Chapter Twelve| Undefeated

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Mary Kate

I guess you could say the Blackhawks start to the 2013 shortened season has been pretty good so far. They're 5-0-0 and don't look like they're going to slow down any time soon. As the end of January nears the Red Wings are in town as the Hawks try to go six consecutive games with a win and you can tell the pressure to keep up the good performances start is mounting. I was making a post morning skate pre game meal for the boys as they took their pre-game naps while watching some sports center. This is my life now. They were doing a piece on the upcoming olympics and they were talking about the men's hockey team. It was pretty cool working for the Hawks because many of the teams will be represented in the organization. Mostly for Canada but we had USA and Sweden and Slovakia in there too. I remember when I was supposed to be in the Olympics, people expected me to do great things on the international stage, at least that's what the scouts told me. Being around the ice all the time makes me miss it that much more but thankfully the Hawks are more than entertaining to keep my mind off it.

"Smells great in here" Pat says taking a seat at the island. I fix him a plate of penne with alfredo sauce and garlic bread and green beans and set it in front of him. "You're seriously the best" he says pulling me into a side hug before digging in. "Anything for you" I say while bowing and I already know he was rolling his eyes. Not too long after Jon comes dragging his feet out of his room and plops down. "That was the best pre-game nap I have ever endured" he says as I fix his plate. "I'm glad you feel good. Now eat up, you need the energy for tonight" I say placing a plate in front of him. "You didn't have to do this" he says with a smile. "Speak for yourself" Patrick snaps while getting a second helping of penne causing me to laugh. "You guys are letting me stay here and you won't take my money, so yes... I do" I defend fixing my own plate then sitting across from him. "But we love having you here, don't we Patrick" Jonny says nudging Patrick who just shoveled a bunch of food in his mouth. "Most definitely" he says with his mouth full and I almost lose it. He was a character. "Well I love being here" I admit. We finish up dinner and Jonathan helps me with the dishes. "We have a off day tomorrow, what do you say to another date" he asks as I hand him a dish I just washed. "I'd say there isn't anything else in this world I would rather do" I reply causing him to smile. "I was hoping you'd say that".

"Okay, whoever said over time hockey was a good idea is a sick and twisted person" I mumble as the Red Wings game goes into over time. It was a hard physical game and I really wanted it to be over, with a win of course. "I kind of enjoy overtime hockey" Duncs says from in front of me. "Yes, because you too, are a sick and twisted person. But that's why we love you" I say causing Q to laugh. "Can't argue with that" he shrugs as he turns back to the ice. Luckily it didn't take too long for Hossa to send the puck into the net and end it quickly.

"Good game tonight" I say to Jonny and Pat as we get in the car. I don't mind waiting for the media scrum to get over because theirs are always so entertaining. "What do you say to a celebratory drink with the guys" Jonny asks as we buckle up. I turn to see Patrick giving me the puppy dog eyes and give in easily. I hated when he did that. "Fine let's go" I say exasperatedly and we take off to the closest bar.

The smell of alcohol and desperation was strong in this one. I look around to see a bunch of half naked girls and overly drunk guys everywhere and immediately regret this decision. "We can leave if you want. Patrick can ride home with Crow" Jonny whispers into my ear. "No, I'll be fine. Go have fun with the boys" I say. After much convincing he goes with his team and I decide to sit at the bar. He deserved to let loose with the boys and celebrate such a great start to the season. "Nice shirt" the bartender says motioning to the Blackhawks polo I was wearing. I was still in my work clothes, not exactly bar hopping material. "Oh, thanks" I laugh as I order a water. "You don't look like you want to be here" he observes and I nod. "This isn't really my thing" I admit playing with my straw. I decide to take my hair down from the tight bun it was in all game and let it loose, man that felt good. The bartender leaves and I was kinda sad, he was good company.

As time passes I enjoy my time by myself and just people watch. Jon didn't like to drink while in season so I wasn't worried about him getting in any trouble, I just enjoyed watching how people acted, wondered what happened to make them drink themselves delirious on a Tuesday night. "Hey, do you want to dance" a guy asks me while trying to grab at my hand. "No thank you" I say kindly retracting my hand. "Come on, just one dance" he insists coming closer. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm actually here with my boyfriend" I explain but he didn't seem to get it. "One dance" he repeats and I start getting frustrated. "I really don't want to" I say but he never does get it. I finally hop off the stool and look for Jon.

"Jon, can we please leave" I ask as he gets a worried expression. "Yeah, what's wrong" he asks and I shake my head. "You gotta tell me" he presses and before I respond the same guy returns looking for a dance. "I said no, why don't you get that" I ask getting really frustrated. "Because it's just one dance. It's not going to hurt anybody" he claims. "Please Jon, can we just leave" I ask and he nods pulling me behind him and out of the bar.

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