Chapter 36

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I wake up to Dean firmly grasping my waist, and my head resting on his bare chest. He is still asleep, with his mouth hanging slightly open, and his hair messily covering his eyes. He keeps saying that he needs a haircut, but hasn't gotten around to getting one.

The events of last night begin to flow into my mind, and I feel so much closer with Dean. Like we are attached at the hip, and there's some sort of new energy between us.
I check the clock resting on the night side table. 6:28. We're supposed to be getting up in half an hour and get going downstairs for breakfast at 8 with Roman and Seth.

I push a strand of hair out of his eyes and stare at him. I don't know how I ever got so lucky to get him. Sure, we disagree a lot of the time, he can be moody, he isn't always good at talking about how he's feeling and he keeps things bottled in for a long time. But those things have also helped us in some sort of way. When we disagree, we get to see things how the other person sees it, in a brand new perspective.
I love him. I really do and knowing that he loves me back, it's an indescribable feeling. I always hated people kissing on the streets, standing on the subway, wherever they could. I thought it was gross. But now I get it, I always want to be near him, talking to him, looking at him, kissing him. I kiss him on the lips gently, careful not to wake him, before rolling over to get a few extra minutes of sleep.

Deans point of view:

Riley rolls over in the bed both of our bodies share, and I peak an eye open. I've been awake since 5, but Riley doesn't know that. If she did, she would insist that she stay awake with me, and that isn't what I want for her.
I'm exhausted, but I hardly ever sleep for a full night. When Riley's here, I get a bit more sleep than usual, and my thoughts of Renee have almost banished, but that doesn't stop me from waking up every hour with a sore back.
I'm really thankful for Riley. I was afraid when I told her about Renee she would feel like she had someone to compete with, like she would have to be better than Renee for some weird reason. But she hasn't done that. She has continued to be the carefree, funny girl that I knew from day one. She hasn't changed, and hasn't tried to change me, though she has. She's given me a more positive outlook on life.
A year ago, I had a pattern. My life was a cycle of wake up, eat, train, wrestle then drive to the next city. It was a terrible habit, and I didn't know if I was ever going to break it. But now Riley has brought adventure and light into my life. She changed the cycle and let me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, she has become this light for
She was simply beautiful. She saw simple things, she did simple things, she was a simple person. But with whatever in her life was simple, she somehow made it extraordinary. She's one of the people you could sit and talk to for hours, and I always wonder how I got so lucky to get her

Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door. I check Riley to make sure she's still asleep before throwing the covers off of my body.
I run over to the door as quietly as I can. I'm still in my boxers, but at this time in the morning, whoever it is, they're lucky I'm not naked.
"What" I snap as I open the door. Standing in front of me, in a fancy suit, is Hunter.
I roll my eyes, slightly embarrassed that I'm standing almost nude in front of my boss, but I don't care.
"Morning" he chuckles. I have never liked Hunter, and he knows this. I don't know if he's trying to pester me, or piss me off, but it's working. Boss or not, I'm not afraid to punch him in the mouth if he wakes up Ril-
"Hey Hunter" Riley says. I look over my shoulder and see her smiling at Hunter. She's beautiful. And half naked as well. Thank god she put on some shorts and a shirt before coming over here, but I still don't like the idea of another dude, even if he's married, seeing her with hardly any clothes on.
Whoa, since when did I get so over protective, in a creepy way.
Riley adjusts her glasses on the bridge of her nose that she wears when she isn't wearing contacts, and runs her fingers through her hair.
"Hi Riley. I just wanted to let you know, Dean, since you haven't been answering your phone for days, that you're doing a few hours of media appearances on Tuesday morning." Hunter says, and I can feel my anger build.
"No way. You know that's Riley's birthday" I snap in a low voice. Hunter obviously knows that it's her birthday, and I know he's just doing this to be an asshole.
"Your personal life is none of my business, but this is apart of the job" Hunter says sternly. I hate doing media appearances, and I refuse to do them on Riley's birthday.
"Can't you get the golden boy Cena to do it?" I say, in a slightly nicer tone. Maybe if I'm nicer to him, he'll let me out of it.
"Dean Ambrose has already been scheduled on four talk shows" Hunter says, checking his watch like a stuck up asshole. I sigh, and take a deep breath.
"Is there any way I can get out of it? Please?" I ask. I've never once said please to any of the idiots in suits at WWE, because I don't respect any of those guys.
Hunter glares at me for a moment.
"Fine, we'll send Cena. But on the upcoming European tour, you're working double" Hunter says, and I nod. I don't care, but I need to be with Riley on her birthday. I've spent my fair share of birthdays alone, and I don't want her to have to do the same.
"Wait, what European tour?" Riley asks, shaking a hand through her messy morning hair.
"The tour that starts a week from Tuesday. We leave Monday night after Raw, and stay in Europe for 3 weeks." Hunter explains. I thought Riley knew this already, guess not.
"I'll see both of you in Europe" Hunter says, the ringing of his phone interrupting us. He picks it up and walks away silently with his phone to his ear.
I shut the hotel room door and head towards the washroom. Might as well shower, since I probably won't be getting any more sleep.
"Dean" Riley pipes up. I stop right before shutting the bathroom door and stick my head out.
"Yes" I say. She walks over to me and wraps her small arms around me. She's so small, I think it's one of her nicest qualities.
"Good morning" she groans into my collarbone. I laugh and kiss the top of her hair.
"Good morning, I'm going to shower" I say, and she takes her arms off of me.
"We have to be downstairs for breakfast soon" Riley reminds me. I clap my hands and jump with fake excitement.
"Yay!" I exclaim in a high pitched voice. To be honest I would rather spend time alone with Riley in the hotel room eating a muffin or something, instead of hanging out when a bunch of people. I don't like sharing Riley, and we hardly ever get time to just the two of us. Plus, I have to hang out with those doorknobs all day, I don't get why I have to eat breakfast with them too.
But Riley's excited about it, so I guess I should at least pretend to be too. The zoo won't be half bad, it could actually be fun. Riley likes animals, so she's going to be in heaven. As long as we don't have to go on a roller coaster, I'll be fine.
"You're a dork" Riley laughs, and pushes my body into the washroom where the shower is hidden.
"Bye sweet cheeks" I joke, knowing she hates nicknames like that since I first called her sweetheart.
I see her physically cringe at the ugly name.
"Say it again, Ambrose" she threatens, raising a fist at me. I gape my mouth open, pretending to be offended by her actions.
"Watch it shorty" I say. I love being playful with her. Before I met her, I hated being silly or goofy or anything. But being around her, you can't help but get lost in her energy and positivity.
"Go shower, and maybe brush your teeth, too" she waves her hand in front of her face, brushing the air out of her nose.
I take my hand and shake the hair on top of her hair, messing up the already tangled hair.
"Go away" she groans, trying to run her fingers through her hair to fix the mess, and I laugh. Really hard.
"That was the worst breakfast I've ever had" Seth groans, holding his stomach. I chuckle at his misfortune and continue walking, watching intensively Riley and roman walk a few steps ahead of us.
It's weird, Riley seems to be having an actual conversation with Roman, which lately has been pretty hard to do. Roman hasn't gotten much sleep for the past few months, and hardly ever talks. But right now, as we walk out of the breakfast area of the hotel, Riley still munching on a banana, he's talking a mile a minute to her. Riley has this effect on anybody, and it's pretty cool to watch.
"So, everybody's going today without me?" Seth complains. He's been talking about it all through breakfast. For some reason Paige doesn't seem to want Seth at the zoo today. But, I don't really see why, and I don't see any harm in Seth coming. He's a pretty nice guy, so it'll be fun. Even though we play enemies on TV, that doesn't mean we can't get along in real life.
"You could probably come, but you have to ride over alone. Our cars packed" I tell Seth. He smiles widely as we approach the elevator.
"Sweet, thanks man" Seth shakes my hand before stepping into the elevator, probably to go get his wallet. Roma, Riley and I are just going to wait in the lobby for Paige, Randy, Punk, and Nattie.
I turn my attention back onto Roman and Riley, who laugh about something together as I stand beside them awkwardly. I'm not in any rush to get involved in the conversation, I just don't want to be left out.
