Chapter 37

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Riley's point of view

I stare up at the tallest roller coaster in the park. I know that Paige, Punk, Roman and Randy are about to get on it soon.
It's almost dark out, and all of the coasters are lit up with pretty lights, making them glow through the darkness. It's such a pretty sight. The air has become chilly, and I continue to rub my arms to keep warm. Most of the small kids have left for the night, so now teens and adults are the majority of the crowd.
Dean isn't a fan of roller coasters, so he
A few fans spotted Dean and Seth, and asked to take a few photos with them. I look over my shoulder and see Dean posing with a man who looks about twenty years older than Dean. I smile at his goofy expression, before looking back at the coaster.
"That's so tall" Nattie says with awe. I nod in agreement. My sunglasses almost fall off of the top of my head from looking up so high.
Nattie went on a bunch of rides this afternoon, but even she agreed that this one is way too high. Paige said this one is the last one they want to go on, so we should be ready to leave soon.
"Are you ready for the European tour?" Nattie asks me. I had almost forgotten about that tour, Hunter said it starts in a week from Tuesday, which is my birthday. Three weeks is a long time, but I'm exited. I've always wanted to go to Paris.
"Yeah, I've never been to Europe. Have you?" I ask her. Things between Nattie and I aren't exactly great, but today is supposed to be fun, and you can't have any fun if you just have anger built up all day.
"A few times. This is usually the most exhausting part of the tour, and you can get annoyed by everybody else really quick. But it also kind of bonds everybody in some sort of way" Nattie laughs, and I feel butterflies of excitement in my stomach. This could be really fun.
"That sounds amazing!" I tell her.
"It is. Before the tour last year, Seth and I hated each other. Now, we are actually great friends." She tells me. I look over my shoulder again, and watch Dean and Seth. The crowd around them is thinning out, and it looks like they're almost done. I continue to rub my hands up and down my arms, and my teeth chatter from the cool night air.
"Just be careful" Nattie warns me. I look at her with confusion. What does she mean?
"Huh?" I ask. She bites the inside of her lip, and looks scared to tell me something.
"The European tour is when a lot of the guys cheat on there girlfriends back home. Randy, Seth, Cesaro and Dolph all cheated on there girls in the first week of the tour last week" Nattie sighs. I don't know if she's trying to scare me into thinking Dean is going to cheat on me, but it won't work.
"That's really terrible" I say, not knowing what else to say. If I'm going in the tour with Dean, I'm certain he won't cheat on me. Dean is super loyal, and so am I.
"I know.. Just be careful" she says, lowering her voice at the end, and looking over my head. Before I can question what she's looking at, a jacket is thrown over my shoulders.
I look down at the jacket. It's a leather jacket, and it gives off the essence of Dean.
I glance over my shoulder and see Dean jogging back over to the group of fans. I guess he just left to give me his jacket.
I don't know what's gotten into him recently. For the past two days he's been a completely different Dean. Flirty, fun and not as grumpy as usual. He's still grumpy, he's told Seth to go to hell at least three times today, but he's still been in a pretty good mood.
"Riley!" Paige screams. I look around through the crowd of people for her, before I see Roman standing tall above everybody and Paige following closely behind him.
"Hey" I call. She runs over to me, not caring how weird it looks for her to be running around like that. Usually I don't like attracting attention to myself, but seeing Paige not give a damn who has a problem with her is refreshing.
"How was it?" I ask once she's close enough to hear. Randy looks terrified, and a bit pale. I think that last coaster was a little too much for him. Meanwhile Punk and Roman look perfectly fine, and still high off of the adrenaline rush.
"Amazing. I loved it!" Paige exclaims excitedly.
"that's great" I laugh at how badly Randy looks like he's about to throw up. I call over and make sure he doesn't need any help. He waves me off and goes back to bend over into a nearby trash can.
A wave of awkward silence washes over Nattie, Paige and I. I don't think Paige likes Nattie, because Paige seems to have a theory that Nattie is hitting on Dean. If it were Paige and I, there wouldn't be silence, and there never is between us.
