Chapter 67

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Hunter's  (Triple H) point of view

"Great show, everybody!" I high five everybody as they walk from the building, having completed a pretty top notch live show. These girls and guys always put a great show on, which is exactly why I chose them for my side of the tour. Vince wanted all of the big names going to Ireland shows but I knew that my group could put on just as good a show as they could, if not better.

I see Riley and Carter walking out of the exit, and smile. Maybe now that I've gotten her away from that lunatic she can actually focus and become the business woman she has the potential to be. The woman I want her to be. thatll teach Ambrose.

I think back to what happened almost a year ago, and my fists clench.

Carter knows what he's supposed to be doing this week and I trust him to get it done. Besides, Riley will thank me eventually.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and see the name of my assistant on the screen. She's currently on the Ireland side of the tour to keep an eye on everything for me while I cannot be there.

"Hello, Ashley." I greet her. She's been working for me for about 10 months, and I have nothing to complain about. I know everything will be efficient when she's around. Shes a bit stern, but it helps things move along and ensure the business runs as I would have it as if I were there.

She is currently holding a position I would hope Riley could hold one day, with more reasonability of course.

"Hello, Sir. I'm sorry to bother you but.." her voice is rushed and panicked, very different from her normal, calm and cool voice. Something must have happened. The New Day probably pulled a prank, or Punk got arrested, or Ambrose beat somebody up. I run through all of the possible fuckery that could have happened with all of those assholes over there as Ashley collects herself.

"No worries, what's happened?" I begin, in hopes of relaxing her. No major crisis has happened since Ashley began, at least not one that she would have to be in charge of. It's probably something simple that feels much bigger than it is. Some boys snuck out to party? Typical. Cheating scandal? Even more typical. There could be an injury or an actual wrestling problem like that. I try to slow my brain down and simply wait for her to fill me in.

"It's Ambrose.." she says, seeming skittish. Of course it's Ambrose, if there's a problem usually Ambrose is attached to it. It doesn't surprise me. He's probably locked up in an Irish jail somewhere.

"Oh god. What's he done now?" I groan. All I asked for was 3 weeks of good behaviour, he couldn't even give me 3 days. It's extremely aggravating dealing with someone like that.

"There's been an accident." She tells me, and my heart speeds up. What kind of accident? In ring, brawl at a bar? You never really know with dean. For all we know it could be that he stole an elephant from the local zoo and fell off of it.

Dean is one of our top stars and from a business perspective it isn't ideal for Dean to have any injuries right now. However, he usually works through most injuries so I'm sure this won't be any different, or we can hope.

"He got in a car accident about 5 hours away from the hotel. I believe he was on his way to England to see you guys, more specifically Riley." Ashley explains. Holy fuck. Car accidents can be fucking terrifying and career ending. Why the fuck was he coming to England? He's too obsessed with Riley and he has to learn to stay away from her. This is getting ridiculous.

I'm immediately on my feet, pacing the hallway around me. Is he hurt? Is he dead? I wait as Ashley begins filling me in.

"They need a family or emergency contact. The police just identified the body and someone needs to stay with him at the hospital until he wakes up." She says. I sigh, he's such a piece of work. At least he's still alive, we don't need another dead fucking wrestler. However, as soon as the dirt sheets get ahold of this, we're fucked. We need a better explanation than what actually happened.

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