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"And I can’t do this by myself
All of these problems, they’re all in your head”

"Babe please just listen to me, you are absolutely perfect to me, I wouldn’t have you any other way. I love (Y/n). How can I make you see how beautiful you really are, because I can’t do this by myself, you have to help me, you have to help yourself. You need to start believing in yourself princess."

"Maybe if I was beautiful, I would be able to love myself, but I’m not, and it’s pretty fucking hard to love someone like me, a fat ugly, little girl." His hand found your cheek wiping away the stray tears that had left your eyes.

"You’re not fat or ugly, you are fucking beautiful (Y/n), all this hatred is in your head baby girl, you need to believe me when I tell you, your the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you with all of my heart, and I just want you to love yourself as much as I love you. I really hate seeing you like this." Hew wiped away his own tears trying his hardest to stay strong for you.

"I love you too Ash." His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him, your head resting against his chest, while you soaked his shirt in your tears listening to his heart beating through his chest.


"Behind your lies
I can see the secrets you don’t show”

Calum I said I was fine”.

"Your obviously not fine though are you (Y/n)? If you were fine you wouldn’t have been crying your eyes out in the bathroom 5 minutes ago would you?" You couldn’t bring yourself to answer him knowing he was right, you were far from being fine. After a few moments of silence Calum finally spoke.

"I know." In that moment your whole body froze. What did he know? He can’t know. How did he find out? I’ve been wearing long sleeves, my skin has been covered, I just don’t understand how he knows. "Please talk to me (Y/n), I’m sorry, I just want to help you."

"You can’t help me." You mumbled to yourself, hoping he wouldn’t hear.

"I can if you let me babe. Please just let me help. Please.


"You see the pictures
But you don’t know their names”

You lay back on your bed throwing the magazine across the room groaning in frustration. “Why can’t I look like those pretty, skinny models.”

"(Y/n) you do know that those ‘pretty, skinny models’ don’t even look like that, it’s all Photoshop, why would you want to look like a twig anyway? I much prefer you the way you are."

"Don’t lie to me Luke I know you would prefer a prettier and skinnier girlfriend." You feel the bed sink as Luke climbs under the quilt, snuggling beside you.

"Don’t be stupid (Y/n). Come on you always compare yourself to the girls you see in magazines, you don’t even know who they are. They could be absolutely horrid people whereas you are amazing. And I love you and not those models, you and only you." Luke says pulling you closer to him, resting you head in the crook of his neck whilst softly stroking your hair. 


"You took something perfect
And painted it red”

"Babe where are you?" Michael shouts whilst frantically searching for you around the house. You quickly jumped off the floor desperate to clean up before he found you. The pain causing you to cry out. The blood continuing to pour from the cuts on your body. Your heart beating faster as the door shuck with the loud screams from Michael’s mouth. "Babe let me in, I know you’re in there. Please, don’t make me knock this door down. You tired your hardest to clean up but before you knew it the door had come off it’s hinges and your body had collapsed on the floor in the pool of blood.

"I’m sorry, I’m so so sor-" Two strong hands were now on your shoulders rubbing small circles on the top of your arms.

"It’s ok baby, I’ve got you, it’s going to be ok, lets go get you cleaned up." He wiped the tears that were falling from your eyes away, wrapping towels around your body to stop the blood going everywhere, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom where he laid your body down on the bed as he whispered sweet nothings to you, "Don’t ever forget how much you mean to me (Y/n). I love you so much, you will always be perfect to me no matter what."

One Direction and 5SOS preference book 2.0Where stories live. Discover now