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I just got back from my walk with Lily, it was cold and crisp so my hands are now numb and cold, but I'm home now.

Where are you?:(

The instagram icon popped up with Brad's name, I smiled at the message and hung my coat up on the hanger in the hallway and made my way to the living room. Mum is currently at work so I have a house to myself.

Sorry! I was out with my friend:(

It's okay:D how are you?

I'm fine thank you, and you?:)

I'm great thanks, Jess said hi:)

Hii Jess:)

oh my I'm talking to a dog over dms..

Yes you are smart ass.


Sorry princess;)

Hm you better be curly locks..

I am!:(


(10 minutes later)

We should meet up again soon;)

I read the message at least 3 times before I even thought of a reply, my heart fluttered as he wanted to meet up again.

Of course! But when?

Whenever you're not busy:)

I'm free on Saturday?

4 daysss?:(

I'm sorry! I have to see family:(

Well, it's worth the wait if I get to see you again;)

Oh yeah?;)

Yes Madison.


Just like our first conversation:)

So it is!

See you Saturday;)

See you then idiot;)


Our conversation ended there, my mum was due in any second from work, so I decided to turn the tv on and have a relaxed evening-like always.


Since Saturday was only now 3 days away, I was getting more nervous. I don't know why, but I felt anxious of seeing Brad again. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but I'm nervous too-what if it's a game? What if his friends told him to talk to me, then for him to say 'oh it was a prank, I don't like you'. It's stupid, but it can happen and I know it can.

"Maddie, are you doing anything this weekend?" My mum asked before she took a sip of her tea.

"I'm going out on Saturday, but I'm not doing anything on Sunday, why?" I asked. My mum finished her tea, then began to speak.

"Oh, nothing major. Just Polly is going on a trip for a week, I happen to be going with her-I only found out this morning. I know it's short notice, but she needs someone to look after Bella." Polly is my mums sister, aka my auntie. Bella is her puppy, she is a black Labrador and she is adorable.

"I'll look after Bella, how long are you gone for?" My mum smiles at me.

"Only 4 days." I nod my head and turn my head back to the tv.

"Can a friend stay since I'll be by myself?" I asked, she nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Who can stay over? Lily can't, she's busy with Neels.

I don't have any friends, literally.

There's only 1 person who comes into my mind, but I'm not sure if they'll want to stay in my house for 4 days-after all, we only just met a few days ago..


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