Chapter 24

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"This place really creeps me out, I'm surprised they haven't torn down the joint" Dean says looking back as we leave the building we spent the night on. It's a lot less scary in the day light, but I guess it could still be considered creepy. I always loved coming here. I really don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I'm glad I did.
I carry my dress in my left hand, and Dean carries the box he brought last night. I continue to think about everything Dean told me. I hate the fact that I didn't know about Renee sooner, or I would have reassured Dean I wasn't trying to replace her. I also could have understood Dean faster, and not judged him right off the bat like I did.
"I called a taxi while you were drooling on me" Dean smiles down at me. I widen my mouth and hit his stomach lightly.
"I do not drool" I defend myself, and he submissively holds his hands up.
"You're right, I guess it rained onto my shirt" he points down at a wet spot near his belly button, and I roll my eyes, but I can't hold back my smile.
We stand on the curb waiting for the car, and I let out a yawn. I'm surprised Dean isn't tired as well, at least I slept a little bit.
"I'm starving" Dean complains, and I hear his stomach rumble.
"I can make you something when we get back to my dads" I assure him. I know he loves to eat, so I'm afraid there won't be enough food in my dads house to feed him.
"Uh yeah" Dean says, and rubs the back of his neck. I look up to him.
"What's wrong?" He doesn't sound excited or even slightly happy, he sounds bored, or... Nervous?
"I don't know" he looks at the ground.
"Dean" I can tell he's lying. I touch his chin and force him to look me in the eye as his green eyes try to avoid mine.
"Fine" he sighs, and sits down on the curb of the street.
"I don't make good first impressions Riley. Like, at all. I have terrible people skills, and most people hate me when they meet me. They think I'm a scumbag, or that I'm being rude because I'm quiet." Dean says, and I sit down beside him. I can't believe Dean thinks these things. My dad and brothers will love him, I'm sure.
"Dean, don't worry about them. Just be yourself, and who cares if they don't like you. I like you" I can't believe I just said such a cliché line, but Its how I feel, and Dean needs to know that. I can tell he doesn't believe me, and I wish I knew what to say to make him believe me.
"When I first met Renee's brother, he basically called me a dirtbag and said he wanted to kick my ass in an alley or something. I don't want to mess up an impression on your family too" he admits. My heart aches for him, he has truly been scarred by everything that's happened with Renee.
"My brothers are a bunch of weaklings, so they couldn't kick your butt if they tried. I'm sure they're going to love you Dean" I assure him. He sighs and folds his arms. I can tell he is beginning to get more distant from me, and I don't want that to happen.
The taxi pulls up to the curb, so I don't have time to say anything else.
I slide in the backseat first, sitting in the middle seat and Dean climbs in after. I give the address of my dads house, and the friendly driver says we're going to be there in about twenty moments.
"Riley" Dean whispers. I look at him, and he won't look me in the eye again.
"You're going to hate me" he says, and I return with a confused look. What?
"Do you... Do you think I could wait in the car while you get your bags and stuff?" He asks, and I smile lightly. I thought he did something way worse, like he makes coats out of human flesh. I'm not mad at him for this, I could never hate Dean.
"Yeah, whatever you want Dean" I tell him, and he relaxes his shoulders. I'm not going to force him to come in and meet everyone, after getting no sleep last night and revealing his life story to me in one sitting, I can imagine it's been a long 24 hours for him.
"Thank you" Dean says, and I pat his hand.
The driver begins to make small talk, and I do most of the talking back. After a few short moments, Dean begins to doze off, and lays his head down on my shoulder. I smile as he sleeps, giving a small snore with each breath he takes. It's nice to see him sleep, since he told me last night that he hasn't slept well for months. I try not to move my body so I don't wake him, but Dean seems to be out cold.
"Do you kids like radio?" The driver asks. He's much older than Dean and I, but we aren't kids. I'm 25 and Dean's 29.
"Sure, just not too loudly" he looks at Dean and I in the rear view mirror, and nods.
He turns a knob on the radio, and country music fills the car. I, personally love all types of music. But Dean, on the other hand, hates country.
I don't have the heart to tell the driver to turn it off, and deans asleep anyways.
The rest of the drive is spent in silence with the only noise being the country music. I watch as the city I grew up in passes by at a slow pace.
I look down, and watch Dean sleep.
Is that creepy? Kind of, but who cares.
There are wrinkles in his forehead, and a small frown covering his mouth, but he still looks peaceful.
A stray hair falls over his eyes, and I gently try to brush it off.
As soon as my finger touches his face, one eye opens.
"Sorry" I say with my hand still hovering his hair.
"No, I like this, it's the damn country music" he whispers, and I hold back a giggle.
"We're almost at my dads" I inform him, seeing the park that my brothers and I used to play at after school.
Dean lifts his head from my shoulder, and watches out the window beside me.
I like to watch the town go by, but I prefer to watch Dean.
I honestly don't think I like Dean because he's handsome, or funny, which I do, but I think I started to like Dean because of his mind. Watching him watch the city as he takes in every piece, every acre, every detail, his green eyes wide and searching, it's really cool to see up close.
"Here we are" the driver announces, and I look at Dean.
"I'll be back out soon" I assure him. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. I think he almost wants to come inside, but I don't want to force him to do anything.
"Okay" is all he says. I smile, and slide to the other side of the car and out the door.
Walking up my driveway, I don't know who's inside, or if anybody is even home. My family expected me to be home last night, with Tom. I feel bad for not coming home to spend time with them, but I'm a grown woman, and what I do with my time is up to me.

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