chapter 12

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"thank you for choosing our airline, we should be touching down in Las Vegas in about 20 minutes. The weather is hot and the sun is shining. We all hope you enjoyed your time with us!" A cheery flight attendant says into the microphone with her voice being broadcasted over the plane. It had been a short ride, but I was glad it was over. I had spent 90% of the flight thinking, and overthinking about everything going on. My match with Nikki, my training with Dean... It was overtaking my brain. I was thankful I was sat beside Dolph Ziggler. He told me he had heard about what happened, and he was trying to cheer me up the whole plane ride. We had played many rounds of go fish, and watched a few TV shows on the little TV's attached to the back of the seats.
I hadn't seen Nikki since yesterday, but I assume she's with John on his private jet.
"I wonder how badly she wants to punch him" Dolph leaned over and whispered in my ear. I look in the direction he's looking and see a grumpy old man sitting in a seat the row across from us. Since all flight attendants are supposed to make the plane ride enjoyable, the flight attendant had to stand there with a huge fake smile plastered on her face while the man yelled about his snack not tasting good.
I giggled and opened the shutter beside me. I had begged Dolph to trade seats with me through the flight, because I wanted to be in the window seat when we landed.
Dolph is involved in a conversation with the guy beside him, Michael Cole. I never know why everyone likes to make fun of Michael, he's really cool and nice. He's actually really good at his job, one of the best commentators. I hear the boys dive into a conversation about a match that happened last night. I stare out the window and see us descending through the clouds. It's amazing, I've never been on a plane before. I was worried that I would get airsick, but that couldn't be farther from what happened. If I could ride planes for the rest of my life, I would.
"Be right back" Dolph tells me, and I begin to tell him that were supposed to keep our seat belts fastened, but he dismisses me, and walks to the back of the plane into the washroom. I sigh and put my earbuds back into my ear, shutting my eyes to let the music drain my mind of all my thoughts.
I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes and take out my headphones. It's Michael.
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I just wanted to let you know that you've gotten such a positive response online since last night" Michael tells me and turns his laptop towards me. He's on Twitter, it's a whole hashtag dedicated to me. LetsGoRiley. Wow... I guess I never thought about the response I could get. I never thought that I could be hated, or that people might hate this storyline...that's so cool.
"Whoa, thank you" I smile and he return it, turning his laptop away. I feel a bubble of pride building up inside of my stomach. I've never had a "following" before. It's a really exotic yet neat feeling. I can't keep the smile off of my face for the rest of the plane ride.

