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See you tonight! X

My mum text me. I reply with an 'okay' and lock my phone. I soon come to realisation that Lucas unlocked my phone when he saw the message from Brad, I should check to see if he said anything.

I look at the messages Brad and Lucas had sent, 'keep away from my girlfriend', 'she's mine'. Oh gosh, Brad probably hates me now.

Brad! I am so sorry about that:( Lucas took my phone when he saw your message. I promise I'm okay and he's gone now.

I clicked send. My finger tips shaking as I realise my relationship with my boyfriend and my 'internet friend' is over.

He sees the message, but doesn't reply. I wait and wait but he don't say anything.

What have I done?


"Hello love! I'm back!" I heard my mum shout as she put her over night bag down.

"Hey mum." I send a sad smile.

"Did you sort things out with Lucas?" She asked. I shook my head and frowned.

"I'm sorry Maddie, I know he was your first love. Like I said, there's plenty of boys out there." She smiled, I hugged her and thanked her for being there for me.

"I think it was the right thing to do." My mum nods and hugs me tighter.

"I'll go and get changed and we'll watch a movie, yeah?"


My mum and I just finished watching a movie, Brad still hasn't replied. He's seen the message but didn't message back.

I don't know what to do, he felt like a real friend to me, I'm not sure why..


Sorry it's short! More coming soon☺️

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