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It's been two days since my mum left, only two more days until Bella leaves too. It has been nice to have a bit of company but Bella has been a nightmare. She scratches the walls, doors and the floor, she chews everything in sight and very nearly broke my phone charger.

Finally, Bella did calm down and fell asleep, but a knock on the door disturbed her.

I quickly close the living room door so Bella couldn't escape and run towards the door. I open it to find my ex boyfriend, Lucas.

"Can I help you?" I ask bluntly, faking a smile.

"Maddie, hey." He smiled. I smile weakly and look down to avoid eye contact.

"Uhm, sorry about those text messages.." He said, referring to when he when in a mood because I was with Brad.

"Come in, let's talk about it." Lucas steps inside and waits for me to close the door.

I open the living room door to a very excited Bella. She starts jumping around Lucas' legs and barking quietly.

"I didn't know you had a dog?" He laughed slightly.

"Neels said the same thing." I muttered, I sat down on the couch and waited patiently for him to come over.

"So.." He started, he turned towards me and took a deep breath.

"I completely overreacted when I saw you with another boy, I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just jealous that you were with him and not me." (sorry to disturb your reading but anyone else think of Jack lyrics when they read that?) I looked deep into his eyes, a glint of sorrow sat there, shining in the dim light.

"Lucas, it's alright. It didn't offend me or Brad. Don't get yourself stressed over me simply hanging out with a guy." I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, the reason I came was to apologise and..and tell you that I am now seeing someone else.." He put his hand on his cheek and waited for my reaction.

"Oh, that's great. I'm happy for you, at least we can say we've moved on now." I try to act like I'm happy for him, don't get me wrong, I am-but I am a little bit hurt, but I guess I did the same thing to him too.

"We can still be friends right? Hang out, catch up sometime?" He said whilst smiling.

"Yeah, of course." I smile back.


It's been a couple hours since my encounter with Lucas. To be honest, I'm happy he is seeing someone, I'm happy that he has moved on just like me. So if I did happen to find someone else, he wouldn't be pissed about it.

I'm so boredd:(

I sent to Brad. I took Bella for a walk about an hour ago but that didn't last long, all my friends are out clubbing but that's not my thing, I'd rather stay at home and watch a movie.

I can take care of that:)

I smile at his reply, my heart melting at how lucky I am to have met him, even if it was accidentally.

It's cold and dark and I have nothing to do:(

Want me to come round? I'll bring a movie and some food and we can talk and stuff:)

You don't need to come round! I'll come round yours, you always come round mine and I feel bad:(

Nonsense! I'll be round in 10;)

Okay, loser.

Whatever, idiot.

My stomach tingled with excitement for this evening. Every time I saw Brad or even thought of him, my heart would literally skip a beat. He is just so caring and kind, also very very attractive.


I skipped over to the tv and turned it on, Brad handed me the dvd we are going to watch while he played with Bella, again.

"I swear you're obsessed with Bella, Jess will be jealous." I laugh as I look at them playing tug of war with a piece of rope.

"I'm not obsessed! I'm just..being nice?" He pulls a confused face but we just laugh it off. The movie starts playing so we head over to the couch and turn to the screen.

I started shivering as a draft hit me, I put my arms across my chest and buried my hands in the sleeves of my jumper.

"You cold?" Brad whispered. I nodded in reply.

"Come here." He held his arms out for me to engulf into, my head laid on his chest and my arms tucked in front of me. Brad put his arms around my small body and pulled me closer to him, his chin rested on my head.

"That better?" He whispered again, I looked up to him already staring down at me.

"Much better." I smile, Brad chuckled.

"Good, because I have something to confess." He grabbed the remote from the table and turned the tv down a bit, I sat up to face him as I wanted to know what he need to confess.

"Ever since we first met, even if it was a coincidence we were there at the same time, I had admired you, you are such a lovely, beautiful girl who I have slowly fallen in love with." He looked down to his hands, playing with his rings. I'm assuming he's nervous.

"I'm in love with you, Maddie." His voice cracked as he looked back up at me. My heart was screaming. I can finally tell him that I feel this way!

"I'm in love with you too." I whispered. His eyes are glossy, his small frown turned into a huge smile. I smiled back, shocked that I had just told him that I am in love with him.

Without any hesitation he cupped my face with his soft hands and planted a kiss on my lips.

I smile into the kiss as we continue, my hands slowly going up to his hair. I twirl my fingers around his curls, he is doing the same with mine. One of his hands let go of my face and travel down my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I am so happy I messaged you on instagram."


hope you like it!
and thank you so much for over 200 reads already and also for everyone who has voted/commented I really appreciate it thank you so much❤️

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