Cutting you/him off with a kiss

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Harry’s been back from tour for two weeks now and things between the two of you have been rocky.He’s been distant and moody. You’ve tried talking things through with him but he always dismisses the idea. So you buried yourself in your school work. 

One day while you were sitting at the kitchen table finishing up your homework, Harry comes and sits in front of you. 

"I saw you with another guy at Starbucks the other day. I know you didn’t cheat or anything but it still made me mad because you were smiling with him. I leave in three months for another tour and I can’t tell you how scared I am that while I’m away he’s going to steal you away from me." 

He started rambling on and on about the distance between you two and how you need something simple and stable. And you could tell by the way his arms were flying everywhere while he talked that he was really losing his mind over the whole thing. So you pressed your lips to his. When you pulled away you looked at him. 

"What was that fo-" he began to ask but you cut him off again with another kiss. This time deeper and more fierce. Without breaking the kiss you got up from your chair and onto his lap. He held you close while your tongues danced. 

He pulled away to say something else but you kept your lips on his. “Don’t talk.” You said in between kisses. “You say stupid stuff when you do.” He smiled into the kiss. 



You were at home on your couch the sappiest chick flicks you owned. Your boyfriend of seven months broke up with you because he said he needed something different, something new. And you’re not sure what that suppose to mean or how you’re suppose to deal with this new break up. Your door starts to open and your long time friend Liam walks into your living room. He gives you a sad look when he sees how broken you’ve become. 

You pause your movie and he sits down next to you. You grab a tissue and wipe away the tears. 

"So what happened?" He asks. 

"I don’t know. I thought everything was going great but he meets this stupid blond bimbo at a club one night and decides he fucking loves her now and not me." You take a breath as you feel the tears threaten to spill at any moment. "How come this always happens to me? How come every guy just gets bored with me?" You wipe away your tears. "I’m pretty right? And I’m fun, right? Maybe I need to like lose weight or something maybe then I can actually keep a man in my-" 

Liam’s tender lips interrupted your little rant. You’d been friends for a long time and he had never shown you he was interested in you in something more than a friend. This kiss was so passionate and loving and perfect. So perfect. 

When you pulled away you just looked at him waiting for an explanation but he didn’t give you one. He grinned, played the movie and let you cuddle up in his arms. 



You were sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal and browsing through websites for new clothes. It’s Sunday morning and you don’t have to be at work and Louis doesn’t have anything planned either. You were hoping for just a relaxing day at home. 

Louis came downstairs and kissed your cheek before he started making his tea. He started talking to you about his new friend Katie. Apparently Katie is the most wonderful person he’s ever met because he spends most of his days talking about her. 

Usually you love hearing Louis’ stories but you’d had enough about listening to the super funny joke Katie said. As he kept talking, totally oblivious to your annoyance and discomfort, you got up from your chair and put your bowl down in the sink. He kept talking as the jealousy in you rose even more. 

When you turned to face him again you pressed your lips to his. He was definitely taken aback but he didn’t break the kiss. He held you tight, his hand creeping slowly down to your bum and your arms looped around his neck. The kiss was desperate and fervent. When you pulled apart to catch your breath, he gave you a look. 

"What was that for?" He asked. 

"I don’t like listening to you talk about girls who are funnier than me and prettier than and more interesting. It feels like I have to fight to remind you that you’re with me and not her." 

A sad smile appeared on his face because the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel like your were enough.

"Trust me there’s no one funnier, prettier and more interesting. You’re everything I want. No more Katie talk." 

You grinned and kissed his cheek. 



Niall had taken you to this beautiful restaurant tonight. To you, today hadn’t been a really important day that required you to dress up in a beautiful dress and dine at a fancy restaurant. You were just visiting him in Paris during his tour. After the restaurant you guys took a walk down the Seine river. 

His fingers intertwined with yours. He’s been acting very strange throughout the night; his every move was careful and perfectly thought out which is nothing like the carefree guy you’ve loved for the last year. 

Suddenly he stopped walked and you gave him a weird look. 

"(Y/N), you are amazing." He said. "I never thought anyone would ever love me or want to be with me, and then you came along and showed me what true love is really like. 

"I know that I’m gone a lot and you have plenty of chances to be with someone else but I’m really happy that you stick with me and my crazy schedule." He took a deep breath. "You’re way out of my league but I ju-" 

You couldn’t wait anymore and just kissed him. You made sure he felt all the love that you had for him because he is all that you’ve ever wanted and to hear him say that you were what he wanted was just magical to you. 



Another article surfaced saying that Zayn had been unfaithful to you during his last tour. You weren’t really paying much attention to it because you trust Zayn and he’s proved to you that he’s faithful. But Zayn’s taking it rather hard because it’s questioning everything he stands for. 

For the last twenty minutes you’ve been watching your boyfriend fight over the phone with management and his publicist about keeping news like that under control. 

But you knew that that wasn’t the problem. 

The problem is that Zayn wants to give you a normal relationship. A relationship where you don’t have twenty thousand people tweeting at you every day telling you that you and Zayn’s relationship will not last. He wants to be able to take you on dates and not be mobbed by paparazzi and crazy fans. 

After he finished on the phone you rose up from your chair and gave him a hug. 

"You know I would never cheat, right? You know I’m totally comitted to this relationship. I hate that this shit happens and I hate that you have to deal with this. Maybe you should be with someone who can give you not complicated. I just want to be hap-" 

You twined your lips with his. At first he stiffened at your touch but soon melted into it. His strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist his tongue licked your bottom lip. He let out a soft moan as the kiss deepened. Slowly you pulled away, brushing your nose against his. A sweet smile danced on his lips. 

"We’re going to be okay." You assured him. 

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