach sighs and I nod. "I hope so" I admit.

We've been sitting at this damn table for hours waiting on word that we can get this zamboni rolling again. A large man in a nice black suit comes to the door and I spring to my feet. I slowly walk over to him as he hands me a stack of papers before leaving. I read the first words and grow a huge smile. "Look like you boys are going home. You got your league back" I exclaim and they all cheer. "It finally happened" Zach says and I nod. "It did, it was a pleasure working with you" I say and he nods. "You too kid, nice job. Hope to see you around" he exclaims and I smile. "You too" I say before he leaves. Eventually everyone leaves and I pack my things up. I noticed Jons jacket laying on the table and decide to pick it up just in case. It smelled like him, it was comforting. I take one last look at the room filled with memories. This was a great start to a new beginning.

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