Chapter 29

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Authors note: I just realized I never mentioned Dusty Rhodes in this book, or his recent passing. So this chapter is dedicated to Dusty Rhodes, The American Dream, may his legacy live on forever. Rest in peace💗

Dean's point of view

I need to find Riley. This weather is getting worse, and no matter how mad she is at me at me, I just need to check to make sure she's okay. I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to her.
Riley's tough though, she's a really tough girl and it takes a lot to get her scared or worked up, so I shouldn't worry about her too much.
I know I am worried though, it's evident as I hold the steering wheel with my hands so hard that they're changing colour.
The windshield wipers quickly swipe back and forth across the front window, helping the visibility a bit, but not by much. I can hardly see a few feet in front of me. I don't know my way around this town. I have no clue where she could have gone, she could be miles away by now.
I decide to turn on the radio in Seth's car, maybe I can distract myself from the utter panic I feel right now.
I press the dial to turn on the radio, and an old mans voice fills the car. Of course Seth would listen to sport talk radio. Two guys are talking about some sort of baseball game that happened on the weekend. Boring. I reach for the dial to change stations.
"And in other news, we have just been informed of the passing of Dusty Rhodes, the WWE hall of famer" I instantly slam on the breaks to the car. I blink a few times, and stay silent make sure I heard them right. No. I couldn't have. Dusty isn't gone, there's no way.
"This news has shaken the nation of sports entertainment, and the American Dream will be deeply missed. He passed at the age of 69 and -" I press the off dial on the radio, I can't listen to that anymore. I must be dreaming, this can't be happening. Somebody would have told me if he did pass. I feel pain in my heart, and I feel like breaking down and crying. This cannot be true. Please don't let it be true.
Dusty was like a dad to me. This can't be happening.
I pull over the car to side of the road, and sit silently for a few minutes, basing in the pain. He isn't gone, that's a joke that the radio station plays on any of the dumbass listeners at 2 in the morning.
Why the hell would they joke about that... Dusty is gone. It hurts so badly to think about.
I think I'm in shock right now. I stare blankly at the window in front of me as rain drizzles down effortlessly.
"He isn't gone!" I yell to the empty car, and slap my hands across the steering wheel as hard as I can as emotion overflows. I'm angry at myself, I didn't spend enough time with Dusty, I didn't say goodbye. I haven't talked to the guy in weeks. What the hell is my problem.
I slap my hands across the steering wheel a few more times, and lean back in my seat.


"I'm glad you're still down here, I don't know where else I could have gone" I laugh as I shake my hair to get rid of any water that's fallen onto it. I just got hit with a huge thunderstorm while walking back to my hotel room to find Dean. I'll just have to wait here in the bar we were at earlier with Punk and Roman. I'm glad that John left, I'd hate to be in here with him without Dean, even though Roman and Punk are here, I'd just rather have Dean with me.
"I can walk with you back to your hotel room when the storm lets up, it's not safe out there right now" punk says, and I nod, looking back out the window of the bar. The rain is pouring down harder than I've ever seen and lightning lights up the sky constantly.

While we sit down, I think back to mine and Dean's fight. It was stupid, and I wish I could take it back. I don't want to fight with him, and I hope he can forgive me for lashing out at him.
I feel my phone vibrate inside my pocket, and I pull it out as Punk orders us each a lemonade, while roman enjoys his beer silently.
"Thanks" I tell Punk, as I slide my finger across the screen to unlock it. It's a number that I don't have saved in my phone.
"Hey Riley, it's Seth. Dean just came past my room to get car keys to go find you, just a warning" the message reads, and I don't believe my eyes. This can't be true, Dean doesn't drive. Plus, why would he come find me? I'm fine.

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