Visiting his hometown

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Liam: “That was my secondary school, babe, do you see that building? And that alleyway right there, I tried cigarettes there and hated them. Oh, and that’s the corner shop, on the other side of the street. I used to buy crisps from there afterschool. I wonder if Lucy still works there.” He gabbled, excitedly pointing everything out.

You nodded, looking out the window, “It’s a big school, bigger than mine anyway. Oh, Li, what if your parents don’t like me?”

“They’ll love you.” Liam nodded reassuringly, “If I love you, why wouldn’t they? Oh, (Y/N), look out your window. My primary school is down that road. And my house is like five minutes away. Don’t be nervous, (Y/N), they’ll love you.”

You nodded but you couldn’t help but be nervous. Wolverhampton was quaint and cosy, but your stomach was churning and your gripped Liam’s hand tighter. The town suddenly seemed scary and threatening. You weren’t sure about Liam’s family, if they’d like you or not, but Liam was certain that they would so you trusted him.

Niall: You leaned back in the grass, smiling at the finally-blue Mullingar sky. Niall was inside with his parents, so you’d decided to come out here for a bit of fresh air. It had been raining all weekend so the grass was damp, but it smelt fresh and you felt relaxed. You pulled out your phone and started to scroll through your twitter. You felt two tiny hands on your shoulders and an adorable baby face looking down into yours.

“Hey, Theo!” You smiled and he sat down next to your stomach, “How are you, little guy?” You messed up his thin hair. He giggled. Greg sat down next to you.

“Can I join you?” He asked. You nodded slowly, “Niall really loves you, (Y/N). We’ve never seen him like this. So… happy. We’d heard a lot about you but… you’re more than we could have expected. I think you’re the one for him, (Y/N).”

You blushed slightly and smiled, “I’m pretty sure he’s the one for me, Greg. He’s… he’s amazing. I love him.”

Louis: “(Y/N), how did you get your hair like that?” Lottie was stroking the waterfall braid along the side of your head that you had worked so hard to perfect, “It’s so pretty.”

Louis’ other sisters were at school, but Anne had let Lottie take the day off. Louis was visiting some old friends so you were chatting with Lottie, “Oh, it’s actually not that hard, though it takes a while to do on your own. Louis helped me a lot. I can do it for you, if you like.”

She nodded eagerly so you started braiding her beautiful blonde hair. It was silent, with you concentrating and Lottie working so hard to stay still. Lottie broke the silence, “(Y/N), can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” You continued braiding her hair.

“Do you love Louis? Like really?” Your hands froze when you heard her question. You didn’t answer for a few seconds, trying to figure out the right thing to say.

“Yeah. I love him a lot. He’s so funny and sweet, he really cares about his family and me and the boys too.” You nodded, affirming your statement, and continued on your braid, satisfied with your answer.

Zayn: You were cuddled to his side, squished into his narrow single bed in his blue bedroom. He had spent the whole day out with his old school friends, while you’d gone shopping with his mum and sisters. It was nice to be reunited.

“(Y/N), what do you think of Bradford?” He asked and you smiled softly.

“It’s lovely, Zayn. I can’t believe you grew up here. I can’t imagine little Zayn.” You whispered honestly.

“It’s weird to think about my life here to be honest. It’s even better to be here with you.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and you grinned into his shoulder, “I love you, (Y/N).”

“Love you too, Zaynie.” You closed your eyes, your head rested on his shoulder, and drifted asleep.

Harry: “Barbara!” Harry bellowed as the two of you entered the bakery. A frail old lady came out, grinning madly. She must have known Harry, like everyone else in this small town.

“Harry!” She gave him a tight hug, “You look lovely. And who’s this?” She smiled at you.

“I’m (Y/N),” You introduced yourself nervously, “I’m Harry’s girlfriend.”

“Ah. Well I’m sure you know about how I used to pinch Harry’s bum?” She let out a low chuckle and Harry buried his face in his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. You giggled softly and squeezed his hand softly.

“Nope, he didn’t mention it.” You grinned at his red face and he started to laugh too.

“Well, I have (Y/N) for that now.” He wrapped his arm around your waist.

“She’s a keeper, Harry, she really is.” Barbara spoke very slowly and winked at you, before disappearing through a door that no doubt lead into the kitchen.

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