Chapter 7

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The elevator rises at an excruciatingly slow pace, as John and I stand in the small enclosed space alone together. The events of a very long night are beginning to catch up to me as I let out a yawn. 2:01 my phone clock reads. I can see John watching me intensely from the corner of my eye, but I don't dare look.
Does he seriously think I would invite him up to my room so late? I have nothing against John, but this is not what I wanted at all. I just want to go to sleep, I have to wake up and drive to the next city with Paige, if she's back by then.
I am so thankful for John though, without him I probably would have ended up being the toy for that creepy drunk guy.
I look up at him. He isn't looking back anymore. His nose doesn't look any better, but it has only been a few hours. The walls in the elevator are 4 large mirrors. I stare at my expression in the reflection. I look tired, dark circles surround my eyes, and some of my makeup has smudged. My hair, which was once straight, is starting to curl. I sigh. My eyes travel to John in the reflection, and he stares down at his phone.
I don't remember my hotel floor being this high when Paige and I brought our bags here earlier, this ride seems to be taking forever.
Finally, a small bell indicates we've arrived at my floor, as we wait for the large silver doors to open. We step out and I lead him down the hall to my room. Nobody has said a word since we left the cab, and the silence continues wandering the halls. This has got to be one of the nicest hotels I've ever stayed in in my entire life. The walls are white and lined with detailed paintings hung in huge gold frames. I usually prefer to stay in motels, because it's more my style, but I won't turn this down.
We reach my room, and I grab my key from my bag. I don't know what to say to John, so i pretend to fumble and tie my shoes
"Well, I'm sorry tonight happened the way it did..." John says sincerely. He stands on one side of the door frame, I stand facing him. He looks absolutely drained, but he keeps a smile on his face.
"I'm sorry you almost got into a fight on the streets because of me" I laugh, but it's true. Who knows how drunk that guy was. What if he had a group of friends, and they all beat up John... He really did save me, and I am thankful. I begin to feel guilty that I don't want him to come into my room.
"Don't be sorry. I guess I'll see you tomorrow" he says and I breathe a sigh of relief, hoping he didn't notice. He looks at me with a funny expression, but ignores it and continues.
"Drive carefully. I'm sorry about getting mad earlier, you know, about Dean.." His voice trails off and he rubs the back of his neck.
"I hope your nose gets better soon" he smiles and thanks me.
"Make sure you text me if you need anything" he says. He so sweet to me, even though I haven't exactly been too gracious to him since I've met him. I smile and thank him repeatedly
"You aren't riding alone tomorrow, are you?" I ask. Since he and Nikki broke up, he very well could be. I hope he has a friend who would ride with him, so he isn't completely alone. John looks at the floor.
"Actually, I'm riding with Nikki on my bus...I went to see her earlier, and we talked for hours. Don't worry, she isn't mad at you." He tells me. I smile, and he does the same. I'm genuinely happy for him. He seems to have found a girl he really loves, and I'm happy they worked it out.
"I'm glad you guys could work things out" I tell him.
"Now, I have to go buy her a present for being such a dick" He begins to back away and wave.
"See you, Riley." He turns and walks away, before pressing the button to call the elevator.
I unlock my door with the pass key given to me when I checked in, and step into the pitch black room. I peak my head out, to see if John is still there. He's looking back at me, with a dimpled smile, and I laugh.
"Goodbye John"
Even though he has a girlfriend, I think we will definitely be good friends.

