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Since yesterday, this Brad person hasn't said anything else. I think he found it awkward, I'm not surprise though. He seems like a nice person, but he could be a 70 year old pedophile for all I know, I better stop talking to him.

"Maddie? Can you come here please?" My mum shouted from downstairs, I pull the warm covers off my body and put my dressing gown over me. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mum is.

"I'm going on a trip with work for a few days, I'm going to leave you some money. Sarah is next door, as usual, you can have friends over but no loud music!" My mum laughed, I nod my head and hug her.

"I'll be back on Thursday, it's only 2 days." She kissed the top of my head.

"Alright, hope you have a nice time." I smile at her.

"I will, sweetheart. I'll text you when I'm there, be safe." She kissed my head again before heading towards the front door.

"Bye mum!" I shout from the living room.

"Bye Maddie!" She shouts back.

The door shuts as my mum leaves, I head to the living room and turn the tv on. Nothing is on really, just a bunch of crap actors or people who argue to the nation.

Just then, my phone buzzed beside me.

L: Heard your mum is away til Thursday;)
M: If I'm thinking what you're thinking you're disgusting.
L: I'm kidding! Anyway, need some company? X
M: I could do with some x
L: Be round in an hour x

Like I said before, Lucas is my boyfriend of 2 years, we have known each other since we were very young. Lucas' twin brother, Marcus, is like a brother to me, he's so kind and loving-they both are.

Since I have an hour to kill, I decide to get changed and go out on a small walk. It's Autumn, which means the air is crisp, the leaves turn brown and more cosy nights in.

Just before I leave, I grab my key off the hook and unlock the door, then locking it again behind me. I head down the driveway and start walking. I'm not sure where yet, but my feet will guide me.


Somehow, I've ended up at a small coffee shop on the corner. It's not very big, more like the small ones. I still have half an hour so I decide to grab a coffee and slowly walk home.

As I turn around from the counter, someone else walks in.

It was a boy, a familiar looking boy. He pushes his hair back with his hand and looks at me.

He smiles and winks at me, I feel my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing?

I smile back just to be polite and walk past him. His aroma is strong, yet subtle, a vanilla kind of scent. I begin walking slowly down the path, coffee in my hands, keeping them warm from the cool air.


I unlock the door with my shaking hand, holding the coffee didn't help at all.

I step into the house and greeted by the warmth. I smile to myself and hang my keys up, putting my jacket on the hook beside me.

I go back into the living room, the tv is still on and my phone is where I left it. I decide to check if Lucas had text back, but instead see this:

Caramel coffee, that's my favourite too.


If you didn't know already, Maddie's boyfriend in this story is in fact Lucas Dobre, him and his twin are youtubers:)

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