Chapter Twenty-Four| Dangerous

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The defending Stanley cup champions were no match for my team. We take care of them in five games. And I have to admit, Patrick's heart breaker celly was pretty nice, but still too distasteful for me. He was having himself a post season, even had a hat trick last game and seemed to be making plays everywhere. But are we really surprised? Ever since we both started on this team we promised each other that we would do anything to make this city proud, he is doing a damn good job. The team found its groove again and was rolling into the Stanley cup finals. I might have been in the big leagues for only 6 years, I'm no Hossa or Jagr, but I've been in plenty of important games in my short tenure. Now we were to face the Mighty Bruins who was the team before the kings who won it all. But we aren't scared.

Hockey is tiring. Hockey entering triple overtime is just plain torture. "At this point I'm not even sure I care who ends this. I'm exhausted" I admit waiting for the sixth period of this game to start. A shoot out doesn't sound too bad right now. "This thing is going to end on some weak goal, I can bet you that" Hossa says and I agree. Ten minutes of the period passes and at this point no one is looking for a play, were just throwing pucks at the net and hoping for the best. We're lucky enough to have a deep forward rotation, no matter which line is out there we knew something could happen. Boys are emerging this post season and that's good for not only this year but next year. The Kruger-Bickell-Shaw line goes out and battles hard in the corner of the Bruins zone. The puck squeezes out to Rozy who throws the puck on goal and Kruger deflects it off Shaws knee then into the net where the longest game in Blackhawks history finally ends. We all rush on the ice to thank Shaw for putting a end to this game. I get over to him when he starts "I love shin pads" and the rest is history.

The morning of game five we all head to morning skate. After falling 2-1 the series is now tied and we were looking to keep up our good fortunes. Out of the first four games three of them has been into over time. So practices are normally light and I just mess with Mary Kate the whole time. "You excited for your first practice getting closer" I ask as we pass the puck back and fourth. "Hell yeah, I can't wait to get started" she says saucing a pass to me. "I hope you know I can only kinda cheer for you. I'm forever team Canada" I joke as we move from passes to taking shots into the empty net. "Remember that when Kane is written across my back and not Toews" she chirps back as I fake emotional distress. "Cross bar" she calls out and sends a puck into it then into the net. Impressive. "What about you, when is your selection and practices" she asks. "Selection should be sometime soon but practices probably won't start till next year" I say hitting a slap shot into the net. We continue taking shots until all the pucks were in the net. Practice ends and everyone except Mary Kate leaves because she always had to condition. I quickly write a note before placing it on her bag and head out of the building.

I decided I wanted to take Mary Kate out since we haven't in a really long time so I left her a message of what to wear and where to meet me at. At 7 pm on the dot I see Pats car drive up to the sushi place and Mary Kate get out the car and thank him. She was wearing a beautiful white sweater and black leggings with boots. Her light brown hair was straight and under a white stocking cap. It's like every time I see her I fall more in love and I couldn't stop myself. When she gets close enough I grab her hand and twirl her around as she lets out a giggle. "You look... breathtaking" I whisper once she's in my arms. "You know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder" she says taping my nose. I plant a kiss on her lips before we walk inside and get seated at our table.

"So if we win tomorrow night my parents are flying out to Boston for game six" I inform her. "Is that so" she asks with her eyebrows raised. "Yeah, and if I don't introduce you to them then I might not make it back to Chicago alive" I laugh. "I would love to meet your parents. Tell me about them" she asks. "My moms name is Andrée and she already loves you. You're a lot like her though, always filled with so much hope and positivity. My dads name is Bryan, he doesn't say much but he's super sweet. They both raised me the best way they could and I know I would be nothing without them" I say and look up from the menu to see her smiling. "Why are you looking at me like that" I ask. "I love hearing you talk about your parents like that. It warms my heart" she admits. I can tell she missed her parents so I decide to change the subject. "So, if we could have any other player on the Hawks team, who would you want" I ask as she strokes her imaginary playoff beard. "Ovechkin. I'd like to see what would happen if we locked him in a room with Shawzie" she says causing me to laugh. "That's a dangerous thought Ms. Fletcher" I tease. "I'm a dangerous woman Mr. Toews" she giggles and I roll my eyes. Take her off the ice and she couldn't hurt a fly. Give her skates and a stick and she just might break you. But that's one of the many many reasons I love her.

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