I take Riley's hand in mine and hold it carelessly while we wait. These assholes were supposed to be here like five minutes ago.
Finally, the elevator door opens, out steps Paige and Nattie , followed closely by Randy and punk who are having a conversation. Paige immediately rushes over to Riley and hugs her. I don't let go of her hand while they embrace each other.
As soon as Paige lets go of Riley, I see Riley look at Paige's outfit. Paige has never been one to cover up or be insecure about her body. She's wearing a black crop top and white ripped jeans. Nattie followed behind isn't covering much up either, with a short tight dress. I see Riley look down at her own outfit, and tug at the stomach of her shirt. I, personally, like her outfit the best. She seems insecure about how it looks from the way she's pulling at everything with her other hand. Her loose white shirt with a golden necklace and blue skinny jeans with a tear at the knee is better than any sort of revealing outfit. It makes the other girls look sort of... Cheap? Riley looks like a model, and she doesn't even have to show off or try really hard.
"You look hot, stop it" I whisper into her hair, and take her other hand off of her stomach. She smiles up at me with reddened cheeks, but kisses the end of my nose anyways.
"I have something cute planned for your birthday" Paige teases Riley.
"What is it?" Riley hopefully asks. I know Paige won't tell Riley, she just wants to dangle the idea over Riley's head. Paige already told me what her present is. It's a nice idea, but not quite as great as what I'm planning.
"It's a surprise" Paige slyly says. Riley groans.
"You know I hate surprises" Riley complains. Nattie smiles at me from a few feet away, following it up with a wink. I awkwardly wave my hand that isn't occupied by my girlfriends and look away from her.
"Is everybody ready to go?" Nattie speaks up. Everybody nods, and we head towards the doors of the hotel. It must be a pretty strange sight for people to see, strong wrestlers all walking in a herd out of a hotel. Riley moves a piece of hair out of her eye, talking to Punk and Paige as we walk out of the hotel.
We all approach our vehicles as Riley and Randy, the two people who will be driving, exchange directions as we stand around the cars.
"We'll see you there" Riley says to everybody who will be in the other car, and hops into the black SUV that Paige drove from the hotel last night. Riley and I were going to get a car, but we decided it would be much easier for us to take a taxi instead.
I walk around to grab the handle of the passenger seat, but before I can, Paige hops into the seat beside Riley. Well, screw you too.
I move back to the back seat, and hastily jump inside, as Nattie does the same on the other side.
I really would prefer to sit beside Riley, but I can't change it now.
I see Riley glare at Paige sneakily as she buckles her seat belt, but she doesn't say anything. Before she puts the key in, she watches Nattie and I in her rearview mirror, glancing back and forth between us.
Does she know what's going on between Nattie and I? I hope not. That would ruin everything.
Paige and Riley begin to talk about Kylie kardashian or something, and I stay silent for the entire car ride over to the zoo.
"So, did you think about what we talked about before the show yesterday?" Nattie hisses. I sneak a peak at Riley in the rear view mirror, and see her eyeing us carefully. As soon as she sees me looking, she looks away.
"Let's talk later" I whisper, and try to think of something else we can talk about that won't piss off my girlfriend. I don't know why she hates Nattie so much, but I can tell whenever Natties around, Riley just seems tense and angry. Riley is too nice to admit it though, I know it.
"Are you excited?" I lean forward in my seat and ask Riley. She looks back at me for a second, before focusing back on the road.
"Yeah, I a, actually. Are you?" She asks, the question seeming to be directed at everybody in the car. The GPS hanging at the front of the car says that we only have about 5 minutes left to drive, and I'm thankful. I hate that I got stuck in the backseat of the car.
"This is going to be wicked" Paige says, bouncing in her seat. I chuckle at her childish actions. I would be perfectly fine with just Riley, Paige and I going today, Paige and I have been somewhat friends since she came to WWE. I don't know why everybody else had to come, though.
"There's a sign!" Nattie squeals, pointing her finger past my nose out the window on the side of the car that I'm sat on. I want to push her hand away from mine, but I don't. I get it she's excited, but can't you keep your hands away from me.
I guess I haven't gotten much sleep last night, so I'm a little crabby. But hey, at least I kept it to myself instead of snapping at her like I would have a few months ago.
Riley puts on her blinker to indicate that she's turning.
"This is going to be so awesome!" Paige squeals. I can't help but feel a bit excited myself.
Riley quickly finds parking outside the zoo adventure park. Most of the people getting out of there cars are families with small kids. Maybe we should have stopped past a daycare and taken one of the kid on a field trip here so we don't look like complete idiots.
"Let's go!" Riley excitedly unbuckled herself from her seat and throws open the door, e other girls doing the same.
Randy pulls up his car right beside ours, and the other three climb out of the car swiftly. I can see they're all trying to look cool, which seems silly because we are literally at a kids zoo for the day. I walk over to Roman and shake his hand. I never understood why guys do this. We always shake hands or do some weird hand gestures. Whatever happened to casually saying hey or something.
"Are we all ready?" Paige asks. Riley is stood next to her, putting on a pair of sunglasses. I'm pretty sure they're mine, but she looks cute in them. We're all stood in a circle in the parking lot.
"We have to wait for Seth" Roman speaks up. As soon as he does, Riley and Paige turn to each other.
"What?!"Paige exclaims. Riley looks at me worriedly.
"Well, he seemed sad that he wasn't coming so I just invited him" I nonchalantly explain to the girls, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jeans.
"Whatever, but he isn't sitting with me on any of the rides" Paige says, right as Seth's car pulls up into the lot.

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