Chapter 11

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"Did you see Nikki glaring at me" I whisper to Paige as we walk down a corridor. John just left to go wish His girlfriend luck in her match. I wish John would see how much Nikki hates me and how if he keeps coming near me, he's going to get me killed at the hands of his girlfriend. I'm sick of all this drama that comes with John, but I do really like his company.
"No, but I see someone else glaring at you" Paige stops in the middle of the hallway, with her head looking back over her shoulder
. I turn and see what she's looking at, and I truly don't believe it.
Dean and Nikki stand together, whispering to each other and pointing at me. Dean laughs at something Nikki says, and I think I see him wink at me. What the hell?!
Nikki leans over and hugs Dean, and he hugs her back. I almost throw up, it's so weird. And I'm pissed. They were obviously talking about me, I wish I knew what they were saying. Dean needs to stop messing with me and my emotions, one second he wants to be friends, and the next he's doing this shit. What a nut.
"Dean, seriously go away" I hear Paige say, and I snap out of my thoughts to see Dean walking towards me with his eyes locked on mine, a certain urgency to his expression. He doesn't look angry, which is what I'm used to with him.
I turn on my heel and begin to walk the opposite way, Paige trailing behind. I don't make it too far before Dean steps in front of my path and holds my arms so I can't get away.
"Let me go" I order, but it comes out soft and scared. The lack of lighting in this hallway makes Dean look extremely intimidating. His eyes are hooded and hold so much emotion, and his all black attire isn't helping.
"Riley please. I need to talk to you" he says, and I finally see Dean Ambrose looking vulnerable. Usually the only emotion he shows is anger or annoying. I sigh and look over at Paige, telling her I will be fine. She is hesitant, but she walks away, promising to find me later.
"I only have a few minutes" I tell him and he nods. Dean lets go of my arms and I take a step back.
"Okay, I have to tell you something" he says, running his hand through his wet loose hair. I can tell he's stressed but I don't know what about.
"It's about Nikki-" he begins but I interrupt him.
"Oh, you mean your new best friend?" I ask and he stares at me for a moment.
"What are-" he starts, and I can't help but interrupt again.
"I saw you two getting all close near catering" I tell him to let him know that I saw.
"That's what I need to talk to you about" he says quickly, but I don't let him tell me.
"Dean, I'm a big girl, I can handle someone hating me. Nikki and I have problems, but that's between her and I. So stay out of it, seriously." I tell him and I see an instant change in Dean's expression. He looks hurt for one split second, but it is quickly changed into anger.
"Whatever, good luck dealing with it. I hope you get what's coming to you" Dean snaps in a low voice before stalking off towards the Gorilla. I don't have time for his childish antics. I have to go do an interview with Nikki, and then i can go back to the hotel and hang out with Paige.
"Good luck Riley!" Nattie calls me from a group of girls standing around a table. I smile and thank her, promising to talk to her later. I finally reach the set for the interview, and grab a microphone. Basically, Nikki is almost done her match. I'm supposed to run up behind her and ask her a question while she's all sweaty from her loss to Summer Rae. I stand in front of a TV monitor that's playing the match, and see Summer roll up Nikki.
1...2....3. She got her. Summer quickly rolls out of the ring and runs up the ramp out of reach of Nikki. She has a huge smile plastered on her face as the camera returns to see Nikki with a shocked expression, and her hands clawing at her hair. I smile, before standing and getting ready to catch Nikki and Brie when they get back.

