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Maddie's P.O.V

(1 week later)

Last week I went to one of Lily's appointments, the doctor pulled me aside as Lily was cleaning up. The doctor said Lily has depression, quite seriously. She said the things Lily's has been through have caused so much stress, chaos and Lily said that she felt lonely, even if she was with Neels or myself.

Neels and Lily moved in together, just to make things easier for the both of them, including Lily's parents. Lily's parents weren't too happy with her falling pregnant, but they learned to accept it. But when Lily told her parents the news, they were so upset because they knew how Lily felt about this. Although the pregnancy wasn't planned, Lily said that loosing her first baby is probably he most heartbreaking thing she has ever had to do.

Lily is having her procedure next week, she is nothing but nerves-which I'm not surprised about. Neels will be going with her and she may have to stay in hospital over night, but she should be alright.

I am sitting in my bed on my phone, the curtains closed but a tiny gap made the sunlight form a beam of light shadowing across the floor and up the walls.

It's nearly 9, I think Brad will be awake. I opened my messages and clicked on Brad's name:

You awake? X

Yeah, you alright? X

I'm fine, how are you? X

Im perfectly fine☺️ x

Good good x

Anyway what's your plans for today? X

Nothing so far x

I have band rehearsal at 11 but I can come round yours after if you want? X

Okay then I'll see you around 2? X

See you then princess x

I love you x

I love you too x

I put my phone to the side and sat thinking,

I'm a 20 year old woman, I still live with my parents and I don't have a job. What am I doing? I need to get a job, asap. Maybe my parents can help me.

I jump out of bed and put Brad's jumper on, his favourite one that he kindly gave me, I also grabbed some leggings and put them on, also getting some fluffy socks from my wardrobe and putting them on. I jog down the stairs and find my parents in the living room.

"Hey, how's my favourite girl?" My mum says with a big smile on her face as she held a cup of tea.

"I'm doing fine, how are you both?" I said as I sit in between them.

"We're great." My dad smiles. I nod my head and sigh, leaning back on the couch.

"Can I talk to you both about something?" I say before standing up. I grab the foot rest from the side and place it in front of the couch so they could both see me.

"You're not pregnant are you?" My mum jumped.

"No, I'm not pregnant." I laugh. Both of them sigh in relief and wait for me to continue.

"Well, since I'm now 20 and I'm still living here, I've been thinking about getting a job. But I don't know where to go or what to do." I look up and they both look at each other.

"Well we can help you."

"But I don't know what to do." I sighed.

"You could work with Polly, she has a pretty good job." My mum suggested.

"No offence mum, but I don't really like Polly."

"You don't have to like her. Polly has a very good job, new employees get good pays too. They're even looking for a new receptionist." I looked at my dad and he nodded. I don't think it would be too bad being a receptionist, especially for where Polly works. Polly works at a modelling agency, she is the manager and her husband apparently owns the place.

"So? Should I ask Polly of you could go along on Monday to have an interview?" My mum asked, I nod and smile. Although I don't like Polly or her husband, Richard, it was better than no job at all.


I am now sitting in my room, listening to Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez. About an hour ago, Alissa text me saying she wants to meet up again soon with the girls too. She didn't know about Lily though, so it'll have to be a while until we go out and do anything, Lily will be very shaken after her operation.

I head over to the huge window next to the wardrobe, the window went from near the floor all the way up, nearly to the ceiling. I sit down on the floor, the afternoon sun was beaming right in my face as I stare out to London. As I live on a hill, I can see over London. So I get really lovely views most of the time. Just as I zone out in a daydream, my phone buzzes next to me.

Do you want me to come round? X

Yeah, my parents are in but we can stay in my room x

Be round in 10 x

I close my phone and place it back on the bed, letting my daydream take me away once again.

I was suddenly startled by the sound of thunder from the sky, the sudden rumble made me flinch, so I got up off the floor and stood against the wall as I watched the rain start to pour.

The clouds opened like huge doors, the rain fell from the sky like buckets being thrown down. The clouds turned dark, the sun disappeared and the rain got even heavier. I looked into the distance, a bolt of lightening striking down, making me jump as the bright light flashed before my eyes.


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