Chapter 2

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After sitting in hair and makeup for about an hour and a half, I now sit on a grey equipment cart waiting with the camera man that will be filming the promo. My palms are sweaty and I feel anxious yet excited.
I look up and see a pumped up and determined John Cena walking towards the entrance curtain. I give a small smile, as he stops in front of where I'm sitting.
"You must be the new interviewer, Hunter was really excited to have you. Said we were lucky to snatch you up" John says, and I feel myself blushing, and shaking. John has been my favourite wrestler for a while, and when I used to be on a wrestling talk show, I would always gush over how amazing he always did in matches.
I hope he hasn't seen that before.... This is awkward
"Really? Wow. Well its really awesome to be here, hopefully I'll see you around again, good luck with your match" I tell him. He smiles and does a small 2 finger salut as a man in a suit rushes over and tells John its almost his time. We say our goodbyes while he leaves for his match.
"Were you just talking to John?" A high british accent asks, and I turn my head to see Paige standing in her ring gear with her arms crossed in front of her.
"I uh... Yeah. We were just talking about his match and stuff" gosh, why am I so nervous. Probably because this girl could rip my insides out in a matter of seconds. She is smiling at me, but there's something devious behind it.
"I'd watch out if I were you. Since he and Nikki Bella broke up, she's been destroying any girl that talks to him. Kinda physco" she says, as she flips her black hair over one shoulder and begins twisting and playing with it.
"Oh no, I would never talk to him in that sort of way. Trust me" I tell her. She shrugs and smiles before skipping off in the opposite direction John just went.

"Riley, were going to need you in position. Luke is almost here and we have to do a final mic check" a man with a wwe staff shirt and headset tells me and I hop off the box.
They have me stand for a few minutes to check camera angles and lighting. A few minutes before we were on, Luke Harper walked over in a stained dirty white T-shirt and his beard hanging down off his face. I was extremely scared and intimidated, but I put those thoughts to the back of my head. I needed to do a good job tonight, I needed to live up to the expectations Triple H has for me.

Before I knew it, I was watching Luke Harper be attacked by Bad News Barrett, all had gone as scripted and i must say I was extremely proud of my performance. I didn't make a single mistake.

"And cut" the cameraman called as referees were attempting to pull the superstars apart.
They were still trying to punch and kick each other even after we weren't live. One of the referees gave me the okay to leave so I didn't get hurt, and I did as told.

"That was really great!" Stephanie McMahon said as she passed me in the hall. I thanked her and continued walking. Absolutely nothing could take the smile off my face. This was a dream come true and I wanted to scream with joy.
"Hey Riley, I liked your interview" Paige said as I walked into the divas locker room. I still didn't get a good vibe off of Paige, but until I had a reason to not, I was going to try my best to be nice to her.
"Thank you. Good luck in your match later" I replied and she smiled.
"Luck isn't usually on my side, but I've got all the skill I need" she said smoothly. I smiled and let out a small laugh, not knowing how else to reply. She looked at me oddly before finishing tying up her boots and leaving the now empty room.
I grabbed a water bottle out of the mini fridge and took a long sip before getting my bag and walking back into the arena hallways.
I could feel goosebumps forming all over my arm, but I didn't know why. I turned around to see what was behind me, but there was nothing.
"Hello" a voice said as a figure stepped out in front of me from another hallway. The dimly lit hallways made her even more alarming.
"Oh, hey Nikki" I replied, my throat feeling extremely dry. She had her wrestling gear on, black short shorts and a diamond red crop top.
"I was just curious to see how you and my john know each other. Because I saw you talking earlier and it sure as hell didn't look innocent " she hissed. She cracked her knuckle with a satisfying crunch, and I shivered.
"Listen, Nikki, it wasn't what it looked like. I mean, I don't know what it looked like, but it was totally innocent. He wished me luck in my interview and I wished him luck in his match, simple" I said, hoping for my life she believes me. She doesn't say anything for a moment and the silence slices through me.

