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Ashton: Soft hiccups escape your throat and you try to stop the tears from falling, but his words unleashed the floodgates and it’s clear that they’re not going to be dammed up anytime soon. “Do you feel better?” Your voice cracks as you glare up at him, eyes swollen and irritated from crying. His eyes are glistening as well but he can’t bring himself to speak. You watch numbly as his mouth opens and shuts as if he’s found the words to say, but his body isn’t listening and he’s left looking incredibly stupid. “I’m so-” You stand up abruptly then and push past him. “Save it, Ash. Apologies should only be said if they’re meant.” Seconds after you start towards the stairs you feel his fingers curl around your wrist, gently pulling you back into him. “I do mean it.” His voice is husky and you can tell that he’s about to cry. Tears fill your own eyes when you look up at him; his normally-bright hazel eyes are filled to the brim with liquid. “I’m so sorry.” The three words combined with his gentle touch - so soft and cautious, as if he’ll break you - and expression of emotion cause you to wrap your arms around his waist. “I am too.” You murmur in to his chest and shiver when you feel his lips ghosting your hairline. “I love you so much.” His arms are wrapped around you, holding you against his chest so tightly that it’s like he’s afraid of letting go. “I love you too, babe.” He murmurs, closing his eyes as the tears finally begin to fall.

Calum: "WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THAT YOU’VE BEEN FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND?!" He shouts, startling you and causing you to stumble and trip over the carpet, falling against the wall. "Babe, I.." He trails off and crouches next to you, his eyes filled with concern. Calum’s thumb brushes away your tears and you instantly flinch, ignoring the guilt that flickers through his eyes and trying to slow your fluttering heart. The past few hours have been nothing but arguing and it’s about time that one of you blew up. "I’m so sorry, baby." He murmurs, guilt lacing his tone. You inhale shakily and meet his gaze, not even trying to stop the tears that fall down your cheeks. "It’s not okay, Calum." Your voice cracks. "And I’m not sure if it ever will be, especially if you can’t trust me." Guilt is written all over his face and he closes his eyes. "I’m sorry that I’m a jealous person, Y/N. I’m sorry that I’m insecure, and I can’t stand the thought of you being with another guy but me. I’m sorry that I want to be the only one who touches you, the only one who gets to love you. I’m sorry." You glance up at him through your lashes. "I didn’t know you felt that way." He shrugs and starts to stand. "Yeah, well it doesn’t make a diff-" He gasps in surprise when your lips meet his. His hands instinctively grip your waist and his lips press harder against yours, causing you to smile in to the kiss. Maybe things would be okay.

Luke: Heat rises to your cheeks as you feel his gaze on you, his brilliant blue eyes following every move as you remove the necessary supplies from the first aid kit. His eyes stay on your face as you dab the cut on his cheekbone, his sharp intake of breath being the only sound in the kitchen. “You’re an idiot.” You murmur, your eyes finally meeting his. His right eyebrow quirks in curiosity and you continue to clean his cuts. You hand him a bag of frozen vegetables and instruct him to hold it against his bruising eye while you put bandages on the rest of his injuries. The night had been great until you were walking home and a few drunk men began whistling at you from across the street. It was easy to ignore at first - it wasn’t the first time and they weren’t particularly close to where you were walking - but when the derogatory names and profanities began to leave their lips, Luke had snapped. Despite your harsh whispers and tugs on his arm he refused to let it go. The cops had nearly gotten there before you were finally able to drag him away, his eyes filled with fire and knuckles covered in the blood of another man. “Shit.” He breathes as you’re tending to his split lip. “Don’t be a baby,” You murmur, smiling slightly when he scoffs. “Well, I am an idiot.” His brilliant blue eyes are mischievous and your smile widens. “Yeah, you are an idiot.” You kiss him softly as to not irritate his lip. “But you’re my idiot.”

Michael: "It’s really not a big deal, Y/N.. I had some fun, so what? I’m still young." Michael gestures wildly to the empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans around him and it becomes obvious to you that he’s still a bit drunk. "You’re such an asshole." You murmur and you’re halfway to the bedroom before he pulls you back roughly. "What was that?" He slurs, the grip on your forearm tightening to the point that you cry out. His face falters and he loosens his grip before stepping back in shock. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and glare at him. "I said you’re an asshole, Michael. And it looks like you’ve just proved that." You storm towards the bedroom and it’s not until the door is slammed shut that the tears begin to fall. Hours later, your cheeks barely dried, you hear a tentative knock on your door. Your lack of response causes him to knock again, his voice feeble and guilty as it echoes through the door. "Babe, please open up. I’m sorry." It’s silent for a few minutes and you assume that he’s walked away before the door opens and he sets a screwdriver on the nightstand. "I’m so sorry, baby. I love you more than anything else and I’m sorry I was such an asshole. The house is clean and I’ve got takeout ready and movies in the DVD player. I know it’s going to take more than that, but it’s a start. Please come join me?" Despite his stupidity, you can’t help but smile and take his outstretched hand. "Of course." You whisper, entwining your fingers and following him to the living room.

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