Chapter 33

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Authors note:
Let's talk about the Lockdown poster, Dean looks hot as hell, and I am so pumped to see the movie.
Okay sorry, continue reading

Dean's point of view

I almost ask Riley to repeat what she just said, because I can't believe it. The suitcase handle falls from my hand and the suitcase itself falls backwards. I don't bend down to pick it up, I'm utterly shocked right now. I think I look like a dear in a headlight, but who gives a shit.

She loves me. She really loves me. It sounds so perfect coming from her lips, and I want to hear her say it again and again and again.
I don't know why she does. I will never know why she loves me. She is a kind, positive, hilarious light, and I am an eternal black hole. But the light that is Riley truly brightens my world. She is the light at the end of the tunnel, and guides me through the darkness, that 2 years ago I thought it was eternal darkness. But it isn't.

All of the terrible shit that's happened in my life, all of the people who have told me I'm an unlovable jackass or I'm going to live alone... After a while you start to believe them. And when I told Riley that I might love her, and she didn't say it back, it made me think that all of those accusations that I had been working my whole life to disprove, were right. That hurt so bloody bad, and I was afraid that it's true, maybe I was meant to be alone forever, as an unloved soul.
But as this beautiful light of a woman stands in front of me, with reddened cheeks and her eyes staring back at me with the most innocent stare possible, it all seems worth it.

She stares at me, obviously waiting for me to say something. She said it so loudly, that a few people around us have stopped to stare, to see my reaction. No words seem to come from my mouth.

I want to tell her that I love her too, and have loved her since I first saw her sleeping in her hotel room after I brought Paige home. I've loved her since the many rants that she went on during the long car rides. I've loved her since I saw her eyes light up as she took in her new work place on her first day here. I was afraid to admit that I loved anybody else, because I thought it was disrespectful to Renee.
But as Riley has taught me, you need to learn to live for now, and not worry about the skeletons sleeping in your closet.

I take a few steps over to her, and pick her up at her waist. This is what they do in Nicolas Sparks novels, so I guess I should give it a try. I lift her above my head and smile up at her as a few strands of her hair falls into my face. She finally relaxes, and a beautiful smile overtakes her face, which slowly turns to laughter.
She holds on to the top of my shoulders, and stares down at me. We are all alone in the room. Well, no we aren't, there's kids everywhere and I think it would be highly inappropriate to have a steamy make out session with Riley, because Kissing is basically sex to kids, but I guess they should cover there eyes or something.
I slowly bring her feet back down, before planting a single kiss on her soft lips. This kiss, is different. We have kissed more times than you can count, but when you both love each other, it's indescribable. You both desire more, and your lips pray to be together.

It's fucking awesome.

"Oh" I say, remembering something.

"I guess I love you too" I finally say with a smirk, and she rolls her eyes, a smile still plastered on her face. She has a new glow to her face, making her look... I don't know, not better because she was already hotter than anybody.
I never tell her how beautiful I think she is, I hardly ever compliment her. The words just sound awkward coming from my mouth, but the words are always a nonstop flowing stream in my mind.
"You're such a dork" she tells me, and I shrug, before laughing lightly. This is so weird, I can't stop smiling and laughing. Since when did I move to rainbow and sun shining shit person?
It's kind of nice, though.

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