Chapter 61

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"Welcome to Monday Night Raw!" I watch the tv monitor as Michael Cole introduces the show to the fans watching at home. My arms are crossed across my chest as I am amazed at the production playing across my eyes.

The level of excitement and adrenaline seems to have raised in the past few hours, everyone seems pumped up for Raw and for the tour. I have to admit, I am too. We have an 8 hour flight ahead of us tonight, from Chicago to Manchester England. Paige has been practically bouncing off of the walls since the In ring meeting ended, and I've been having fun following her around and laughing at everything she does.

I have a few jobs to do tonight. I'll be interviewing Randy Orton, interviewing and also announcing a few Live show dates in England that aren't sold out. About an hour ago, Hunter pulled me aside and said I would have a big part in all of the over seas live events. I would basically be an MC for the show, introducing the show, introducing video packages and hosting concerts during the half time. It all sounds super exciting and I'm really happy that they trust me enough to do this for them.

"I'm so pissed we aren't on the same tour." Paige says, bending over to touch her toes in prep for her match in a couple of minutes. It seems like everyone I love and care about is on the other tour, except for Punk.

"I know, they seemed to have it out for me by putting me on the opposite tour from you and Dean." I say, still watching the monitor as Seth Rollins stands in the centre of the ring delivering a passionate promo. It's still strange to me to see my friends out there acting much more out there and loud than they are in real life.

"Don't be sad, Riley." Paige orders, standing up straight. I sigh and smile as best as I can.

"I know." I say, and think of something to change the subject.

"Want to go watch Kofi and Big E arm wrestle?" I ask, remembering the event that Xavier Woods was promoting over dramatically a few hours ago, obviously as a joke but it sounds funny. Paige jumps at the opportunity and races down the hall, as I follow at a brisk walk behind her.

The ring gear covering Paige's body sparkles as the floor of the arena rumbles from the crowd cheering. I can feel it in my chest and it's adrenaline pumping.

I try my best to keep up with Paige as she bounces around, running down the hall, but it's hard in the heels that the wardrobe department put me in for the show tonight, and the pencil skirt to match. It's much dressier than usual and I hope I have a chance to change before we go to the airport tonight or else that will be one uncomfortable ride.

"Riley, can I speak to you for a moment?" Hunter calls my name from down a hallway. Paige stops and turns to see what's happening, and I'm surprised Hunter is talking to me. Usually he doesn't talk to me unless it's something about Dean.

I look and see Hunter and 2 other executives looking at clipboards in expensive suits as usual. They all smile at me, and I'm fearful that I've done something wrong. I sneak a glance at Paige, who shrugs and motions for me to go. I wish she would go with me, because I feel really intimidated without someone with me.

Finally, I take a breath and smile my largest, somewhat fake smile at my bosses.

"Hi Hunter." I say, extending my hand  as I approach them and he meets his palm against mine. It makes me feel professional, mixed with my outfit I really seem like a business woman even though I have no clue as to what's going on.

"Riley, these are 2 of the Vice Presidents of backstage relations and talent positions." Hunter introduces me. I'm not exactly sure what he just said, but I nod along with whatever he said and pretend that I do.

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