Chapter 9

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I do one final look at my hotel room to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. The doctor had sent 2 men up to get Paige's stuff, but I hadn't heard what her condition is. I didn't have too much to pack, only the stuff I slept in, and my clothes from yesterday.
Today, I didn't have too much time to get ready, so I decided to see if one of the stylists at Raw would do my hair.
I cannot believe it's been one week in this job. They've let me do 3 interviews so far, and it's been a blast. I wish there wasn't so much drama backstage, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. That's something my grandma always said, and I just finally realized what it meant.
I reached over on to the desk for my room key to return to the front desk. I haven't heard from Dean since our huge blowout, and I'd be fine never seeing him again. Who does he think I'm trying to replace? Did someone have my job before me? Probably. But that doesn't mean I stole it from them. He's being a big baby and needs to get over whoever she is. I want to keep it professional backstage, and if to do so I have to avoid Dean, then so be it.
I pick up the room key, it seems thicker then usual. There's two room keys here. One of them reads my room number, one reads a different number... Maybe they gave me two different keys by accident.
Then I realize, this is Dean's room key. So, if he had his room key all along, why did he have to stay in my room? What a weirdo. He probably just wanted to try and kill me I my sleep.
I shake my head of all thoughts of Dean. I'm going to have to be mature, and be the bigger person. If I see Dean at work later, I can't give in to fighting with him. I leave the room and head for the elevator. I check my phone, still nothing from Paige, but their is a missed call from my dad. I dial his number and hold the phone to my ear.
"Hey pumpkin" my dads cheerful voice says from the other end. It's so nice to hear his voice, I haven't seen him in almost a year.
"Hi dad, how are you doing?" I ask. The elevator door dings open, and I step inside, pressing the L key for lobby.
"I'm doing better everyday. How about you, how's the new job?" He asks. He was always so supportive of everything I did, and it's really great to hear he still is.
"It's amazing. I love it" I decide to leave out all of the backstage drama, I don't need him worrying about me anymore then he does.
"I watched you last week, you looked beautiful. Listen, I have to go though, but I'll be watching you tonight" he tells me and I smile. We say our goodbyes just as the elevator reaches the ground floor, and I step out.
I eventually find my way to the parking lot, and press the button on the key for my car. The lights flash and I drag my suitcases over to it.
"Get out of my car" I tell Dean. He's sitting in the front seat of the black car, smugly staring at me.
He rolls my window down, as I place my bags in the trunk.
"Don't you wanna be friends?" He asks in a sweet voice. I need to stand my ground with him, he only way to get through to Dean is to be strict. Like a toddler.
"Dean, get out. It's a 3 hour drive, I don't need you in here bugging me" I cross my arms to show him I mean business.
"I like your dress" he gestures to my white outfit. In the hotel room, it looked fine. Now, with Dean staring at me, I feel like it's too revealing. I uncomfortably pull up the dress in the front, and he looks back to my eyes.
"Come on. If you let me ride with you, I'll be a good little boy" his rough voice sounds funny when he's trying to intimidate the small voice of a kid.
I almost smile, but I stop myself. I cannot keep letting him do this.
"Dean, get out, now. I mean it." I am not budging on this. He smirks, like this is a game.
"Not happening. Now, we can stand here and bitch back and forth, or you can get in the car. And I promise if you're late for tonight, the producer will kill you" he says. I bring my fingernail up to my mouth and bite it. It's a nervous habit of mine, but I know Deans right. The longer I stand here fighting with Dean, the less time I have to get to the arena. I want to find Hunter when we get to the next town, and talk to him about Paige. I decide that if I just ride with dean for 3 hours, and ignore him, then i'll make it to the arena without killing him.
I give in and walk around to the passenger side. I slide in and out on my seatbelt without saying a word to Dean.
I begin to drive slowly out of the lot, focusing on the road ahead. The traffic is really bad, as I smoothly swerves in and out of lanes. I'm surprised that Dean is withholding his end of the deal, he is being pretty good, he isn't saying much anyways

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