"Baggage collection is at carousel 7." Paige tells me. It would have been so cool to sit next to her on the plane, but she was 6 rows behind me. I nod at her and we begin to walk over. Because we're with the WWE, we get to skip through most lines, because we have a tight schedule. It's pretty cool.
We pass through the arrivals gate. May people are hugging and kissing to welcome loved ones, and I smile at the sight.
"Yuck" Paige groans as a young couple blocks our path as they swallow each others tongues. I laugh and pull her behind me to keep walking before she says something to the couple. She sticks her tongue out at them, but of course they can't see her.
We finally arrive at the baggage claim and get our suitcases off the belt, and head outside to find our rental cars. I follow suit of Paige, because she's done this so many times before. She seems to know exactly where to go, so we are able to get in the car within ten minutes. She happily skips through the parking lot over to a black escalade, and I walk behind her, laughing at the confidence I wish I had.
"So you're training with Ambrose later?" Paige asks from the driver seat. She's navigating her way out of the parking lot. I wish she would have let me drive. Not that she's a bad driver or anything... But right now I'm sort of fearing for my life thanks to her driving skills.
"Yeah, hopefully he just wants to do some simple cardio or something. All I do is run on the treadmill" I tell her. She turns a sharp corner, causing me to grab on my armrests instinctively. She apologizes and laughs at my reaction.
"Well, I don't know. I've never seen Dean workout. I mean, obviously he works out, but I've never seen him do it. He's a really private person I guess" Paige tells me. What a weird guy...
Paige speeds up the car and goes into a new lane to pass a slow red pickup truck, flipping off the large driver when she passes. I shield my face from him, hoping he doesn't follow us and start a fight with Paige. Even if he did, oddly enough I'm pretty sure she could handle him.
"We're here" Paige tells me and I snap my head up, she's pulling into a hotel. What?
"Is this our hotel?!" I ask. I thought it would be a much farther ride then that.
"Duh, why else would I be here" she snickers and I shrug. She finds a parking spot close to the hotel entrance and jumps out, I follow her. I don't know where I'm supposed to meet Dean. Maybe if I can get into my room quick enough I can avoid seeing him and I won't have to track with him.
"Oh hey there Dean" I hear Paige say in a singsong voice, I know she's speaking loudly enough for me to hear, as if to warn me that he's here. Dean doesn't respond to Paige, instead he turns to me and I smile lightly as I join them at the back of the car. I give him a friendly smile and hello. Of course, he doesn't return it and I roll my eyes. Moody Dean, great.
"Let's take this car" Dean says, not even asking as he walks around past me to the passenger side. He throws a black gym bag into the backseat and hops in. I groan and turn to Paige.
"Good luck" she tells me and I thank her. She pulls me into a hug, and to call her if I need anything.
"I'll be fine, don't worry" I reassure my friend and move away from her grip.
I get into the front seat of the car and put the keys into ignition without saying a word to Dean. He doesn't seem to mind though.
I pull out my phone and pull up the directions app.
"What gym do you want to go to?" I ask and type in our city, and see if there's any gyms nearby. I heard Dolph talking about going to a nearby Gold's gym, so maybe we could go there, since this hotel doesn't have a gym. It would be nice to have formulae faces at the gym, so that it won't be so awkward, and tense with just Dean and I.
"I don't do gyms." Dean tells me. He has sunglasses on, and a black leather jacket, making him look like a stuck up jerk. I huff in annoyance already building up towards his arrogance.
"What do you mean you don't do gyms?" I ask. I start to wonder if he is just saying this to make things for difficult for me.
"I mean I don't do gyms. I don't go to gyms" he tells me, not looking at me, he hasn't looked at me once yet. I get it, it's early in the morning and we just had a flight, but that doesn't mean he gets to be such a rude person to me.
"So where do you go?" I ask, my patience wearing thin.
"Start driving, I'll direct you there" he states and I roll my eyes again.
"So if you're running the show, why couldn't you drive?" I ask, and he points to the left as I drive out of the hotel lot.
"Because" he doesn't say anything else about the topic, and I am beginning to get sick of these vague answers. I don't respond and we drive in silence, except for him pointing, telling me where to go.
We begin to drive past a few casinos, and I glare at him.
"Is his some kind of joke?" I snap.
"What?" I can see him looking at me for the first time from the corner of my eye, but I keep my eyes on the road.
"You're going to pretend we're going to the gym, but then take me to a casino or something? This is serious, I need to make up for ten years of no training, no experience, in a week!" I raise my voice, and I can see a smile forming on his lips for a split second.
"I'm not taking you to a freaking casino, chill out" he says, and I grip the steering wheel. He is pissing me off too early in the morning.
"So can you tell me a general idea of where we're going?" I plead, but he doesn't say anything.
This is so weird. I wish Hunter would have picked literally anybody else for me to train with. I would rather train with a snake. Dean is probably going to ignore me all day, or drop a weight on my foot.
We have been driving for what feels like days, but has actually only been about an hour. Dean won't talk to me, and I won't say a word to him either. An awkward tension is present the whole ride.
It's weird, at one point, I actually thought Dean and I could be friends. He was actually being nice to me for a little bit. But, in the typical Dean fashion, he snapped back into his jerk habits.
"Turn down there" Dean instructs me, pointing to the left. I stop the car in the middle of the road, luckily no cars are behind me, and stare at him. We have passed through the strip of casinos, the main town part of the city.
He wants me to turn down a complete dirt road. It's barely a road, more like a path. Tim pretty sure that I can see the Spring Mountain Range a few miles away, but other than that it's completely empty. The grounds are wavy, and it's all dirt.
So this was his plan all along, being me out here and abandon me here.
"What the hell are we going to do here" I ask. I cross my arms over my chest to prove that I'm not going anywhere until I get answers.
"Just trust me" he says and I look at him. He's taken off his sunglasses, and is staring at me. I sigh and cave into his words, like usual. I hate that I do whatever he says.
We drive for a few moments until he tells me to pull over to the side of the road. There is no sign of any human life anywhere. It's hard to believe that we are an hour away from the Vegas strip. He jumps out of the car and opens the back door, pulling his black bag out.
"You coming?" He asks and I become flustered. I reach for my seatbelt and jump out.
That's when I realize I'm wearing leggings and a grey tshirt. Not exactly workout clothes. Before I can say anything to Dean, he opens his bag and throws me grey workout shorts and a tanktop. I don't have the best reaction speed, so they hit me in the face before falling to the ground. I quickly pick them off and dust off the dirt, hoping Dean didn't see, and if he did that he keeps his comments to himself. Thankfully, he does. I look down at the clothes bunched in my hands. They look 3x my size, but it's better then nothing.
"Where should I change" I call. He's on the other side of the car, and I can only see his face over the car.
"Right here? What, you think someone's gonna see?" He ask like it's obvious, and I feel my cheeks redden. I look around, there's nobody around for miles, except Dean. I don't move to get changed, it's still so weird to just strip down in the middle of nowhere.
I can see Dean bending over, meaning he's changing. Okay then...
I quickly pull off my leggings and slip on the workout shorts Dean gave me. I was right they're too baggy. I pull the white string around the waist as tight as it will go and tie it. They look weird, coming down past my knees, but they're going to have to do.
I then take off my shirt and place it on the ground, and open Deans shirt to put on.
"Nice" I hear him say as I pull the shirt over my head. I pull it down as fast as I can and turn around to see him standing beside me, leaning on the car.
"You're such a pervert" I roll my eyes and pick up my clothes off the ground and throw them into the car. He's wearing the same sort of shorts I am, and a WrestleMania shirt.
"Nice shirt" I say, gesturing to the John Cena picture on the front. He shakes his head at it and I laugh slightly.
"So how are we supposed to workout without machines?" I ask and put my hand on my hip. He laughs and begins to walk beside me.
"We're gonna run for 4 miles, and then come back. I have some weights in my bag but it's gonna be mostly natural" he tells me and I stop. My mouth practically hits the ground and my eyes are falling out of my skull.
"4 miles?!" I exclaim and he chuckles, bouncing from foot to foot in warmup.
"Oh, wanna do more?" He laughs, and bends over to touch his toes. I can feel the sun beating down on me, and my whole body is already hot from this heat. There isnt a cloud in the sky, it's perfect weather for anything except running four miles. I shield my eyes from the sun.
"No! I wanna know if you mean the same miles that I mean" I ask and he laughs again.
"Cute" he murmurs under his breath. I decide to stretch too, anything I can do to make the run easier. I don't think I've even ran a mile in my life. I don't want to look like an out of shape lump to Dean, so I shut up and continue stretching. I just have to try and keep up with him, and maybe fake a leg injury after the first mile to get out of this.
"So, you just have to remember to stay on top of Nikki. Don't let her get up. She's dangerous if she can run around, but when she's forced to do force moves, not so much. Take away her strength, and you'll be golden" Dean tells me. I'm trying to take in everything he's saying, but right now I'm more focused on trying not to die. I think we've been running for years. Okay, maybe not. But I think I can taste my own blood. I know my face is disgustingly sweaty, and my hair is probably gross too, but I don't care right now. I'm huffing and puffing so loud, I know Dean can hear, but he isn't letting me slow down. Every time I want to stop, he motivates and encourages me to keep at it.
"Okay, what... about...Brie?" I ask in between breaths. We run along the winding path, Dean seeming to know where he's going. He has actually been kind of helpful during this. I, on the other hand, feel like my whole body is made of Jell-o, and that I'm going to collapse into a pile of sweat in the middle of the desert.
"Don't worry about her, she's pretty, but she can't wrestle to save her life." Dean laughs. He doesn't seem slightly tired at all... Not fair.
I can see the car we came in getting a little closer into view, which I'm hoping means we're almost done. The car looks odd being the only thing in such a big space. I'm used to having tall apartment buildings surround me, and busy traffic at every turn. Having this much space is new to me, but I sort of like it. But I will always prefer the city.
"If you need to take a break its fine" he tells me but I shake my head no. I am almost done, and I want to be able to say I ran 4 miles.
"You're doing good" he tells me. I want to reply, but I'm afraid if I do I'll cough up a lung.

