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We slowly walked towards the small building in front of us, my nerves were all over and I was shaking a lot. Brad pushed open the door for me, letting me in first.

"Thanks." I smile at him, he nods at me and smiles. He walks in behind me and takes my hand, leading us to the table that was in the corner. 3 boys are sat at the table, one tall and blond, one had light brown hair with a slight quiff, and the other was slightly smaller with brown hair-I think he is the same size as Brad.

"Hi boys." Brad said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey." The boys stood up from the table, looking at Brad and I. I felt my cheeks burn as they walked towards us, my anxiety will do anything to try and embarrass me.

"This is Maddie, my girlfriend. Maddie this is Con, Tris and James." Brad pointed to the 3 boys, I smiled at them and re-introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you, Maddie." The light brown-haired one with a quiff, James, said.

"Nice to meet you too." I smile at them. We all eventually sit down, Tris, Con and James are opposite Brad and I. Brad took my hand and placed it on his lap, trying to calm my nerves.

"So, when did you two meet?" James asked as he put his elbow on the table, he put his hand on his chin and rested on it.

"About 4 months ago, we met at Hyde park. But before that he actually found me on instagram." I smiled. The whole time I said that I could see Brad looking at me from the corner of my eye.

The boys all awed at us, Brad smiled proudly as he gripped onto my hand even tighter. He turned to face the boys and sighed.

"Shall we order?" Brad asked as he pushed his hair back with his free hand.

"Yeah, let's go." Con said as they both got up, Brad held his wallet in his hand and headed towards the counter with Con, leaving me with Tris and James.

"How's the band going?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"It's going great, Brad has a great voice you know. Very different from others we've heard. We've also gained a lot of followers on twitter and instagram since we all got together and announced that we are a band." James said with a huge grin, this was their dream, and they were one step away from it.

"That's great, I'm happy that you all get along and you're all happy." Tris and James smiled.

"Yeah, Brad is a lovely guy. I'm happy we met him." Tris said as he ruffled his blond hair.


Really shitty chapter but I will be writing a longer one for the next chapter☺️

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