Its begining to look a lot like Christmas

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"Michael… Michael wake up." You shook his shoulder gently as you whispered in his ear.

"What is it?" He mumbled, barely awake.

"It’s snowing!" You answered and ran to the window. Michael followed you and smiled grabbing your hand. He pulled you outside with him and stopped in the middle of the yard. He quickly turned to face you and smiled.

"I love you so much…: He whispered


"(Y/N), It’s cold!" Luke whined.

"Well yeah Luke it’s snowing! What do you expect me to do?"

"Well the way I see it there are two options."

"And what might those be?"

"Well, you can either use your magical powers to stop the snow and make it warm… or can come and cuddle me!"

"I’ll get to work on the snow then."


You giggled and crawled into bed next to Luke. He smiled and moved his forehead against yours. The both of you quickly fell asleep wrapped up in the blankets.


"Calum, Can I please come out now?" You called out the window with your eyes closed.

"No! It’s a surprise! I’ll come and get you when I’m done!" He called back.

You walked back into the living room and continued watching Rudolph.

A few minutes later Calum came in and started to tie a scarf around your eyes.

"Calum, what are you doing?"

"Just wait."

He lead you outside and untied the scarf. You gasped and looked all around you. When you turned around and saw Calum you quickly pulled him in for a long sweet kiss.


"What’s your favorite Christmas song?" Ashton asked.

"Silent Night. What’s you’re favorite thing about winter?"

"Hot Chocolate. Favorite winter treat?"

"Tree shaped cookies. Something about the shape just makes them even more special. What’s your favorite winter memory?"

"Well… this one time I was laying in the snow with the most beautiful girl in the world and I told her I loved her for the first time." Ashton turned his head to look at you and you looked back and smiled.

"I love you too."

One Direction and 5SOS preference book 2.0Where stories live. Discover now