Chapter 62

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Dean's point of view

"Riles!" I jog down the hall, chasing down my determined ass girlfriend who doesn't seem to want to slow down for anything. Even in heels she's faster than me. I can see that she's looking down at something, probably her phone. I don't know what I did, but she seemed happy until I got there and then just seemed pissy and angry. If I don't talk to her now, she will have 3 weeks to grow more and more pissed off. I see her turn towards the elevator. Shit, it's now or never. If I don't talk to her, she will get away and whatever she's mad about will stew with her for weeks.

"Riley, please." I beg, standing right behind her as she crosses her arms and stares at the elevator doors. I can't see her face, but her body language tells me she's still mad.

"What did I do?" I'm beginning to feel more anxious and nervous, plus kind of mad that she won't tell me what's happening. How can I fix whatever I did if she won't tell me what I did?

One thing I know about Riley is she is stubborn. I probably should have handled this differently. If you go to her, it makes her pull away even faster and harder. But if I would have given her a few minutes she would have came around to me eventually. Oh well, too late now.

I sigh. She hasn't moved a muscle and she hasn't said a word to me, not even looked at me. Clearly she doesn't want to fight with me, or talk to me, at all.

"I love you, Riles." I say, taking a step back and slowly turning on my heel. If space is what she needs, then that's fine. I'll call her when she lands in England, and that's about as much space as she's gonna get from me.

"Why'd you go to Renee's house?" Riley says, her face still turned to the steel metal doors.

"What?" I ask. How the hell did she find out about that?! God damn it, she's going to kill me, especially since I lied to her about it. I felt guilty for it but I knew I needed to do it. I thought I had gotten away with it until now.

I don't speak for a few moments, neither of us do. She seems to take this as I didn't understand her question.

"You went to Renee's old apartment. Why?" Riley asks, turning around to face me. She's so beautiful, but I wish she hadn't though, when I look into her big blue eyes it makes me want to tell her everything, it makes my insides turn into jelly.

Why did I go to Renee's? Well, because I think better there. Because Renee used to give good advice and I guess I went there to clear my head. For a while it was like my second home, I was always there when Renee was still here, and honestly being around her calmed me down in a way nobody else could. But I don't know how to tell Riley that, without some sort of further argument.

I know she may pretend to understand it, the way she usually does but it's so complicated and mixed up in my head that even I don't understand it. It's all mixed up in my head that somehow it leads me to believe that it makes sense. My stupid therapist says it's not normal, but he has seen it happen a lot. He's a fucking prick.

I take a deep breath and think my words carefully.

"I don't know, I.. You were mad and I didn't know where else to go. It wasn't that far from your house and I thought it was a good idea." My words are rushed and confused, and I can tell Riley isn't impressed. Way to go, Dean. Like usual, I fuck everything up.

"Dean, I'm sick of you keeping things from me. I love you so much that I tell you everything without a second thought, but you can't do the same for me. You go behind my back and do shit like this. You lie to me on a daily basis when you tell me you love me more than anyone, because clearly you're still stuck up on Renee." Riley still has her arms crossed over her chest. I can tell this is a lot of stuff coming up at once for her. I can also tell its been building up for a while.

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