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Every time Brad and I were together I got a funny feeling in my stomach, like butterflies. I don't know whether it's nerves or just excitement of seeing him.

When I got home my mum was already packed and ready to go, her and Polly were sat in the living room with Bella running around.

My mum and Polly left about and hour ago and so far, baby-sitting Bella wasn't going well.

"Bella!" I shout for the third time. In the hour, she already chewed half a shoe, one of my tops and now she was scratching the walls leaving marks down them. I pulled her away from the wall, Bella whined as I held her in my arms.

I decided to make a small bit of space for her, to keep her out of the way but she can still do what she wants.


I finished the pen, it was in the corner of the living room. Polly had also dropped off a cage for her so I decided to take it apart and strap the ends to the wall, leaving the middle for Bella. I placed her inside with her toys, her bed and her food and water.

I sat down with a sigh, who knew having a dog was this hard? After chasing her for about an hour I can finally relax and so could she.

How's the puppy doing?

I opened the instagram app and replied to Brad's message.

I've only just sat down..

How come?

She's been here like an hour and since then I have chased her because she was chewing everything and scratching the walls so I decided to make a pen to lock her in.

Ah, I see..so I'm guessing she's a nightmare?

Yep she is:)

You want some help? I could come round and we could take her for a walk, I'll bring Jess so we can all walk together:)

My heart raced and my stomach tingled. I really think I like him, I really do.

Okay, what time would you like to come?:)

Well it's nearly 7 so I'll leave in 5 minutes and walk to yours with Jess, then we could walk around the block and have a little chat:)

Do you even know where I live?



See you soon Maddie;)

I laugh to myself and put my phone next to me, Bella is chewing her toys and ripping them apart. Typical puppy.

I was startled by my phone that buzzed beside me, I picked it up and read the text I had just received..


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