Chap 45: Secret Love Song

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I prepared an explanation as to why I haven't updated for months. Deleted it the last minute because I don't think it matters anymore. There will always people who are too stubborn and rude to even understand. 


"Excuse me, ma'am, but may I speak with Aynie please?" A deep, husky voice interrupted my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that everyone is looking at me. Professor McBee sighed heavily and nodded. I could hear whispers of disbelief, probably because they are all wondering why THE Prince wants to see me. I slowly made my way towards the awaiting Prince as the death glares of my classmates bore into me.

"What the hell is happening Aynie?" He asked in a hushed tone, referring to the rumor that circulated this morning. He dragged me into a janitor's closet after confirming that there are no witnesses around. Sounds like a murder case. Heh.

"I honestly don't know Harry. I just walked into school, and bam. Everyone was staring at me like I'm a Cyclopes of something." I explained.

Harry scratched his head, obviously annoyed.

"The rumor has to stop Aynie! It's only 2 months before our wedding and we can't risk having rumors like this." He massaged his temples and looked at me.

"Is someone that angry with you?"

"I honestly don't know Harry. It pissed me off too. But this is just a rumor you know. It's just bad if Oliver finds out."

Harry huffed. "SO you are more concerned with what your boyfriend would think rather than what awaits for us in 2 months?!"

"Wait what?" I said in disbelief. This guy is making me confused. "This kind of rumor is going to go down the drain soon. After a week or two, they are going to forget. Besides, it's not that they know that I'm a princess. People don't really spend that much time gossiping about ordinary students like me"

"Just... be careful with the people you are with, Aynie. I've had a lot of so called 'friends' and almost half of them betrayed me." He said.

Harry then opened the door and walked away.

I only have a few best friends, and I also have Oliver. None of them would betray me.

As expected, the rumor only lasted for a few hours.

Tho I received a lot of letters and death threats from Oliver's fan club. What feels like hundreds of those were clogging up my locker. I contacted Oliver the whole day but my calls gets connected to voicemail instead. 


"Aynie dear, have you chosen your gown yet?" Grandmere asked with her eyes literally twinkling. We personally & secretly visited around 5 different stores that exclusively designs gown for celebrities and royalties. We have a palace designer who usually comes after a call from Grandmere but due to family reasons, he wasn't able to come.

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