Chap 37: The Dreaded Dinner

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11/24 i dont know what happened but the contents of this chapter was apparently erased. i don't know if i made any changes but this one was saved in my comp. Tho i don't know if i have changed something when it copied it from my comp. ugh


Previously in SMTAP:


I made my way back to the front door when someone smack my bum. I turned around to find Ashton smirking at me. HE DID NOT JUST SMACK MY BUM!

"I know you want me Gracie!" he said smugly. Gosh. We just met a few seconds ago and he's already acting arrogant.

"Sorry to burst your little bubble but I don't 'want' you. I barely know you!" I told him and he just smirked. Someday I'll wipe that smirk with a bloody knife.

"We'll see Gracie!" he said and winked at me.

"Don't get too cocky hotshot and don't call me Gracie!" I told him and marched away.

This is so not good.


After 3 long hours of travelling, we finally arrived at the Palace at 1PM.

Harry and I didn't speak a word during the whole flight (I was asleep) and the car ride. He had his earphones in 3 hours. Why isn't he out of battery?!

I even peeked at his phone to see what he was listening. I was surprised to see One Direction's song. I guess all those times when I played all their songs so loudly in my room had that effect on him.

Grandmere was already waiting for us on the living room when we arrived. She gave me a smile but she glared at Harry. I rushed to hug Grandmere and kissed her cheeks. Harry did the same but immediately went to his room.

I found out that he introduced Maria as his official girlfriend. I read the newspaper yesterday. Thank goodness it was written in English. I was hurt, and still mad that he blew me off. But I told myself that I shouldn't be anymore because I have a boyfriend.

Harry wants his freedom.

So do I.

I promised myself that I'll try to be civil towards him.

"Hey Aynie. Your parents are coming home today. Did they tell you?" Grandmere asked as she patted the space beside her on the couch.

"Yes Grandmere. We spoke on the phone yesterday. I also told them about Oliver."

"Are they cool with it?"

"I think so."

"I told Juliet (the Queen) and Sigfreid (the King) about... your situation and they understood. You're still young after all. We want you to enjoy life. We don't want to be the 'tough' royal family or something along those lines."

"Thank you so much Grandmere. I couldn't ask for a better grandmother." I told her honestly. I feel so lucky to have people like them in my life even though we only met because of a fixed marriage.

"Oh hush." She said and put her hand over my own. "Now, we want to meet that Oliver of yours. Do you he could join us for dinner tonight?"

"I guess he could. He's a really sweet guy Grandmere. I think you'll like him." I told her and she smiled. She then shooed me away so I could change and rest before dinner.

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