2:39 AM

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Louis: It’s the perfect time for missing someone. Because it’s late and early at the same time and he knows he should be asleep but his body is too preoccupied with missing you and he’s thinking thinking thinking and all he can think of is you, and are you okay? Do you miss him too? Because at 2:39 am the loneliness really sets in, he can forget about it for awhile around the lads, but now he’s really alone, and he really misses you and you’re awaken at 2:39 am to incessant ringing and the soft purr of his voice.
Harry: It’s the time for tired mumbles and lazy kisses on cheeks. And you want to sleep, but he can’t and so you listen, humming back effortlessly while he rambles on in a broken and sleepy voice about how Niall got toothpaste in his boots the other day, or how he found this new band he thinks you’ll like, or how he really likes the way you fumble with your fingers when you’re nervous. And with chaste kisses planted on cheeks and foreheads and noses, and sleepy sighs and quiet chuckles, 2:39 am might be your favorite time of day.
Niall: It’s the time for bouncing off walls and laughing along to the other’s antics. Because it’s late and he’s giddy he should be tired but he’s with you and he doesn’t want to sleep because he doesn’t want to miss anything. And if he’s happy, you’re happy, following him as he saunters around your otherwise empty flat, singing a messy remix of that Robin Thicke song and lying upside down on the couch. It’s the time for shared secrets and shouted confessions, because no one else is up, it’s only you, and that’s enough.
Zayn: It’s the time to be asleep really. Because he’s right knackered, with shows and travelling and being away, and you’re exhausted from work or school and not being with him. So as the clock ticks through the night, later and later, he’s got his arms around your hips, your curled against the fabric of his shirt, head resting against his shoulder, lips pressed to hair and skin. Breath is shared and so are covers, and dreaming of the other occurs from both of you, snores and quiet sighs are all that is heard. 
Liam: Its the time for devilish grins and sinful touches. Because you’re alone and awake and bored and then he’s kissing you and the mood changes. You’re no longer bored, no longer the slightest bit tired, no longer thinking of anything other than his lips burning against yours, against your skin, his fingers tugging at fabric and hair, yours trembling and fighting to sink nails into skin. And at 2:39 am, it doesn’t feel like 2:39 am, because you aren’t tired or annoyed or dreary, you’re hot and excited, just the same way he is.


Well i found this of Niall on tumblr let me ask you this WHAT IS GOING THROUGH THAT IRISH BOYS HEAD!?

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