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Maddie's P.O.V

I woke up with the blanket tucked all a round my body, the soft pillow beneath me slightly hanging off the bed. I turned around to face Brad, only to find he wasn't there. I sigh and begin to lift the blanket off my body. Wait, I'm naked..oh.

I sit up from the bed, noticing our clothes are scattered across the floor. I giggled at the thought, I grabbed the jumper Brad gave me last night and pulled it over my head and also grabbing my pants. I re-do my hair in the mirror and smile at my messy bun, I start to head out of Brad's room when I hear the shower running and someone singing.

Wait, does Brad sing? He's never told me. I put my ear up against the door and listen, I have to admit, he has a beautiful voice. I stand and listen for another 5 minutes before the shower turned off, I run back to the bedroom and sit on the bed, grabbing my phone to make it look like I'm doing something.

I hear the bathroom door unlock, I hear Brad's footsteps walk along the hall and back towards his room. He walked in the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, the water dripping off his body and his damp hair hanging from his head.

"How long have you been up?" He asked while he ruffled his curls back and forth.

"Like 2 minutes." I giggled, Brad smiled and brought his arms down from his curly hair.

"What are we doing today?" I asked quietly.

"My parents text me earlier and said they won't be home until tonight, I'm assuming Nat won't be back until tonight either." I nod and grab my phone from the side.

I notice I have a message from Lily.

Maddie! The date last night was perfect! I'll tell you more later x

Good I'm happy you enjoyed yourself!x

I put my phone back down, Brad now his shorts and jumper on. I smile and walk towards him.

"Thank you." I rest my can on his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"For what?" He kissed my head.

"For everything." Brad grins and pushes some of my hair back, his eyes are dark but soft, his skin is so clear and perfect, his hands are so soft and just him in general, he is my everything.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

(later that day, 5:03pm)

Alissa and I had been texting all day, we decided tomorrow night we are going to meet in town and go for a few drinks. Lily is coming too, I'm not sure about Brad, he probably has things to do.

So buzzing for tomorrow night!

Me too! I think you'll love Alissa.

She sounds nice, Neels said he knows her.

Well Lucas did so Neels probably did, besides Lucas and Neels are best friends.

True, anyway I have to go.

Okay see yaa.

I'm currently home alone, my parents have gone to this fancy dinner party with some friends, I think they're celebrating the fact that my dad is home-don't know why I wasn't invited, I mean I am his daughter.

Being an only child has its goods and bads-the good being no one is here to annoy you, the bad being you have no one to talk to when your partners are out.

After a while of debating on sleeping or movies, I decide to ask Brad if he can come tomorrow.


Hey babe x

You doing anything tomorrow? X

I've got plans, sorry☹️x

Is alright, just wondering if you'd like to go out with me and some friends for a few drinks x

I would love to come but I have to go somewhere tomorrow, I'll make it up to you I promise x

It's alright! I'll see you soon yeah? X

I love you x

I love you too x

I smile at the messages, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Although our relationship is short at the moment, it has been the best time of my life. I lock my phone and place it next to me, releasing a huge sigh and laying back on the couch.

I have nothing to wear tomorrow, I better go and have a look. I run upstairs and open the door to my room, I open the doors to my wardrobes and scan my eyes across my 'night out' clothes.

I finally pick out an outfit. I picked out a grey pencil skirt that comes down to the middle of my thigh, a white top with thin straps to tuck into the skirt and some black boot heels for shoes. I'm quite pleased with my outfit, I nod my head in satisfaction and lay the outfit on the bottom of my bed.

Tomorrow is going to be fun!


did any of you get tickets yesterday? I got VIP! finally meeting the boys!☺️❤️
good luck to anyone getting them on Saturday too!

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