Chapter 30

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Dean and I had sat in the car for a really long time, talking about his memories of Dusty, and we even laughed a few times at all of the outrageous things that Dusty used to say. A certain sadness still lingered through each of us, but I think Dean wants to celebrate Dustys life, because he did do a lot of amazing things.
Once we say the sun beginning to rise over the horizon, we realized how long we had been talking, letting time pass, and we drove back to the hotel room.
"Do you want a water?" I ask, as I bend over to grab myself a drink from the small mini fridge in every hotel room. I look over my shoulder and see Dean laying in bed, with the sheets still tucked into the corners and the bed fully made. He has his eyes closed, and his hands behind his neck as he lay peacefully on his back.
I sigh, Dean is supposed to go to the live show early, because it starts at 6 tonight. I know he told me he has an interview with a local radio station at 11. He has to go workout and be at the arena for 1 to review the program for tonight and try to plan a few amazing moves with whoever his opponent will be. He can't sleep for too long, he has too much to do.
I grab a water bottle from the fridge and shut the door. The clock beside the bed reads 6:03. I guess if Dean sleeps for an hour, I can bring him breakfast in the room while he gets ready, then he can use the hotel gym, and go to the interview. Dean hates being late, so I have to make sure he wakes up with enough time to do everything, or he's going to be frustrated.
I decide to let him sleep, and go for a walk around the hotel. I'm quite tired myself, but I know I can sleep while Dean goes to the live show. We have a flight to South Dakota tonight as well as soon as the live show ends, so hopefully we can both sleep for an hour during that plane ride.
I grab my pass key off of the top of the mini fridge and quietly sneak out from the room, turning off the light behind me.
I don't know where to go. It's a hotel, they all look the same, there isn't much to explore. I remember seeing a hotel gift shop in the lobby when we checked in, so I might as well go check out some of the touristy things for sale, if it's even open this early in the morning.
I get in the elevator and wait for it to arrive at the lobby. When I step out, there's a girl waiting to get on the elevator.
"Paige!" I exclaim, and she looks up from her phone, before a wide smile overtakes her face.
"Riley!" Her distinct British accent flows so easily out of her mouth. I run over to her and almost run over her from hugging her so hard. Her suitcase falls beside her, as she hugs me back. It feels like Paige has left way too many times, and we're always hugging goodbye and hello. It doesn't seem like Paige has been gone for five days, it feels like it's been five years.
"How was your visit home?" I ask, letting go of her. I never knew the exact date when she was coming back, I thought it wasn't for a few days, but I'm definitely happy to see her now.
She has tired eyes, and her clothes are way out of her character. She has a grey baggy hoodie and black leggings on, I'm not used to seeing Paige so dressed down, but she looks nice like this.
"Amazing, but way too short" she laughs, and I nod along.
"So where are you and your cute little butt headed off to?" Paige asks, and I dip my head back in laughter.
"I'm just going for a walk around, Dean fell asleep" I tell her, as the elevator closes behind me.
"Oh, sorry. I'm holding you up, you can go to your room" I tell her, moving out of the way so she can get onto the elevator.
"Are you kidding, no way. I just slept for nine hours on a plane, this is the most I've slept in years" she exclaims. She's very energetic at a very early hour, and I'm getting tired just talking to her.
She grabs the handle of her suitcase and begins walking beside me. We see a seating area near a window, and decide to go sit down and catch up. The couches are soft, and even though they're orange, they blend well with the room, giving it a hip and modern look.
Near the front door of the hotel, a shuttle bus from the airport unloads, and tired looking people stumble off of the bus, seeming desperate just to get to there room and sleep. That's exactly how Dean looked when he crawled out of the car. I don't blame him, he hasn't slept well recently.
"So" Paige says, plopping down on one of the chairs. I sit on the couch, the side closest to the chair she's sitting in. She places her hands under her chin, over dramatically looking interested.
"What's been happening around here? Have Nikki and Brie said anything to you?" She asks, and I remember that I didn't tell her that I went home.
"I actually took a page out of your book and went home for a few days" I tell her, and she grins.
"That's really great, how was the family?" She questions, as if she's known them for years so when in reality she's never met them.
"They're all good. My best friend is getting married soon and my brother is having a baby" I smile, knowing that Paige has an odd obsession with babies.
"Oh my gosh!" She exclaims loudly, and a few tired people getting off the shuttle bus shush her, and she withholds a laugh into the back of her hand.