We finally reach the car, and I open the door to collapse onto the passenger seat. The seats feel cold, and I bury my face into it, trying to help myself cool down.
"Nice job" Dean says from behind me. I must look like an idiot with my legs standing outside the car with my face on the seat.
I finally stand up and come face to face with Dean. He hands me a water bottle and I smile and thank him. I end up drinking half of the bottle in under a minute. The water feels amazing on my hot, dry throat. He watches me drink and smiles when some drips down my chin. I laugh, which causes more to spill out. I pass the water bottle to him, and he drinks out of it. It was nice of him to let me drink first, if I knew it was the only water bottle I wouldn't drink it all like an inconsiderate jerk. I begin to apologize, but he tells me not to worry about it
"Are you almost ready to move on?" Dean asks me, staring at me. I nod and hold up one finger to say I need a minute.
"So, why don't you just go to a gym?" I ask him, still breathing heavily. He hands me the water bottle and I take one last sip, before passing it back to Dean. He takes a final drink out of it and puts the lid on, before leaning against the black car with his arms crossed.
"I don't know, there's so many people in there either to show off or one up each other with the weights. Besides," he looks up at the clear blue sky "this is peaceful isn't it?" He asks me and I nod. It is extremely peaceful, seems like a good place to come and think. The mountains look really amazing, and I think I'd like to come back one time and climb one.
"Well, we better do some weights, I have a live event tonight" Dean tells me, getting off of the car and opening the back seat to retrieve the black bag he brought. Out if it, he pulls two medicine balls, and two sets of weights. I groan and hoist myself up, forcing myself to continue on his workout.

I'm not sure if this is the same Dean I've known for the past few weeks, but I like this Dean much better. Witty, and nice. This Dean has come up periodically over the past couple of weeks, but he never stayed long enough for me to get to know him.

I really hope this Dean decides stays longer...


okay so that was my chapter, it's actually really long so.. But I'm proud of it.. Do you like where the story's going?? Any predictions?
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