An hour later, I am awoken from a peaceful sleep. I hear swearing from the other side of my door. It sounds like Dean, but I can't be sure, I might still be dreaming.
"Paige, where the hell is you key" Dean hisses. I think he is trying to stay quiet, but he is failing terribly. I groan and stumble out of bed, my eyes still squinted. My legs almost give out, from the lack of sleep I've gotten.
I look through the peep hole in the door and see Dean holding a passed out Paige on his left shoulder, and her bag on his other. He is trying to hold both up, while looking for the key, with a pissed off expression, and I giggle.
I unlock the door and swing it open. He looks up at me and stares for a second.
I'm pretty sure he hasn't slept all night either, but he doesn't look tired at all. He could be drunk, I don't know. Frankly, I don't care. I want him to put down Paige and leave so I can get a few hours of sleep before we have to leave.
Dean doesn't say another word as he gently lays Paige down on her bed, and her bag on the desk chair.
he begins to walk towards the door, completely ignoring me.
"You're welcome" I say, informing him that it's rude to not say thanks when someone does something nice.
He turns back around and looks at me.
"What?" His raspy voice asks. I put my hands on my hips. I know I must look intimidating in my pink plaid shorts and white tank top, but I don't care.
"How rude can you be?" I sneer and roll my eyes. He stares at me with a confused expression.
"How am I being rude? I brought your drunk ass friend home for you, made sure she was safe, and didn't let her drink any more. Shouldn't you be thanking me?" He says. He is definitely trying to push me.
Breathe, Riley. Don't freak out. He wants a reaction, be the bigger person.
"Thank you" I say, irritatedly. I can't help it, I can't always be the bigger person.
"Mhm, thought so" he smugly replies. I don't think he's gotten changed since his match tonight, he still has the jeans and white tank top on, and his hair is a mess, hanging like raw noodles. He can make the messy "I don't care" look work though.
"Whatever. You can leave now then" I tell him. Obviously I need to get sleep, because I am becoming quite uptight and snappy.
"Oh can I? No. I leave when I want" he says, slowly walking back into the main room. It feels like I am swallowing golf balls. He is intimidating, as he shadows over me. The small lamp that was turned on prior to his entrance gives him a mysterious hooded eye look. He keeps a straight face as he hovers over me. I stare back up at him, hoping I'm giving off a much stronger confidence then I feel inside.
"just because you can get away with doing whatever you want on T.V doesn't mean you can in real life" I tell him. My voice cracks near the end, and he stares at me questioningly, a smug essence to him.
"Really. Huh. I think I can though" he says. He is such a smooth talker.
" What?" He asks.
"Did... Did you.." I can't find the right words for it.
"Did I have sex with her?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod slowly. He stares at me for a moment, studying me with no expression.
"No. I don't believe in the whole rape culture." He isn't breaking eye contact with me, and I can't seem to either.
"Well, do you need a cab ride home? I'll pay for it, since you brought home Paige and everything" I gesture to her limp body laying across the queen sized. I take this as an opportunity to back away from him and look for my wallet.
"Why would I need a cab ride" he asks.
"Well if you've been drinking..." I begin, but he cuts in.
"I don't drink." I am shocked. He doesn't seem drunk right now, but he might be really good at hiding it.
"Ever?" I ask, staring at him. I don't know why I care, but I really honestly thought he did.
"Long enough" he tells me and I nod. I know if I push too far he isn't going to tell me anything else, so I leave it at that. I look up at him, but he doesn't move. He stares at me, like he's done a lot tonight.
"What about you, I didn't see a single drink in your hand tonight."
He was watching me all night? Creepy.
"We're you watching me?" I smirk. He gives me a crooked smile that lasts for a second.
"Paige was definitely attracting a lot of attention, I just happened to see you with her" he says. Makes sense.
"So why didn't you drink?" He pushes. Tonight is certainly not the night to get in to my life's choices. I ignore him and walk over to my bed, sitting down on the edge.
"Goodnight Dean" I dismiss him.
"Riley?" He asks. I cover myself with the white sheets and put my head into the pillow. I hope if I ignore him, he will go away on his own, like a rash.
"Riley" he asks again with more authority. I groan and raise my face from the pillow.
"What" he looks at me and chuckles.
"Nice drool" he points at the side of my face. I quickly wipe my hand across my mouth, capturing the moisture. I feel my cheeks redden. Why is he here anyways.
"Is that all you wanted?" I ask, making sure my annoyance comes clear through my voice.
"No. I lost my room key, I need somewhere to stay" he says. I know he is hinting that he wants to stay in my room, but there is no way that's happening.
"I'm sure there's a nice park bench in the city somewhere" I smile, and it's his turn to roll his eyes.
"I'm serious. Can I stay in here or not" he doesn't seem to be asking though, because he takes off his tight leather jacket and throws it on to the floor.
"Fine, but you're sleeping on the couch" I am stern on this. I don't need rumours of me sleeping with co workers going around.
"Great" he throws his body on to the small couch. He groans and tries to fix his position, but his legs still hang off the end. I laugh at the sight, and he narrows his eyes at me, which makes me giggle more.
I roll over so my back is to Dean, but I cannot sleep with him in here. He has done nothing but annoy me since he got here, and have some sort of hated for me. I've seen him around other girls, other interviews, other superstars. He isn't pleasant, but he isn't as annoying as he is with me. I don't get what I did to piss him off so much. I had talked to Paige about him, and even she agreed that she didn't think it was because he had a crush on me. I was slightly offended, and Paige scrambled to make sure I knew she didn't mean it like that. I laughed, knowing what she meant.
I can smell him from my bed. He smells exactly like he did when we rode in the car together.
Secretly, I like the way he smells. I know he doesn't use cologne, like a lot of the boys in the locker room. They seem to like to shower in it, and it's hard to breathe in. Some of them smell like smoke, or like sweat, and it's gross. Dean just smells good naturally I guess.
We left the small bedside lamp on, and I can see Paige laying on her bed. her body looks almost lifeless as she lay limply thrown across her bed. She is a machine, drinking that much so fast. She's sure to have a hangover tomorrow morning, which makes me glad I'm not her.
"Riley" I hear Dean whisper. I don't want him to know I'm awake, I don't want him to be annoying me any more then he has already, and I need to get at least some sleep.
I hear the couch move, and footsteps creek over to me. I don't move. Dean can't see body face, because my back is to him. I can feel him standing behind me.
"Goodnight" he whispers In such a hushed tone, I can't tell if he said it or if i just imagined it, I feel his hand lightly graze over my shoulder, rubbing gently. I try not to shiver from goosebumps.
After a few more moments of silence, I hear his footsteps back away, and the couch move again.
That was weird.

(Authors note)

Hola it's me again. I hate that I'm not staying on schedule. A really close family friend passed away, so I was in another city for the week at the funeral and visiting friends and such, im gonna update every night for the next week to make up for it. I have amazing plans for this book and I dont want to keep you guys waiting all the time.

Thanks for all the support, ily !)

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