Does he know

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Niall: There was no way your boyfriend knew how much time you spent with Niall. There couldn’t have been. He would have been furious and he probably wouldn’t have let you and Niall be friends anymore-but that wouldn’t stop you. You and Niall were joined at the hip, always had been. But Niall wondered if your boyfriend knew the parts of yourself that you shared with someone who wasn’t him. Niall knew about the secret tattoo on your hip that only your best friend knew about. You had made him pinky swear not to tell a soul and he never did. He didn’t think your boyfriend knew, he felt some sort of small victory in that. He looked at you now, lying on his bed watching TV, the picture of relaxation. “Come watch with me,” you said meeting his gaze. He swore that if you asked it of him, he would do it. “Scoot over your arse is hogging my whole bed,” he lifted you with ease and dropped you on the other pillow and you laughed, smacking his chest as he curled up next to you. There was no way he knew. Niall didn’t care though, he loved spending time with you-even if they were just stolen moments in time. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t pull himself away from you. He was in too deep, his heart too invested. He loved you-he didn’t know how it happened or when but it did and it left a sour taste in his mouth. You turned your head and smiled at him and Niall didn’t really care how he got you, just as long as you never left.

Zayn: He knew how your eyes looked in the light- honey brown, soft gold with the slightest touch of dark chocolate. He knew that you could not eat cold pizza, or that when you were nervous you bit your right thumb nail. He knew that you had to drink coffee with like, at least a pound of sugar and you hated carrots. Zayn knew all the little things that made you who you are. He couldn’t help but wonder if your boyfriend knew those things like he did. Zayn liked to think that he did not. He liked to think that he was the only one who knew you like that or paid attention to those details. Zayn had sculpted you into his own masterpiece and he was crazy over you. He didn’t know how that with everything he learned, every little detail it only made him love you more. “Does he know where you are?” He asked, his breath fog in the night. You shrugged. You and him had been fighting again and you hadn’t been answering any of his calls. Zayn just didn’t get it. Here he was- loving you, understanding you, accepting you and yet you still chose that asshole to be with. “Do you think you should call him?” Zayn was just trying to do his duty as best friend, he didn’t actually want you to call him. You looped your arm through his and kept walking, your head on his shoulder. “Why can’t all guys be as wonderful as you?” You murmured shocking him. He debated on opening his mouth, telling you he had loved you from the start but nothing came. “I guess it’s cause I love him,” you said softly, answering the phone call that broke through the silence and broke Zayns heart.

Harry: He’d never seen anyone with so much energy before. You were dancing around his apartment. It was because you were comfortable that you were able to dance like such an idiot. He smiled and watched you crank the volume on his streo higher, your fair flying. If your boyfriend knew about this side of you, Harry seriously doubted he loved it as much as he did. “You look like an idiot,” he said in utter adoration of you. You laughed and held out your hands for him to come join. Your song came on and you yelled, singing at the top of your lungs into your fist. He bopped around the living room with you, laughing and singing along. How could you be with someone else when you had moments like this with Harry? How could you leave and go to someone else when you were so yourself with him? He knew you didn’t have a relationship like this with your boyfriend and he just didn’t get it. It could be so effortless, like breathing. You spun him under your arm, making him fold in half to get under your arm. “This is way too fun,” you said pushing your hair off your face. Harry grinned and put on a slower song and pulled you into his chest. He knew he couldn’t have you the way he wanted you, but at least he could dance with you and that was good enough for now.

Liam: He watched your hips move and he groaned. Damn, you could dance. You licked your lips in invitation and he closed his eyes. You’d always been best friends, it’d always been platonic up until the last few weeks. Something was changing for Liam, he couldn’t put his finger on it but suddenly, he was so mad you had a boyfriend. Especially now when he was aching to get his hands on you. You loved your boyfriend- you never cheated. But Liam was thinking of breaking all the rules tonight. Did he know you could move like that? He didn’t think so. Because if Liam was your boyfriend, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight knowing your hips could move so sensually. And he could only conclude your boyfriend didn’t know. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, his hands digging into your skin as he moved his hips with yours. “Slow down!” He yelled over the music. Your hips didn’t stop. Rocking back and forth and then moving to slow circles had Liam moaning, his body betraying him. You spun around and linked your hands behind his neck, eyes just as dark as his was. Everything was changing tonight, lines were blurring and Liam couldn’t take it anymore, he kissed you. Rough, greedy and desperate kisses as his hands tangled in your hair. He wanted you so bad it was insane, he never felt like this about anyone. There were no words to describe what you did to him or what he did to you. It was unexplainable-but then again, Liam wasn’t really looking for answers. All he knew was that after tonight-you could never go back.

Louis: He stared at your profile, his eyes memorizing every small detail. A light smattering of freckles on your nose, long eye lashes and a full, lush mouth. Those eye lashes fluttered opened and you looked at him, making Louis heart stop in his chest. Did your boyfriend know how you laid as you looked at him? It was more than just friends. Nothing was that simple anymore. The lines were blurred and Louis didn’t understand what was happening. You were taken, he understood and respected that. But that didn’t mean he didn’t find himself bewitched by you. He did. And if he guessed right, you were just as captivated. “What are you looking at?” You asked softly, rolling to your side and looking at him. “You,” he said matching your position. “And what do you see?” You asked gently, heart in your throat. He smiled and touched your nose. He loved you, so he couldn’t be selfish with you no matter how much he tried. “Everything I wanted but could never have.” You smiled sadly at him and pressed your hand to his heart. You understood, you might be taken but Louis always had your heart.

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