Chapter 50

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"Riley, I have to go now" Dean shakes my shoulder. I groan and pull a pillow over my head to block out the sunlight coming in through the window.

It's too early, I feel like I just fell asleep a few minutes ago.

"Riles, come on" he shakes my side lightly to wake me up, but I refuse. This bed is way too comfy and moving doesn't seem like a fun idea right now. I'm comfy, and warm, and I don't plan on getting up, even though I promised Dean I would go to media with him.

"Fine, lets play like that" Dean chuckles, and I push my head deeper under the pillow. He doesn't say anything else and I don't hear him moving, so I'm not exactly sure where he went.

Suddenly, I feel a heavy weight on my body.

"Get up!" He screams from on top of me. Oh god he's heavy. I pull my head out from under the pillow and groan.

"Get off!" I screech, and he laughs harder, sitting up on my stomach.

"So, for Christmas this year I want a bike, and a doggy, and a new game system!" He yells over top of my pleading for him to get off of me, but I think I'm laughing too hard for him to understand what I'm saying.

"You gotta get up Riles" Dean rolls off of me onto the other side of the bed. I put my hand over my eyes and sigh.

"What time is it?" I mumble.

"6:32." He tells me. Dean and I didn't get back to the hotel until around 5, and I didn't fall asleep until around 5:30 from what I can remember. A whole hour of sleep, perfect.

"I'm sorry babe, but we gotta go. We're late" Dean urges me, and I sit up. He's right, were already on hunters bad side, we can't have Dean be late too, he had to show that he cares about his job like I know he does.

"Okay, give me five minutes" I request, rolling out of bed. My feet hit the cold floor and I walk into the bathroom. There isn't time to do anything special with my hair or makeup, I have to be quick. First I start by putting on my glasses, deciding against contacts because it'll take too long to put them in. I pick up the brush from on top of the counter and run it through my hair quickly.

My reflection stares back at me, looking exactly how I feel; tired. My eyes are droopy, with dark circles surrounding the area. My skin is rough and my hair doesn't seem to want to cooperate. I give up and throw my hair into a simple ponytail. Next, I rinse my face off and dry it with a towel. Finally, I put some concealer under my eyes and throw on a quick coat of mascara.

That's all I have time for. I don't even have time to brush my teeth. I pull out deans shaving bag and find the travel sized mouth wash in the bag.

"Can I use your mouth wash?" I call through the door to Dean.

"I packed it for you" he calls back and I smile. I rinse my mouth with the minty mouth wash and spit it out quickly. It tastes gross and makes my mouth burn, but it'll have to work.

I open the door and rush over to my suitcase.

"Here's some leggings, you can wear my sweater over your pyjama shirt" Dean points to the pants and shirt he's put on my side of the bed.

"Thank you" I grin. He's being awfully nice this morning. I slip the pants on, very aware of Dean's gaze at my bare legs.

I pull his sweatshirt over my head, instantly being covered by his cologne. the sweater is plain black, with the WWE's logo on the front. It's a few sizes too big for me, but I love it.

"Okay, let's go" Dean holds up my phone and purse in his hands. He's wearing the same clothes as last night, and I don't even try to ask him to change, I know for a fact he won't.

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