"I feel like I'm missing so much by being away" I honestly admit to her.
"I don't think you should, I mean you'll probably be able to get time off to go to the wedding" Paige says.
I know she's trying to make me feel better, but it doesn't. Since we were little, Erica and I have dreamed of planning our weddings together, getting matching dresses, and being each other's maid of honour, since neither of us have sisters. But now that I can't be there to help her plan, she's probably going to ask someone else to be her Maid of Honour. I'm not mad at her for it though, she's going to do whatever she needs to so that she has a good wedding day. It would still be fun to be a bridesmaid, but I wish I could be there for my best friend leading up to her wedding day.
"I guess your right" I shrug, and she smiles sympathetically. I think Paige understands what this feels like, she's probably missed some important stuff with her family, so it's sort of nice to talk to someone who actually understands it.
"Hey ladies" a voice says. I turn to the right and see Seth walking towards us with a water bottle and an iPod in hand, obviously headed to the gym. It's still so weird to see superstars dressed down in regular clothes. Just watching wrestling since I was little, I'm so used to seeing the talent in there ring gear, so seeing them in anything else is different.
"Hey Seth" Paige greets him, looking away from him quickly. He awkwardly stares at her for a few seconds, before turning to me. I give a small wave in hopes of ending the awkward situation. He sits down on the couch cushion beside me.
"Did Dean find you last night?" Seth asks me. I can't imagine he's gotten too good of a sleep, because he was out until around midnight, and it's pretty early now.
"Yeah" I simply say, not wanting to get into all of my personal issues right now.
"Did you guys hear what happened last night?" Seth asks both Paige and I, and I'm pretty sure he's referring to Dusty passing. I stay quiet, and look down at my hands folded in my lap. Paige perks up, and stares at both of us.
"What?" She ask confused, looking at Seth for the first time. I have no clue why things are so awkward between these two, Seth sighs beside me. I know he doesn't want to be the bearer of bad news. I know Paige and Dusty worked closely together in NXT, so I'm pretty sure she won't take this lightly.
"Dusty passed away" Seth admits, and I look up to see Paige's reaction. She stares at both of us, frantically searching our eyes to see if Seth is lying. Immediately, tears start welling up in her eyes.
"Are...really?" She asks. I feel tears forming in my eyes for the tenth time tonight. Seeing Paige so hurt really stings.
"I'm sorry Paige" Seth whispers. She shakes her head and sniffles.
"You know what, I'm just going to head up to my room for a few minutes... And unpack..," Paige says, not looking either Seth nor I in the eyes. I know she hates crying in front of others, it makes her feel weak. Seth walks over to her, about to give her a hug, but he looks up at him, and glares. What's going on? He sets his arms down beside his arms and looks away from her.
"Paige, do you-" I begin, but she stands and gives a fake smile as tears slowly fall down her face.
"I'm fine, I just... Bye" she says quickly, before taking off towards the elevator, not looking back at either of us.
Seth exhales deeply beside me, and I turn my attention to him.
"Are you alright?" I ask him. I know he was also close with Dusty. This man touched so many people's lives, it's an incredible legacy to leave behind.
"I will be" Seth says quietly. I nod, I can see he doesn't want to talk about this right now.
"What time did you end up falling asleep last night?" I ask him in an attempt to change the subject. He smiles a little, so I know he appreciates it.
I want to ask him about what was so awkward between him and Paige, but it probably isn't my place to step in.
"Like 1 maybe, what about you?" Seth pushes back the blonde hair on his left side out of his eyes, and let's out a deep yawn. He doesn't look too tired, which is nice for him, because I'm pretty sure I look like a dead zombie right now.
"I haven't slept yet" I laugh, and he gasps.
"Holy shit, take a nap" he suggests, but it sounds more like a demand.
"No, I'm not tiered" I tell him, but I know I'm lying. My eyes are heavy, and with every blink, they try to stay shut. The bottom of my feet are aching, which only happens when I get seriously tired.
"Liar" Seth smirks, and I roll my eyes.
"Are not" I defend myself like a little girl.
"Riley, just have a nap. I'll sit here and make sure nothing happens, and I'll wake you up in like five minutes" Seth says. I would really like to have a nap. But I can't, I have to go wake Dean up soon.
"No... No I'm" before I finish the sentence, my eyes involuntarily close, and I lean my head back against the couch. I instantly doze off into a much needed sleep.

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