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I woke up to the sun beaming through the curtains, I opened my eyes but immediately shut them due to the bright light. I slowly take the warm blanket off my body and make my way over to the window, I open the curtain and groan as the light almost blinded me. I rub my eyes, finally getting used to the light, and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

After I had done everything, I sat back on my bed and checked my phone. I noticed a few messages were there, so I opened my phone to check them.

Hey, it's Alissa:) you want to go out for a few drinks this weekend? You can bring a friend or 2 as there's a group of us going x

Clubbing wasn't really my thing, nor was drinking. The only time I drunk was when I was 16 and it wasn't even a lot.

I decided to go because I didn't have any other plans and Lily loves going out.

Yeah how about Saturday? I'll bring my friend Lily along:) x

I put my phone down and relaxed into the pillows, although it's 10am I'm still so tired.

Sounds great see you then!x

Alissa seems like a nice person, I think we're going to get along just fine.

After I put my phone down, it went off again. I groaned in frustration as I re-open my phone.

Morning Maddie;)

It was Brad, as you can clearly tell by the winky face.

Morning Brad:)

You know what I've just realised?


I don't have your number..

Oh yeah ahaha:D

Can you send it to me? Just so it's easier to message you x

Will do Bradley;)

What have I said about using my full name?






You will be;)

You and your filthy mind..

Don't act like you don't like it;)


I know you do😏


You want to come round today, free house😉

Yes, but no funny business!

Sure, whatever babe.

I'm going to get ready now, behave!

Don't have to tell me twice..

Goodbye Brad!

Bye shitface!!

I laugh at his reply and throw my phone on the bed. I walk over to my wardrobe, pulling out my outfit of the day. I decided on a grey top, black leggings, black boots and a khaki bomber jacket.

Satisfied with my outfit, I start on my makeup, keeping it natural because I don't need too much-I don't suit it either.

I take one last glance in the mirror before grabbing my phone, I closed my bedroom door and walk down the stairs.

"I'm going out, call or text if you need me." I say whilst waving at my parents.

"Bye sweetheart," My dad shouts waves then grabs the newspaper from the side, my mum waves at me before I leave.

I'm on my way x

Don't be too long;)


thank you so much for over 400 reads! I appreciate every single one of you who read, vote and comment on my book and even add it to their reading lists, thank you so much ily❤️

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