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Brad's P.O.V

I feel really bad for overreacting earlier.

Maddie said it's her best friend, Lily's baby.

Maddie and I are currently sitting on my couch watching random programs that come on.

"I'm sorry for earlier." I muttered, stroking her hair as she lay on my lap.

"You don't need to keep apologising, I forgive you." She smiled as she sat up to face me.

"I feel bad though." I said looking down.

"You don't need to feel bad, I'm sure I would do the same thing if you didn't tell me something as big as that." She giggled. I laughed a little bit and kissed her head.

"I'd like you to meet the boys." I blurted out, changing the conversation.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The rest of the band, I'd like you to meet them." I smiled.

"Oh, when?" I picked up my phone and messaged the group chat.

"I'll check." I say as I click on the group, typing the message.

"They might take a while to reply." I switch my phone off and put it to the side.

"Well, since they're going to be most places I go I might as well meet them, they seem nice." She smiles widely. My phone buzzes next to me so I pick it up and unlock it.

J- How about next Friday?
B- What should we do though?
T- Why don't we just go to Nandos or something and we'll all get to know Maddie?
B- Perfect.
J- I love Nandos so yes.
B- Where's Con?
T- Out I think?
J- No idea.

"They said they're all free next Friday, we're going to Nandos." I smiled whilst turning my phone off.

"I love Nandos." She giggled.

"So does James." I laughed.


Maddie's P.O.V

"That smells bloody awful." Brad mumbled causing me to laugh. We are currently out shopping, as we were bored, we're not really looking for anything. We just thought it would be fun.

"You think everything smells awful." I laugh back at him. He scoffs sarcastically and makes a strange face at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I don't know." He said scratching his head. He then picked up a tester of a grey looking bottle.

"This one is nice, what do you think?" He said as he sprayed the tester paper with the fragrance.

"That's nice, I really like that." I smile.

"It's Gucci Guilty." He grins, pointing to the picture next to him.

"That's Jared Leto on that poster." I say to myself, though I thought it was to myself.

"Who's he?" He asks as he picks up a bottle from the shelf.

"Did you really just ask that?" I say as I laughed a bit.

"Uhm, yes?" He said before he covered himself in the scent.

"He's an actor and he's in a band, he's the Joker in Suicide Squad?" I try to give him hints, as soon as I say he is the Joker he looks less confused.

"Ah, right. So he's in a band you said?" He asked.

"Yes." I nod.

"Are you buying it?" I ask, pointing to the bottle in his hands.

"No I'm giving to the shop owner, yes I buying it." He said sarcastically, but laughed after. I shake my head at him and follow him to the paying area.

"Where shall we go next?" Brad asked turning to face me. I see the woman serving him looking him up and down, is she blind?

"Not sure, anywhere you want to go?" I put my arms around his chest and hug him tightly. I look back at the woman serving us, a spiteful look on her face. As we leave, I wave at her causing her to scoff and stomp away from the desk. I laugh at her and walk off, catching up with Brad.

"What are you giggling about?" He asked as he nudged my side.

"That girl, who was serving us, was looking you up and down, so I hugged you and she looked at me with pure evil across her face. I then waved at her before we left and she stormed away." I said before laughing again.

"What can I say? Look at me." He said as he spread his arms and twirled around, making older people look at us oddly.

He puts his arm out closest to me and wraps it around my side, my head on his chest and his hand holding mine.


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