"Nikki" I call as I chase her down a hallway, a camera following me. She doesn't turn to acknowledge me in any way, so I call her name again. This time, she whips around with wild eyes and a pissed off frown.
"What?!" She snaps. I hold the microphone up to my mouth and begin my script.
"That was a great match, and we really thought you'd pull out the win, as the divas champion. How does it feel to lose to someone as inexperienced as Summer Rae" I shrug and smile, placing the mic in front of Nikki. She stares at me for a moment, looking taken aback at my question. She recovers and turns to face me again.
"You know what? It's completely fine" Nikki gives a fake smile, and I gulp, feeling slightly uneasy. She doesn't look friendly, she looks like she just got an idea.
"I have bigger things to worry about, like how you're always bombarding me with dumb questions. How does it feel to lose? Really? It sucks!" She exclaims, before continuing.
"In the end, I'm still divas champion. Now, I'd like to give you a chance to know how it feels to lose" she smirks, and I stare at her confused. What the hell is going on... This is definitely not apart of the script.
"Next week, meet me in the ring, and you'll know how it feels to lose. You'll face me in a match" she laughs, and I take the mic back. What?!
"Um, I'm not a wrestler" I manage to say, while my brain scrambles. I seriously cannot find the right words to say... I guess screaming no in her face would be a good idea.
"You're right, your not. So how about you and your little bff Paige face my sister and I" she wraps an arm around Brie's neck. Now I get it, this is what Dean was trying to warn me about... Why did he want to help me. He's seriously so dumb, why didn't I listen to him. I mentally slap myself.
"You think you're so tough? Prove it!" Nikki grins a sick and sinister smile, before throwing her hair over her shoulder and walking away, leaving the camera shining on me. I can't do anything but stare at her with my mouth wide open. I can hear the audience cheering, so it's obvious that this was broadcasted on the jumbo tron. Great...
"And we're out" the cameraman tells me, and I turn to him.
"Did you know about this?!" I snap, and he holds his hands up submissively. I instantly feel bad for yelling at a poor cameraman, but I'm so caught off guard right now, and frankly, I wish the match was right now. I'm so worked up and mad, I could do some serious damage.
I leave the set to go find Hunter or Stephanie. I hear Nattie call my name, but I ignore her, storming through the whole backstage in a hunt for the authority.
I end up running smack into seth Rollins. I guess he's better then nobody, he's close with Hunter and steph, so he probably knows where they are.
"Hey Riley that -" he begins but I cut him off.
"Where's Hunter?" I yell and he looks down on me. He may be taller then me, but I don't care. I put my hand in my hip and glare at him. He sighs and points to a door a few yards away. I don't say thank you, I just turn and march towards the door. I don't knock, I just walk in. Hunter stands for behind a wooden desk, and smiles.
"Riley, that went great! You seriously looked shocked!" He tells me and walks out from behind the desk. He tries to shake my hand, but I ignore it. I can't believe I'm doing this to my boss. I sigh and take a deep breath before I say something I regret.
"I was shocked! Nobody told me I agreed to a match, or that I'd be in one at all!" I say. I try to keep my voice down, he is my boss, but I'm so pumped in adrenaline right now. Triple H crocks his head to the side and squints his eyes, looking confused.
"Riley, I asked Nikki to talk to you about it before her match, I'm sorry you didn't know. She told me that you loved the idea..." Hunter tells me. He puts a hand in the small of my back and leads me to a chair sitting across from his desk.
"Yeah well I didn't.... I'm not a wrestler Hunter, I'm going to die out there" I tell him, and I feel angry tears welling up in my eyes. I am going to make a total fool out of myself. I didn't sign up for this, and I know that Nikki is going to try and hurt me.
Hunter stares at me sympathetically as I wipe the tears from my eyes and take deep breaths.
"I'm so sorry, I seriously had no idea" he tells me and I nod. I truly believe Nikki planned this, I have no reason to be mad at Hunter.
"I can double your pay if you'd like, what can I do to help?" He asks and I shake my head no, saying I don't need anything. At least I will have Paige out there with me.
"I've got it" He snaps his finger and picks up the corded phone on top of the desk. He holds the phone up to his ear and waits.
"Hey, send him in" Hunter says and I continue to wipe the tears. Whoever he's bringing in, I don't want them to see me upset. Hunter hangs up the phone and we wait for a few seconds in silence. He offers me a drink of water and I accept. He walks to a mini fridge in the corner of the room and takes out a bottle, handing it to me. I thank him and take a sip, allowing the cool drink to slide down my throat. It begins to relax me.
A knock sounds at the door, and I soothe my dress, so I don't look like a total moron. triple H tells the person to come in. I turn in my seat and see who walks in.
"What did I do now?" Dean asks Hunter, before turning his gaze towards me. He looks confused, but looks away from me.
"Hey Dean, I need a favour" Hunter tells him as Dean stands in the doorway. He leans against the door frame with his arms crossed.
"I need you to train Riley for her upcoming match. Workout with her, give her in ring tips. The match isn't going to be long, you're just going to pin Nikki for a non title match. Let Paige do most of the work" Hunter tells us, but I can't stop staring at Dean, trying to figure out what he's thinking. He doesn't speak for a few seconds.
"Okay" is all he says, before he walks out of the room. I look at Hunter, and he shrugs. I guess Dean wants me to follow him. I stand and walk after Dean, shutting the door behind me.
"Dean wait" I call, as he walks ahead of me. I know he has a match later tonight, so he isn't leaving the arena. I'll catch up to him eventually.
"Dean I',not chasing you forever!" I call and he stops. I almost crash into his back, but luckily I stop myself before I do.
"Just meet me in the lobby tomorrow after we land in Vegas" Dean tells me. I know we have to fly out tomorrow morning, but I hope he doesn't mean I have to meet him as I get to the hotel tomorrow. I hate working out, and I especially hate them early in the morning.
He doesn't give me a chance to ask questions, he turns around and walks away cooly. What a jerk. I hate that he thinks the whole world revolves around him. What, I'm just supposed to cancel my plans tomorrow to meet with him? Okay, I guess I don't really have plans for tomorrow... But if I did, I'd be pissed!!
"I hate Nikki" I exclaim as I pace back and forth across Paige and I's hotel room. She sits on one of the beds, eating a bag of crackers, and listening to me rant. All of my emotions from today have balked up and exploded into anger. Usually, I never get angry, but today has been so overwhelming that it's hard to handle it all.
"I know girl, I'm so sorry. She's just a jerk" Paige rants with me. I groan and sit down next to her.
"I'm sorry Riles, but like Hunter said, I'll be out there and I'll take care of most of it" she tells me and touches my shoulder. It's great to have someone like Paige by my side. I rub my temples, all this is making me get a major migraine.
"It's not just the match I'm worried about, it's my pre match training" i fall backwards onto the bed so I'm laying on my back. Paige stands up and walks into the bathroom.
"I think he's secretly with Nikki and Brie, and they're planning something" Paige calls and I keep my eyes shut.
"Here" Paige says and I open one eye. She's standing beside the bed with a wet washcloth. I thank her and out it across my forehead, the coolness of it taking away some of my heads pain.
Paige walks over to her bed and gets under the covers, and switches on the tv. She scrolls through the listings until she comes across an old sitcom. I try to focus on the tv, but too many thoughts rush through my head.
I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow with Dean. Maybe he will actually be nice and help me train. I doubt it...
Maybe Paige is right, Dean could be trying to sabotage me, he could be working with Nikki and Brie. I don't know, but I do know this week is gonna be hell.
I eventually fall asleep around 1am

(Authors note

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