Chapter 51

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Ive made a playlist that I listened to while writing this chapter, and I'll share it with you guys, it's just a suggestion to listen to them while reading but I love these songs and they totally remind me of Dean and Riley.. Comment if you want me to do this for every chapter!!!

*i won't let you go - James Morrison
*she will be loved - maroon 5
*you and I - one direction
*falling in love at a coffee shop - Landon Pigg
*never let me go - Florence and the machine
*if I could fly - one direction.

Enjoy the songs and enjoy the chapter!! If you have any song suggestions for Riley and dean, the chapter or the story in general leave them in the comments!!!! Love you all xoxoxo

My birthday comes and goes with a blur. It's not long before Dean and I are on the road to the next city, Houston. We have 2 cities are this to go to until we leave for the European tour. I really don't want to talk about it with Dean, the fact that I'm going on a separate tour than him. It's kinda weird to think about and I'm gonna miss him and all of my friends a lot. The only person I know on my side of the tour is Punk, because Paige and Seth both got switched over to the other tour earlier today, in exchange for John and the Bella's on our tour. Great.

"Want some music?" Dean asks from the passenger seat. He hasn't said much so far, we have a 9 hour car ride ahead of us, and it's been almost silent except for some small talk for the past 2 hours.

"Sure" I shrug, anything that can help drown out the silence. Usually between Dean and I it's only quiet when we're asleep. We always have something to say to each other.

"Is your dad excited for us to come up?" Dean asks, turning a dial on the radio to turn up the volume of the music. A popular song that both of us recognize comes on, and he rests his hand on mine in my lap.

"I think so, he might have forgotten were coming" I laugh to myself. I haven't spoken to my dad in a little while, and all of my brothers are too busy to even send a quick text every once in a while.

"Can you do me a favour?" I ask a few seconds later, and Dean nods.

"Can you text my brother Brad off my phone, just say hey or something?" I requests, and he reaches into the back seat to retrieve my purse, pulling out my phone seconds later. He puts in my passcode and pulls up Brad's name, and sends the message.

"You have like 6 messages" Dean tells me, and I widen my eyes. I never have that many messages, like ever. Especially since I just checked my phone a few minutes ago when we stopped for gas.

"One from Paige, 3 from punk, one from Roman, one from John and one from Tom." Dean looks... Confused? Angry? I'm not sure but he doesn't look happy when he sees that Tom texted me.

"Check them for me?" I ask. Maybe if he sees that I have nothing to hide, he won't be as upset.

"Mostly people saying happy birthday, punk said he and Aj won't be in town until tomorrow morning, and he says happy birthday since he won't see you tonight. Roman, Paige and John are all just simple happy birthdays, and Tom asked you to call him..." Deans voice fades at the end when he talks about Tom.

I understand why he doesn't want me talking to Tom, but honestly he doesn't have to worry about me trying to go after Tom, there isn't anything on earth that could make me go for Tom after how he treated me when I visited him last time.

"Why?" Dean asks, a certain suspicion behind his previously calm voice. I look at him for a second and crook my head to the side.

"What do you mean 'why?' He asked me to call him so I'm going to call him." I simply say, turning the corner onto an on ramp for the highway.

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