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Brad's P.O.V

I loved talking to Maddison. She felt like a close friend, a friend who I was slowly falling for. Weird, I know, I've never met the girl and I'm already starting to like her. She seems so genuine and kind, a nice loving girl who doesn't look for sex and drugs like some girls do in this world.

Hey Maddie:)

I clicked send, waiting for a reply.

She didn't reply or even see it, it's been 30 minutes now and I'm starting to get worried.

You alright Maddie?

I send that with fear running up my spine, I shouldn't be too worried though. What if she went out? Or had plans that I didn't know of? Stop worrying Brad! She's probably out.

(40 minutes later)

Who is this?

Maddie sent. What does she mean? We've been talking for a day, what's she playing at?

Is Brad? Obviously..

My heart raced. What if someone was on her phone? What if she got back with her boyfriend?

Keep away from my girlfriend okay? Don't message her, meet her or even think of her. She's mine and always will be, now I'd like to take my girlfriend back if that's okay?

So this is her boyfriend, who was her ex, what is going on? I wonder why she didn't text me..


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