Christmas with Lux

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Niall: "Do you see Santa?" He asked, his fingers tickling under her cheek. She whined in protest and buried her nose back into the crook of your neck, her tiny fingers clutching your shirt. "Luxy, don’t you want to tell Santa what you want for Christmas?" You asked, lips feathering over her baby soft forehead. She raised her head and looked at you and then at Santa, mild disdain lingering in her child features. She finally nodded, her hand pressing to your cheek. You smiled and pressed a smacking kiss to her palm to make her laugh. Niall stood with his hands tucked in his jeans as he watched you bounce Lux back and forth, earning loud giggles from the little girl. He shook his head. You’d be a great mom. When the elf hollered next, you and Niall stepped up. As you went to put Lux down she cried out, wrapping her frame around yours. "Want me to come see Santa too?" You whispered, shooting Santa an apologetic look. She nodded and then pointed at Niall too, who had stayed behind. He moved forward, capturing her outstretched hand in his. He kissed her fingers and smiled. "I know what I want for Christmas!" With that, he sat on Santas lap, Lux’s wide eyes on his face. "And what do you want for Christmas this year?" Santa asked Niall. "I want Derby to win the championship," he laughed. Lux eased up in your arms and wiggled down to stand at Santa’s feet. "And you? What would you like?" She let Santa scoop her up and she tugged on his beard for good measure. "Dolls," she whispered, eyes on you. You smiled in encouragement and she began to talk. "Let’s get a picture!" The elf yelled. "What a beautiful family," Santa murmured just before the shot was taken. You looked at Niall who was flushing and smiled. It was easy to pretend Lux was your daughter and that you and Niall were husband and wife. In fact, it was so easy to see your heart panged in your chest. Niall would make a great dad and a great husband. As you walked off holding Lux’s little hand, Niall stared. He’d make you a wife, he thought to himself, and a mother at that. You were too wonderful, and he wanted to give you the world.

Harry: "Snow!" Lux bellowed, face pressed to the window. Harry laughed and moved behind her, his large hands wrapping around her from behind. "Snow, pretty girl," he said watching the thick flakes fall. "Snow!" She bellowed again. You moved in from the kitchen, hot chocolate in your hands. "Lux!" You said in surprise, her wide eyes moved to your face. "This calls for some snowmen, don’t you think?" Her eyes got bigger- if that was possible and she screamed, charging off the couch to wrap around your legs. You and Harry were baby sitting tonight, giving Lou some much needed time off. Harry watched her cling to you, like a child did to their mother and he sighed. He was having some major parental feelings right now. You smiled at him and handed him the hot chocolate as you knelt down to bundle Lux up in her snow clothes. She was barely keeping still, her excitement so strong. Once you shoved the hat on her head, she made a bee line for the back door. "Slow your roll," you laughed, hopping foot to foot trying to get your boots on. "Don’t forget your hat, baby," Harry said tugging it down over your head. He kissed your nose and gave your ass a smack as you ran after Lux who was trying to jail break from the kitchen. You slid open the slider and she tore out, her tiny little boots kicking up sow in her wake. "Look!" Her face was to the sky and she was holding out her tongue, catching the flakes. "So cold," she squealed, bending down to scoop up some snow. You started to roll up the base for the snowman, Lux running in circles to find twigs for the arms. Harry was leaning in the door frame, his arms folded across his chest. He watched you scoop some sow and throw it in Lux’s direction, making her squeal. Damn, you would make a great mom. He watched you interact with her, the kindness and patience you showed and something inside him shifted. He never really imagined having a relationship because of tour and what his job was. He never imagined he’d find someone who made him want to have a family and settle down. But as he watched you roll around in the snow with Lux, Harry knew that he would never be satisfied until there was a curly haired boy running around his house, with his eyes and his mothers smile. You, he wanted a family with you. 

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