Your Anorexic

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Louis: “I just want to cut it all off with a knife.” You say with no emotion at all. “I don’t like the feeling of being heavy. I like the feeling of my stomach empty. It makes me feel smaller.”
He tried to make eye contact with you but you stared straight ahead. Watching the fireplace flames flicker. 
“Sometimes I just wake up and expect a perfect body because of how much I’ve worked out and the small amount of food I take in. Then when I look in the mirror I see the same girl. Fat. On the scale, I’m loosing pounds but my body shows no sign of it. It’s sucks.” People would think by now that you would be crying, but you felt no emotion.
“Enough (Y/N).” Louis says with a sad voice. “Just stop.”
“You told me to let it out Louis. So I did.” You counter.
“I didn’t know it would be this bad.” He murmurs. “I didn’t know you were so broken inside. Your so happy outside when around others.” A sarcastic laugh was heard from you.
“That’s the thing I guess. The most happy are the ones with the most demons.”

Harry: He placed a hand on your stomach. You were nervous because you have lied to him. You lied that you ate dinner early without him. In reality, you sat on your bed drinking water only. For the past couple of days, you ate full meals Harry made for you. Workouts were never planned or done. But at night when you lay in bed, you felt full and disgusting. So you skipped tonight. 
“what did you eat tonight babe?” He asks. 
“Umm…pasta.” You lied.
“You make it?”
“Yeah.” He shook his head.
“I know your lying” he whispers. “There are no dirty dishes. Pasta box was not even opened or touched. I can hear your stomach growling every five minuets (Y/N).” 
He caught you in your lies. “I am trying so hard to help you get through this (Y/N). I’m not sure if I want to try at all of your going to keep doing this.” He yells. Your body slumped onto the couch not knowing what to say. He left the room and closed the door with a bang. Guilty was how you felt. Guilty as fuck. Standing up, you walk to the kitchen and pulled out the pasta box. Within 15 minuets you have two bowls of spaghetti ready. Harry still hasn’t come out yet. His bowl was left on the kitchen table as you made your way to the backyard. On the bench swing, you slowly ate your spaghetti. A screen door was opened behind you. Harry sat next to you with his bowl in his hands.
“I smelled spaghetti so I came down.” You nod and take another small bite. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you. I just don’t want you to treat yourself like that. You don’t deserve it.”
“You shouldn’t be apologizing harry. Your right, I should be trying more. It’s just hard.”
“I know baby, and that’s why I’m here for you. To help you through the hardest.”

Zayn: “Why?” He asks while you both lay in bed. With your backs to the mattress, the two of you looked at the dark ceiling. “What drove you to this?” A long sigh escaped your lips. It was hard to talk about it. It made you feel so vulnerable and uncomfortable.
“You can trust me.” Zayn says frantically. 
“I know I can Zayn” You say to him. “Other girls drove me to this state. I wanted to be like them. Skinny and pretty. I wanted to catch guys attentions. At first it was pretty innocent. I just started eating cleaner and worked out more than usual. Then I wanted more. So the next thing I knew, my brain was filled with how many calories does a certain type of food has and how many calories did I burn that day.” Small tears were now forming. Zayn kissed them away. 
“You don’t need to go on.” Zayn hushes. “Your beautiful. There is no need to become skinny to get my attention or any other guy. You know why? Because your perfect already. You don’t need to look like the girls in the magazines. You just need to look like you.”

Niall: He came into the kitchen with two plates. The steam was rising from the hot pasta. A plate was set in front of you. Looking at it made you want to gag. Niall sat across from you, staring intently. Looking right back at him, you didn’t know what to do. You wanted to skip the meal just like you have done for the past two days. 
“C’mon princess. I know it’s hard but please for me?” He pleaded while grabbing your hand quickly. “C’mon…” He whispers.
Picking up the fork, you twisted some pasta onto it. The utensil was shoved into your mouth. Niall relaxed and smiled.
“Your getting better.” He says while getting up to sit next to you. A kiss was placed on your temple. “And I’m so proud.”

Liam: You eyed your body up and down the mirror. Checking for any areas that may have gained weight. Your legs pushed apart, attempting to create the famous thigh gap. 
“Just a little more and you got it (Y/N).” You whisper to yourself. 
“I told you not to be doing that anymore.” A voice says behind you. Your body slightly jumps at the sudden sound. Liam walks towards you with an warm embrace.
“I didn’t know you were there.” You mutter in his shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter if you did (Y/N). What matters is the body checking you still do.”
A frown was placed on his lips. “You shouldn’t be worried about what shape your body has 24/7. So what you might gain a pound or two. It’s honestly bullshit.” He kissed your head while hugging you even tighter.
“You don’t need to become skinnier for any reason. In fact, I love the body you have now. So please, don’t try to loose it.”

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