Chapter III

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"Thank goodness that test was over. I swear it drained my brain cells." I half-cheered, half complained. We just had our last Biology quiz for this semester and it actually felt like an exam; an exam for medical students. Really, being a doctor is not in my bucket list.

"How many hours have you slept?" Anne asked as she held my face and looked at me in the eyes.

"Just 2." I answered as I tried to cover my eye bags with concealer.

"Wow. You are very.... "

"Stupid." Grace replied.. I pouted. They really like to tease me about my studying habits. They know I love to procrastinate especially in Biology. No matter how long I study, I can't still get the terms right. but who am i kidding? Biology is like... rocket science. i dunno. BUT OMG do you guys know that I've always dreamed of cutting open a person's tummy and TOUCH THE ORGANS???!----- okay lets not get into that. i might puke. blugh.

"Have you told Harry about the rumor?" Grace asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. He was pretty much pissed." I answered timidly.

"Hey Aynie, I gotta ask you something..." Anne said, taking a big bite out of her apple. She's having apple for lunch. May I repeat, FOR LUNCH. While I, Aynie, ordered pasta, orange juice, chips, and nuggets, And I'm very proud.


"Have you ever thought that maybe the reason Harry doesn't want you to talk to him in public is because he doesn't want gossips and rumors to spread. Like you know, you married him because he's a prince, or because you threatened him, or because you owe his family a big amount of money?"

"Nope. " Impossible. "And my dearest Anne, you have a wild imagination. I'd rather go to jail than marry him because I owe him money."

"What did Harry do after you told him?" Gee (short for Grace) asked.

"He called Jake and told him to find out who spread the rumors and bla bla bla".

"Your life is just sad." Anne said, looking at me with pity.

"Yeah, and I think that's why you're my friends." 'tis true. My life is sad but they are there to make it colorful. They both rolled their eyes at me but I know that's a point for me.


"Oh shoooot! Grand mere's gonna kill me". I murmured to myself over and over again as I sped down on the school corridors.

Please no teacher, no teacher, no teacher.

I swear I only blinked for a second then BAM! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? it's either I hit someone or someone hits me.

"Oh I'm so sorry Miss! I didn't mean to-----" I didn't hear anything after that because my mind went blank. I passed out.

"I'm going to jail, I'm going to jail" I heard a voice say over and over again. My head is spinning already and his repetitive murmurs' are getting annoying.

"Why would you be put to jail?" I suddenly said and I swear he nearly fell of his chair. He put his hand on his heart and inhaled deeply.

"Thank God you're awake! I thought I would be put to jail because it's been 2 hours since you passed out. I'm really sorry—"

"PLEASE STOP FOR A SECOND." I half-yelled, or as much as my voice could take.

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