Chapter 56

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Brad fell asleep without much effort, passing out on the couch in Riley's living room. Her dad was already asleep when we arrive home finally, and Riley looks absolutely exhausted.

"Want any coffee?" Riley whispers from the kitchen, careful to keep her voice low so her dad didn't wake up. I slide my shoes off and kick them to the side of the welcome mat in front of the door.

"Sure" I walk into the kitchen and stand behind Riley as she pushes the buttons on the coffee maker to begin brewing. Her shoulders are slumped down as she lets out a sigh. I can tell she is tired and I know she wanted this weekend off to be relaxing, but so far it's been anything but relaxing.

I turn her small body around and pull her into my arms. I will always love how perfectly she fits into mine, it's so small and I like the feeling of wrapping her up in my body because mine completely swallows hers. She rests her head against my chest and breathes in a few times. I'm wearing the sweater she loves, the one she's slept in before. I know she wants to keep it, but selfishly I like it because it smells like her.

She pats me on the butt jokingly, to try and lighten the mood and I laugh before letting go of her. She turns around and grabs some mugs from the cupboard. I walk over to the tiny table in the corner of the kitchen and slide out her chair before sitting in my own.

She doesn't have to ask me how I drink my coffee, she knows already. She never asked me how I take it, she cared enough to find out.

Do I deserve her? Absolutely not. Is she too good for me? Definitely. What the hell am I going to do?

"Here" she smiles a smile that does not match her tired eyes, but she doesn't let it show through.

The steaming cup is placed in front of me and for the next hour she sips her tea while I wait a few minutes before drinking my entire cup of coffee in only a few seconds. She watches me with amazement and I love how her eyes light up. She said she's never see anyone do it before and I still love how her eyes light up when she watches me.

"Let's head to bed." Riley says after a few moments of empty silence and the smell of coffee begins to fade from the room. I pick up my mug and hers and walk them back to the kitchen sink.

The silence between us is becoming thick, and I want to say something to her, but my thoughts are consuming me.

I'm confused and beginning to get lost in my own fucking head. Why do I think leaving Riley is a good idea? Why in the hell could leaving the most perfect girl possibly be good for me or for her?

It makes sense in my head, to me and only me, and when I have to explain it to Riley I know she won't understand it. But I can't think about that, at least right now anyways.

I take her hand in mine as she walks ahead of me into the tiny bedroom I remember from our last visit. I look at the small bed that is expected to hold both of our bodies. It would be easy to fit her in the bed, but putting me in there will be a challenge considering I don't think I could even fit one leg on there.

"I'm too tired to change" Riley tells me, sitting on the bed. I agree with her, and sit down next to her, causing the bed to squeak. There's a pink sheet laid out and a small purple comforter to match on top.

"Well..." Riley says. She takes off her coat and throws it onto the ground beside the bed before laying on her back and looking up at me.

"Your turn." She challenges. The bed can't be anything bigger than a double bed, I'm convinced it's a single sized bed.

I lay down, almost on top of her and I can feel the bed shaking from her laughter.

"Holy shit, how did you ever sneak boyfriends into this bed?" I ask, and immediately regret it. Thinking of Riley and any other man makes my jaw clench and my fists tighten, and it also threatens to have my stomach spill it's dinner out, just at the thought.

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