"Are you almost ready to head back?" Nattie asks both Paige and I. I'm pretty tired, and wouldn't mind heading back to the hotel soon.
"No way. There's a firework show starting really soon. We're staying for that" Paige grabs my wrist and I laugh.
"Guess I'm staying too. What about you?" I ask Nattie. She shrugs and looks over at Dean. I swear if she stays because Dean is, I'll scream.
"I think I'm going to stay too. It sounds like fun" Nattie laughs, and I smile lightly at her as a tired looking Randy walks over to us. His arms are covered in tattoos, which looks nice against the contrast of his plain white tshirt.
"Are you coming back? Roman and I are leaving now" Randy asks me, standing to my left.
"I think I'm staying for the fireworks" I tell him apologetically. He shrugs.
"One day, you gotta come on a car ride with me. Live life in the fast lane" he chuckles.
"I definitely wanna try that" I tell him, as Punk walks over to us. I feel bad that were standing in the middle of the fairway grounds, but there aren't too many people around anymore.
"I think I'm staying for that firework show" punk tells us, as Randy waves goodbye. Roman quickly gives each of us a farewell hug, before following Randy towards the parking lot.
I don't know how we're going to get home, since there's 6 of us now and only one car, but I guess we're going to have to figure it out.
"Come on, grab your boy toy and let's head over to the field" Paige impatiently pokes my shoulder that's still covered by dean's coat. She stares down at it and wiggles her eyebrows repeatedly, smirking.
"Oh shut it you" I laugh, and stumble over to find Dean in the mix of people. As soon as I get near him, he looks up from the photo he's in the middle of taking. Once it's snapped, he squirms his way out of the crowd and tells Seth to do the same. There are only a few people who came back for another photo, so I guess everybody got what they wanted.
"Nice coat" he smirks, and takes my hand. I don't know if I should offer it back, or keep it. I don't think I'm ready to let it go just yet.
"Thank you for letting me use it" I mumble. He stays quiet, and swings the backpack off of his back. He zips it open and pulls out a beanie that I immediate recognized, because it's mine. It's a simple hat, dark purple that looks almost black. I think I got it for like$10 at a thrift shop, so I don't really care if he wears it. I like the idea of him wearing it though.
He tugs it down his head, pulling strongly.
"Holy shit you have a small head" he groans, and I giggle.
Dean and I are follow get behind the other four, who are headed towards this field that Paige was talking about. I guess it's where the fireworks show is going to be held.
We step off of the black concrete onto grass. There are a few picnic tables in the field that people have sat down at to watch the show. The field is fenced in with barbed wire, but it's still a pretty big area. The grass comes up past our ankles and the cool breeze brushes the grass back and forth.
"Should we stand over there?" Paige points to an empty space near the middle of the field. Over 100 people have already gathered in the field, but the area Paige is pointing to is mostly empty.
As we begin to walk to the spot Paige pointed to, explosions sound above us. I look up and see fireworks exploding in an amazing showcase of colours.
"Whoa" I whisper to myself. Yeah, I've seen fireworks before, but these look so amazing, so up close and personal.
"They're so cool!" Punk exclaims over the "oohs" and "ahhs" of the crowd.
I'm surprised how close Seth and Paige are standing. I thought for sure they'd be at each other's throats all day. Dean didn't tell anybody he invited Seth, and I thought it would turn into a train wreck. But it's actually been a pretty great day. I'm pretty sure o got sunburnt on my shoulder, but it's all worth it.
"I love you" Dean whispers. I smile up at him. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing him say that. It sounds so good coming from his lips.
"I love you too" i smile lightly.
We turn back to the fireworks as an array of overhead explosions go off, spreading red, blue, yellow, and green through the dark sky.
"This is so neat" I say, and turn to look at Paige. I'm definitely shocked to see what I do.
Her and Seth are latched onto each other, there mouths connected tightly as they messily make out in the middle of a field.
I poke Dean in the stomach and gesture to Seth and Paige, trying to stifle a laugh in the process. His shocked expression mixed with confusion basically says it all, before he spills into laughter.

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