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Maddie's P.O.V

We sat here for another hour, the guards started to move down the other side of the shopping centre. It was pitch black, the only thing I could see was the moonlight reflecting off the windows and back on to the marble floor. The only thing I could hear was Brad breathing next to me, his hand held tightly on to mine as we waited to move.

"Let's go." He whispered and dragged me to a hallway I've never seen before. We ran down the hallway and Brad lead me to a door saying 'Staff Only', he pushed the door open and closed it behind us. We ran up some stairs and got to the top, another door was yet to be opened.

Brad slowly opened the metal door, a gust of wind hitting us as the door creaked to the side. The smell of fresh air and the sounds of cars and horns echo through out the city of London. It was beautiful, the street lights lit up the city and the wind was gentle and welcoming. I looked around, letting go of Brad's hand as I take in my surroundings. This is beautiful.

Since we are on a roof of a tall building, we could see all over London, like the London Eye and Big Ben. Brad came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin rested on my shoulder.

"This is beautiful, Brad." I say as I look around to the sides.

"I knew you'd like it." He grinned.

"How did you know about this?" I ask as I turn around, his arms still wrapped around me.

"I've heard things." He replied smugly. I shake my head and smile.

"What am I going to do with you, Bradley?" I look into his glistening, brown eyes.

"You know, it's nearly our 5 month anniversary." He begins to smirk.

"And it's been the best time of my life." I smile widely.

"I'm glad we think alike." Brad brings his hand to my face and gently runs his thumb over my cheek. I stand there not doing anything, I just stare at him. The way his curls move with the wind, his eyes looking at my features, his cheeks slightly pink from the winter breeze.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too, so much." He smiles. I take the chance to lead forward and kiss him, his lips are cold but soft. My lips are no longer cold, the warmth is taking over. The kiss felt meaningful, passionate, full of love. And that is all I wanted.

We pull away and look into each other's eyes, the sounds of traffic beneath us. His smile grew wider than I ever thought it could.

"You're smiling so much right now." I giggle.

"You know why?" He asks, I shake my head and bite my lip.

"You." He says ever so quietly. I blush immediately, I am madly in love with him, and everything about him.

His hands go back to my waist, holding me close. His lips touch mine again, the familiar warm feeling comes back making me smile into the kiss. My arms go around his neck, pulling him closer to me, his hands gripped my waist tightly.


Brad and I are now sat down against the wall, a small wall on the edge of the roof, as we star-gaze. The stars twinkled in the sky, the moon is singing brightly on to London.

"Look." I say as my hand shoots up, pointing at a shooting star. I turn to Brad who was smiling, I smile at him and turn back to the sky above me.

"Come here." Brad whispered as he patted his lap, I shuffled closer to him and snuggled into his chest as his arms engulfed me in a warm hug.

"I could stay like this forever." I whisper, he kissed my head and whispered back,

"Me too."


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