I Wish by Cher Lloyd

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Ashton: Freakin’ perfect and five foot ten, just wanna punch her lip. 

You stood at the bar waiting for the next order of drinks for the group in the VIP section, this is what it’s like working in a night club. Groups of people who think they are the best ordering all the kind of alcohol they can get their hands on. “thanks Rob!” you shouted over the loud pulsing music blaring from the speakers in every corner of the building. You made your way through the groups of sweaty couples swaying to the beat of the music without dropping or spilling the drinks balanced on the tray. You finally made it to the back section of the club and the man undid the robe for you as you saw boys sat all around with perfect model like girls hanging off of them. “um excuse me, whoever you are can you come take a photo?!” one of the girls asked making you scoff and place the tray of drinks down in front of someone before walking over to the girl who was hanging off a guy with blonde/brown curly hair. She shoved her phone into your hands as she took any possible pose next to this guy until he pushed her off of him and started to walk over to you “i’m Ashton” “(Y/N)” you said as he kissed your cheek and slipped something into the back pocket of your work uniform “see you around (Y/N)”

Calum: Wish I woke up with a butt and rack, ‘Cause if i want you, I gotta have that. 

It was the same old group of boys who would be in the club every Friday night with the same old girls hanging off their arms who they would eventually take home to do whatever they wanted to do. You watched the same old guy with dark brown hair dance up against the skinny blonde girl with a huge butt and probably a pair of fake boobs, who looked as if she had eaten way to many Doritos the night before. “(Y/N) the group in the corner ordered some champagne” Rob from behind the bar said as he set the big bottle on your tray in front of you as he pushed you over towards them. You nearly tripped and smashed the whole bottle as you were about to set it down on the table as the same blonde girl tripped me over but luckily someone caught the bottle “you gotta be careful there, i’m Calum and you must be the girl who works here every Friday” he said placing the bottle onto the table before he ran his hands through his quiffed up hair “i’m (Y/N)” i said as i opened the top of the champagne bottle letting it pop as his friends all cheered at the sound of it “how about we hang around some other time, i see you here all the time and it’s the only reason we come here” he said smirking at you “i would love to”

Luke: 'Cause I know I've been wasting time tryinna catch your eye. 

You watched as he walked across the dance floor, his hand intertwined with some slut he had just picked up since he was ‘famous’ his blonde hair was starting to stick to his forehead as he lent on the bar with the girl stood in front of him. “can i get you anything?!” you asked shouting over the loud music as he turned round but before he could you pulled your top down slightly “yeah a beer and something she would like” he whispered in your ear as he got closer to you. You nodded and turned around to get his beer meaning you had to bend down to get it from the fridge, you could feel his gaze burning into you. When you came back with his drink and the one for the girl with him it was only him there and the bimbo had disappeared “where did your shag go?” i asked setting the drinks down in front of him “not really my type, but you, you are definitely my type” he said with a smirk as he picked up his bottle and took a swig from it “my shift finishes in an hour, i’m (Y/N) by the way” “Luke Hemmings”

Michael: I don’t own any five inch heels, just got my Nike’s on. 

You walked down the streets as you walked past the girls all dressed up in short dresses that don’t even cover their ass or leaves a bit much to imagination on the cleavage, heels that made them five inches taller then they usually would make leaving them to tower over you with just your Nike’s on. You just had a simple crop top on with some skinny jeans on since all you wanted was some pizza for a night in on a Friday but instead you were stuck trying to find your way in and out of these groups of girls. When you finally got to the pizzeria there was a group of three boys with a couple of girls surrounding them just like the ones outside. You stood in line behind them and then once in a while they group would break out into laughter as you awkwardly stood there not fitting in as they didn’t move up. You peered around them to see a huge gap between them and the person in the actually line, sighing you walked around them and stood behind the boy with blue hair and a nice suit on like the boys behind you. “sorry about my friends, they can be a bit, flirty is the words i like to call it” he said turning around to look at you as he looked at your appearance and smiled “at least your not as stuck up as them, all i want is pizza and then go home” you said as he laughed and let you go in front of him “how about we get pizza together and sit down to talk?” he asked making you smile as you agreed to his propersition and you two ended up talking the whole night until the restaurant closed.

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