She taped her black wrestling boots against the cold cement floor. I stared at them hoping she was understanding of my story or else my head will be the next thing tapping against the floor. She was watching me intensely under her stare and I felt extremely uncomfortable.
"You swear?" She says hesitantly and I nod my head quickly.
"Fine. Sorry for freaking out. A few other divas have tried messing with john so now I'm on high alert.." Nikki explains, embarassedly looking at her feet. I nod and thank the lord she was just precautions of john.

"Well, I promise you don't have to worry about me trying anything with him" I tell her and she gives me a small smile before walking off towards the locker room.

"Impressive" I hear behind me and I jump suddenly. I whip around only to come face to face with Dean Ambrose. Well, not face to face, more like face to chin, because of my smaller height.
"Managed to talk your way out of something, just like you talked your way into this job." He says in a low voice. I am extremely confused.
"Well obviously I did, I mean, I'm a sports newscaster so I talk for a living..." I joke, trying to lighten the mood. He doesn't even crack a smile. Well, okay then... I try to stand up tall so he doesn't sense that I'm scared.
"We both know damn well thats a lie. You didnt earn this job at all" he says raising his voice slightly.
"Of course I earned it. Sorry I'm not a wrestler like you, but I worked just as hard to get here as you did" I tell him, raidiating off my new found confidence. I keep my voice calm.
"You wouldn't know hard work if it bit you in the ass" he claims.
I don't want it to ruin my great mood. I shut my eyes to calm down before walking past him and towards the rental car that I was given the keys for earlier. Once I reach the parking garage I find my car easily. I put my bag into the truck and slide in to the front seat. I don't know exactly where I'm going, I have a GPS and I am just going to punch in the hotel in the next city and pray for the best.
I put the key in ignotion and the car almost instantly roars to life. Before I can move anywhere though, the passenger door opens and in hops the one and only Dean Ambrose. He throws his bag into the back seat, it is still open so some clothes spill out when it is thrown.
"What do you want?" I ask. He smiles at me, but I know it isn't an act of kindness.
"I'm your driving buddy." He says. I roll my eyes.
"I don't need a driving buddy." I say. I know annoyance is clear in my voice, but I Dont care. Since I've gotten here, he's talked to me once and every word was judgmental of me. He unfolds a piece of paper and holds it in his hand at me.
"Didn't you read your contract?" He obnoxiously clears his throat arrogantly before continuing. "All wwe superstars, that's me, divas, and personality" he pauses and looks at me "which is you" I roll my eyes "are required to drive with another person(s) to cities overnight for safety precautions. That's where I come in" he says, and now I know he is trying to piss me off. I cross my arms.
"So I'll just find someone else to ride with" I state, and he he holds his hands over his heart as if I actually hurt him.
"Sorry, no can do. A WWE supervisor has to approve all car arrangements 2 days prior. Plus, you don't know how to get to the right hotel. Triple H gave me extremely detailed directions, which I know you want. You wouldn't want to get lost on your first night here" I can hear the smug smile on his face.
"You didn't know me 2 days ago. How did you request to ride with me" I remind him, and ignore the rest of his statement.
"Let's just say I don't follow most rules set by WWE" he says. He kicks his feet up and puts them on the dashboard before sliding his ball cap down his head to cover his eyes.
"Wake me when we hit north Carolina" he says and I roll my eyes for what feels like the hundereth time today.
"Fine" I say, getting an idea. I begin to drive forward at a fast pace before suddenly slamming on the breaks. I jerk forward and Dean does too. He grabs his baseball hat off his eyes and glares at me. I out in the most innocent smile possible.
"Oops" I shut in a singsong voice. He grunts under his breath and I smile satisfactorily.

All I am confused about is how he went from a creepy stalker to obnoxious asshole in a matters of minutes. And I also don't know why his rudeness is directed at me.m
I sigh and start on what will probably be a long road to North Carolina.

Authors note!

Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone is having a good day/week. I Dont know if I will be able to update this Friday because I'm going to a dance at the school then to my friends house, so I'll definitely be back Sunday to update, possibly sooner (:
Pls vote and comment if you liked this chapter ily all sorry it wasn't very long:(

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