Chapter 8

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The next morning, I am awoken to a phone alarm going off. I push the pillow over my head, and try to drown out the noise. I know I will have to get up eventually, but not right now. I'm still exhausted from the lack of sleep I got last night. Now I have to drive for a few hours straight.
"Turn it off" I call, I can still hear the alarm even with the pillow over my head. Nothing. I groan and roll out of bed, landing on my feet. I hear the alarm coming from Paige's side of the room. I see the phone laying on the floor next to her bed. I walk over and turn it off, and proceed to wake up Paige.
I shake her shoulder lightly, trying to nicely wake her.
"Paige" I say in a hushed tone. She stirs a bit, and opens her eyes. I smile down at her, and she groans.
"Long night?" I ask giggling.
"Oh shut it you." She says. I laugh again. She sits up in her bed, her clothes still on from last night. She holds her forehead, and looks extremely pale.
"Uh oh" she calls, throwing the hotel blankets off of herself and running for the bathroom. I know what's coming. I am about to call and ask if she needs help, but I hear the bathroom door slam, and lock. I can hear the contents of Paige's stomach being emptied into the toilet, and I cringe. That's gross.
I hear a small snore from the other side of the room. I turn and see Dean roll over on his small uncomfortable couch, and suddenly remember what happened last night. Dean had come over, watched me sleep for a few moments, and caressed my shoulder. Super super weird. I decide to not bring it up, knowing it will embarrass him. Or he will make it seem like my fault, saying i was stalking him or something.
I quietly tiptoe over to Dean's impromptu bed for the night, careful not to step in any squeaky spots of the floorboard.
I get down to his level, putting my mouth right beside his ear.
"Dean!" I call, and he jumps up frantically, making me fall into a fit of laughter. I continue laughing as Dean tells me exactly where he thinks I should go.
"Someone's cheery this morning" I say when I'm finished laughing. Dean his sitting with his legs hanging off the side of the couch. I hear his back crack, and he moans like an old man.
"I think Paige is going to have a fun ride today" he says, as Paige's echo is being projected loudly through the room. I walk over to the door and knock.
"Paige, do you need help?" I call through the door. No answer, only more sounds of vomiting. I crunch my nose in disgust, and lean on the door frame, just to make sure she doesn't need anything.
"I haven't seen her like this, ever. I don't think she's ever gotten a hangover" Dean tells me, as he walks towards me, actually right past me. He leans down into the closet and pulls out his black shoes, and slips them onto his feet in two swift movements.
"Where are you going?" I ask. He shrugs on his jacket and puts both hands into its pockets. Paige continues to throw up. If she keeps it up, she's gonna be throwing up her ribs.
"I'm going to get breakfast" he states, and opens the front door.
"Can you get me a muffin?" I call to him. He doesn't turn around.
"Don't count on it" he yells just before the door slams. Rude.
"Ri" Paige calls from the other side of the door.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Can you come in here" the doors lock clicks, and the door slowly creeps open. Paige stands before me, and she looks absolutely exhausted.
"You look awful" I say without thinking. Paige turns around and walks back to the toilet.
"gee, thanks mate" she says in a low and scratchy voice.
"I'm sorry, you know what I mean" I say. She doesn't say anything. I take the hair tie off of my wrist and gather her black hair into my palm, before tying it up in a bun on the top of her head.
"I was up for most of the night doing this" she tells me. She still reeks like vodka, and I know she has to shower before she goes to work looking like this.
"So you got no sleep?" I say and she nods.
"Oh no" she groans before grabbing the edges of the toilet and leaning in. Gross.
I rub her back for moral support while trying to keep my face as far away from that situation as possible.
Suddenly, the front door of the room opens, and in walks Dean. I guess he took my room key without asking. Typical.
Following him is the WWE doctor and a trainer. They both look nice enough, I recognize him from my first day when Luke Harper had to get stitches on his head right after my interview with him. The doctor carries a black medical bag that I also recognize. Dean points into the bathroom, and they walk in.
"Hey Paige. How are you doing?" The doctor asks. I decide to get out of their way and leave the bathroom to give them space. I walk over to my bed and throw myself on, burying my face in the pillow.
"Special delivery" Dean says. I roll over and see Dean standing beside me with a napkin and a blueberry muffin on top. I smile.
"Wow, thanks. I think this is the first nice thing you've ever done for me" I smile, purposely taunting him for fun.
"Don't get used to it." He hands me my favourite flavour of muffin and walks away.
"Why did you get the doctor?" I ask, picking at a piece of my muffin and plopping it into my mouth. Dean sits on the couch he slept on last night, and takes off his shoes. Instead of putting them in the closet where they belong, he throws them off beside him, and lies down.
"She's obviously sick. I've seen her wasted before, and this isn't what she's like the morning after." He tells me. His eyes are closed, and his arms are rested behind his neck.
"Does she get drunk a lot?" I ask. He doesn't open his eyes.
"Riley" Dean says.
"Shut up" Dean requests. My mouth shoots open wide.
"Jerk" I mutter loud enough so he can hear. I can hear the silent mutter of the doctor in the bathroom, and Paige whining about something or other.
"Riley" the doctor says and I stand. He smiles at me, as the trainer walks out with Paige in his shoulder.
"It seems Paige has a concussion from when she fell last night. I'm afraid we're going to have to take her to the hospital, just to get the medication we need." He tells me, and I whip around, eyes blazing at Dean.
"When did she fall?" I exclaim. He still doesn't open his eyes, he's still in his relaxed position.
"After you left. It's no big deal, it's not like she got hurt" he says.
"Actually, she needs stitches on the top of her head. It's a good thing you called when you did though." The doctor says. He excuses himself, assuring me he will tell Hunter, and I thank him for his time. I lead them out and watch as they direct Paige onto the elevator.
"Why did you let her fall?" I yell at Dean as soon as the door shuts. He sits up, and turns to me.
"She was fucking wasted beyond belief. I tried to help her, but I can't do everything. Meanwhile all you're worried about is leaving with John" he snaps. I take a second to process what he just said.
"You think I left with John? It's called being friends. God, you're such a jerk. Why were you stalking me anyways?" I wish it wasn't so early, and I had more sleep. Maybe then I could come up with better come backs. Actually, my lack of sleep is the reason I'm yelling at him right now.
"Stalking you? Get over yourself" he rolls his eyes. I cross my arms over my tank top.
"Well how did you see me leave with John?" I exclaim.
"So you did leave with him?!" Dean shouts back. He stands up and begins walking over to me.
"See, I told you. I know exactly who you are Riley. You're messing with Nikki Bella, trying to get her to punch you. You're being a little whore and throwing yourself at every guy in the locker room." He is toe to toe with me right now, screaming in my face. His eyes look so angry, so full of passionate anger.
"Listen, I don't know why you hate me, and always have, but I'm sick of it. You act like a decent human being to every other superstar and diva, why can't you do the same with me?! You don't think I earned my spot here? I worked my absolute ass off since I was 15 to be where I am now. Instead of being a dick to me, you could see how hard I've worked and leave me alone!" I have never screamed this loudly, I hardly ever yell, but Dean has pushed me to the absolute maximum.
"You don't belong here, you can't replace her, So stop fucking trying!" He screams, and walks past me, straight to the door. It shuts with a satisfying slam, leaving me standing in the middle of the room. widened mouth and in complete shock, I am more confused then ever.

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