Chapter 65

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Riley's point of view

I spike the ball over the net and it splashes in front of John, causing my team to get another point. A game of water volleyball has begun between Punk, Nikki and I versus John, Kofi and Big E. I've been a lot happier now that I've stopped giving a shit what people think about my bikini body. Sure, I don't have a body nearly as good as Nikki or Brie, but I have good things about myself, and the sooner I stop comparing myself to other girls and focusing on the good aspects of my body inside and out, I'll be a lot happier.

"Awesome Riley!" Nikki high fives me as our team leads by 2 points, Xavier Woods telling us there's 40 seconds left in the game. I'm exhausted, but I'm having too much fun to stop.

"We got this!" Punk says, getting way too into the competition. I can't help but laugh at his eagerness and competitive nature. It's contagious.

Its hard for me to focus on the game. My mind is filled to the brim with things from Dean to what I'm going to have to do tonight at the live show with Stephanie and Hunter. Right now, I want to focus on the game and enjoy myself, but my mind isn't fully there.

"Heads up, Riley!" Punk passes me the foam ball, giving me a clear path to the net. The water has risen to my chin, making it hard to see. I blindedly throw the ball in the direction of the net.

I hear punk and the rest of my team erupt into cheers as Xavier blows the whistle. Punk dances around the shallow end of the pool, earning funny looks from children swimming around with yellow floaters on their arms. John rolls his eyes, the smile spread across his face contradicting his anger.

"MVP! MVP!" Punk chants, wading over to me. I've never been an MVP of anything, so this is pretty funny to hear. Maybe water basketball is my new calling. I laugh at the insane thought of me in the Olympics playing water basketball.

I have a feeling this tour is going to be more fun than i thought.

Dean's point of view

I have a feeling this tour is going to fucking suck more than i thought.

One problem with myself, is that I was never taught how to deal with my problems. I never know how to handle emotions, or how to bury grudges and get over things. I hold on to shit until it makes me want to collapse. Riley has helped a little bit since coming into my life, she makes me want to open up and tell her everything, but when she isn't physically with me and there's no way of contacting her, then I hold onto it.

Which is why I'm currently standing on an elevator cursing out a little girl, no older than 5, for stepping on my foot. Her blonde hair and freckles cheeks remind me of an innocence I once had, an innocence and curiosity for the world that she will one day lose, just like I did. The world fucking sucks.

Okay, not everything sucks, I'm just really angry and sad and confused right now. I feel panicked, like I've lost control of something. That something is Riley, the most important thing to me.

Her mom pulls her daughter away from me and glares at me, clearly trying to ensue shame into me but it isn't working. I don't feel anything except adrenaline coursing through me like a fucking bullet in my veins. I need to hear from her, I need to talk to her, anything.

Nice. I couldn't even last 24 hours without Riley. Predictable.

I keep seeing the picture of Riley and that guy from twitter over and over in my head. I'm sure it was nothing, but there's always that small possibility it wasn't. That it was something more. I trust Riley with my entire being, but I don't trust dickheads around her, mostly because I used to be one.

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