Chapter 47

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"You can tell this is gonna be a match of the year kind of match!" JBL over excitedly announces on commentary, as Seth walks down the ramp, with Dean waiting anxiously in the ring.

I stand at the TV monitor with Paige and Aj Lee. Paige's boyfriend is facing off against mine, small world.

"Ring the bell!" The referee calls to the times keeper area. This is a match for the championship, it's a title match. If Dean wins, he will be champ. Obviously they've pre planned who the winner will be, and it won't be Dean but it's still amazing that he's in a championship match.

The boys lock up, and my heart is beating a million miles a second. I feel like if it wasn't so cold in the backstage area, I would be sweating bullets.

Wait, why am I so nervous? I've seen Dean wrestle before, I've seen him in extreme matches in the WWE or down in the indies under the name Jon Moxley. This is a simple one on one match, no big deal for him.

"It's weird watching them wrestle, it's like there's more on the line for us when we're dating them" Paige speaks about five minutes into the match.

Aj and I both nod agreeingly. I bite my thumbnail, a nervous habit.

"Riley, calm down girl. Deans trained, he knows what he's doing." Paige promises. I take a deep breath. She's right, he knows what to do and he and Seth are great together.

But Seth did break John Cenas nose in a match accidentally. If Dean got hurt I don't know what I would do. Probably a lot of crying and panic.

The match feels like it goes on forever, each of them throwing punches back and forth until Seth begins to get the upper hand. Paige looks happy, which pisses me off because obviously I want Dean to do better than Seth.

Seth repeatedly kicks Dean, over and over across his chest. With each kick, I flinch as if the kicks are hurting me every time the sound of Seths shin hitting off Dean's chest echoes through my ears.

I wish they would stop. This is hard for me to watch.

"Look Riley, he just hit dirty deeds, the match is almost over." Aj points to the screen where, sure enough, Dean has Seth set up in his signature move. He perfectly nails it and quickly rolls Seth over for the pin.

Before the ref can call one two three, the authorities music hits. Stephanie and triple h walk past us and past the curtain to the arena.

They walk slow but confidently, taking in everything as they wave to the crowd who loudly boo them.

"Oh shit" I mumble, my finger nail almost bitten raw.

Triple H has a microphone in his left hand, and Stephanie's hand filing his other. Every body has stopped everything, Dean rolled off the pin and the ref stopped counting as soon as the music played.

"Ref, don't you dare count that pin" Triple H demands. Of course, because he's the COO of the company and probably signs the pay checks of the confused referee in the ring, he doesn't count the pin as ordered.

Dean stumbles over to the side of the ring and calls for a mic of his own.

"Why can't he call the pin?" Dean screams into the mic.

"I've won the match, ref raise my hand!" Dean almost whines, and Paige Aj and I all laugh a little.

"Dean, you can't win from disqualification" Triple H explains, but everybody including Dean has no clue what he means.

That's when I see it in the corner of the screen, somebody has a steel hair in hand. Dean turns around right at the perfect moment where Orton hits him in the stomach with a steel chair.

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